
New Driver's License Regulations! C1, C2 self-study and self-exam? Someone with five years of driving experience in the family can teach you!

author:Watermelon rambling

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New Driver's License Regulations! C1, C2 self-study and self-exam? Someone with five years of driving experience in the family can teach you!

New driver's license rules? Blessed are those who haven't taken the driver's license test, their own family can teach it, and those who have a driver's license for five years can.


So the family teaches to really fight!

New Driver's License Regulations! C1, C2 self-study and self-exam? Someone with five years of driving experience in the family can teach you!

It's true, the coach car has a co-pilot, so it is recommended that you go to a driving school to learn.

New Driver's License Regulations! C1, C2 self-study and self-exam? Someone with five years of driving experience in the family can teach you!

I don't know if I can do it or not, but the vast majority of people who drive have road rage! I don't know if I will slap you twice!

New Driver's License Regulations! C1, C2 self-study and self-exam? Someone with five years of driving experience in the family can teach you!

Don't do it! I'm afraid that at this moment, the little padded jacket will become the target of the beating.

New Driver's License Regulations! C1, C2 self-study and self-exam? Someone with five years of driving experience in the family can teach you!

Have you ever been hinted at by the coach when you took the driver's license test? When the editor was taking the third subject, the coach stomped his feet frantically below.

New Driver's License Regulations! C1, C2 self-study and self-exam? Someone with five years of driving experience in the family can teach you!

Safety is the most important thing [covering your face] Let's go to the driving school.

New Driver's License Regulations! C1, C2 self-study and self-exam? Someone with five years of driving experience in the family can teach you!

It's possible to teach you together, but I don't know if you can't drive it or not, whether they will beat you together. [covers face]

New Driver's License Regulations! C1, C2 self-study and self-exam? Someone with five years of driving experience in the family can teach you!

It's still a professional person doing a professional thing! It's good if you don't hit you retrograde. [covers face]

New Driver's License Regulations! C1, C2 self-study and self-exam? Someone with five years of driving experience in the family can teach you!

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