
Is it possible to find a daughter-in-law around 25 at the age of 40 who is financially free? The operation of netizens is amazing

author:Watermelon rambling

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Is it possible to find a daughter-in-law around 25 at the age of 40 who is financially free? The operation of netizens is amazing
Is it possible to find a daughter-in-law around 25 at the age of 40 who is financially free? The operation of netizens is amazing

Young and beautiful, it is difficult to be diligent and thrifty.

Young and beautiful and thrifty housekeepers are often in conflict, because unless beauty is blessed, follow-up maintenance costs money, and if you are diligent and thrifty, most of them ...... It's hard to be pretty, at least it's hard to be pretty all the time.

First of all, whether the subject is as rich as he described is not mentioned first (some respondents picked up his previous answer, which does not match the description);

Secondly, even if you have money as he said, look at the criteria for choosing a mate: isn't that it: use money to tempt a girl who doesn't have a long brain to take the bait, and then you don't want to spend money on others

Don't you think about Bai Piao, a stupid girl?

Is it possible to find a daughter-in-law around 25 at the age of 40 who is financially free? The operation of netizens is amazing

His financial freedom is the freedom of the vegetable market and the freedom to be diligent and thrifty. It's not LV freedom, it's not nightclub freedom. Although he has a little more money than ordinary people, it is really only a little more, and he has to save it. His demand for thrift was based on the requirements of the actual situation. If the woman is not diligent and thrifty, his little money will be used up in a few years, and how can he still provide for the elderly.

He just wanted to find a young and mindless girl, similar to the nature of a little nanny. A really good girl wouldn't serve an uncle who wasn't much younger than her father for this money.

Is it possible to find a daughter-in-law around 25 at the age of 40 who is financially free? The operation of netizens is amazing

It's too easy, if you don't have money, you're not a man in the eyes of a woman, you find a wife when you're young, but you don't succeed in your career, and you will be abandoned later. Because in the choice of smart women, the man himself is not the focus, but the most important thing is what the man has, identity, status, wealth, resources, and connections.

Is it possible to find a daughter-in-law around 25 at the age of 40 who is financially free? The operation of netizens is amazing

The children of the real family are the first choice for high IQ and conduct, followed by appearance, of course, it is better to have both, the kind of basic family inheritance that only chooses appearance and ignores the first two can not pass three generations, and this is the case with the cultivation and reading heirloom. Frankly, the choice of the dean was a great failure.

I have a friend, standard white rich beauty, in addition to all the flaunting wealth you described, only surpassed, enviable is that he found a handsome husband of the same age, all kinds of pampering, and gave birth to two handsome sons. On his son's birthday, his grandparents gave him a whole floor of office buildings, one floor per person. I lost more than 10 million in financial management, saying that I had my own private money, and I didn't dare to tell my husband about it, for fear of laughing at her stupidity. Seeing her show off her wealth, I felt that everyone around me was low, including myself, of course, and then I never felt unhappy again, and everyone else under her was like me [covering my mouth], and she, a god-like existence, was not comparable. Thanks to the fact that I have money and happiness and medical beauty help, I am still like a girl in my twenties, and her skin and body are managed quite well. Yes, because I am a college roommate, otherwise how could I meet such a rich person, haha.

Is it possible to find a daughter-in-law around 25 at the age of 40 who is financially free? The operation of netizens is amazing

Some young and inexperienced simple girls may be deceived.

Many men are middle-aged and have a little money, so they want to find a young, beautiful and temperamental daughter-in-law, this impulse is understandable, but a little rational is not enough to really think about it. A life partner needs to be on the same frequency, at the same stage of life, with similar needs and goals. Especially at the age of 45, there is a high probability that a man is downhill in all aspects, and a girl is 30 years old and mature, if she has good conditions and some ability, she must have other ideas, such as dressing up to travel around, such as entering a new industry to learn and explore, she is looking forward to a richer experience in the maturity of life. The life with the old man is no better, and the old man knows that he can't do it, and he begins to be weird and deny the girl's choice, because these do not meet his needs. The old man needs a nanny and a lover by his side, so there is no harmony. The best option for a young daughter-in-law is to take the money and leave. The key to finding a partner is to recognize your own situation, and the relationship that meets the needs of both parties can be long-term and stable.

Is it possible to find a daughter-in-law around 25 at the age of 40 who is financially free? The operation of netizens is amazing

Not to mention traveling abroad, we can't even go to the hot springs for half a day with old men, and many people can't.

The main thing is to look at the looks, rich + fitness + refreshing, not to mention 40, 50 can look like early 30s, very temperamental. When encountering this, the girl said, wow, I met Uncle Handsome.

As for the kind of simple rich, pot-bellied poop + oily face + scarce hair, not to mention 50, 30 is enough to unappetize. When encountering this, the girl says, wow, I met an old man.

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