
Nutritious Breakfast, Mediterranean Diet Secrets 72

author:Kutani Aliang said parenting
Nutritious Breakfast, Mediterranean Diet Secrets 72

Hello everyone, I'm Ryo Kutani, a nutritionist, and today's topic is: Nutritious Breakfast, Mediterranean Diet Mysteries 72,

Now to the topic:

The longer you eat a nutritious breakfast, the greater the distance between you and your peers, and the younger you are from the inside out, which is an objective fact for too many people, hundreds of thousands of millions!

All kinds of flour, olive oil, coconut oil, walnut oil, cereal, mixed seeds, together into a bowl of nutritious paste

Nutritious Breakfast, Mediterranean Diet Secrets 72

Balanced nutrition, only balanced is nutritious

Serious nutritional imbalance is actually the fundamental problem of all modern sub-health, and the core of this fundamental problem is that people think that they have eaten enough and are good enough, but the truth is too far away.

The side effects of eating our nutritious breakfast every day are: a stronger physique, more energy, more emotional stability, a younger appearance, and a calmer mentality

Nutritional imbalance: Deficiencies in certain important nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals and proteins, can lead to an unhealthy immune system, dysfunction and increased risk of disease

Nutritious Breakfast, Mediterranean Diet Secrets 72

Many people say that the spleen and stomach are poor, but they don't know how to nourish the spleen and stomach, give gastric mucosa repair materials, increase gastric peristalsis, increase enzymes for food decomposition and digestion, and synthesize digestive juices, so as to improve the nutrient absorption rate and reduce the burden


Because, damage-repair-raw materials-nutrients, this is the underlying logic of the body's ability to repair, renew and heal itself.

Treat your body loyally, every day~

For health, the fundamental thing is to be true to yourself and have a reliable and sure commitment to your body!

Cultivate certain things into lifelong habits, so that health becomes a lifelong necessity!

Nutritious Breakfast, Mediterranean Diet Secrets 72

The most important thing in life is not only length, but also quality.

If you are not suffering from illness and can take care of yourself in your old age,

will be more dignified and of quality.

If you also want to catch a special car for health and longevity,

Then the only way to go through anti-aging, not to be missed~

Well, this health knowledge will be shared here for the time being

Empty Valley Aliang will carry out health knowledge popularization classes online every day, welcome to learn, during which questions will be answered, hoping to solve your health problems.

Many people came here, perhaps through the four words "Empty Valley A Liang", found me on the Internet, and said very excitedly: The result of searching for the four words "Empty Valley A Liang" on the whole network turned out to be you. I am very excited and can't wait to raise my health problems, and Kutani Ah Liang is also very happy to answer your questions. It's just a health problem, and you need to take the first responsibility for your own health and take the initiative to learn for a long time.

I'm Ryo Kutani, a nutritionist who can solve problems

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