
What are the schemes of illegal fundraising?

author:Mall media
What are the schemes of illegal fundraising?
What are the schemes of illegal fundraising?
What are the schemes of illegal fundraising?

"Low threshold, zero risk, high interest, daily rebate"

Have you ever been tempted by so many temptations?

Ten million alarms!

These are all "blind methods" for illegal fundraising!

What is illegal fundraising?

How to prevent illegal fundraising?

Avoid falling into the trap of illegal fundraising?

Let's find out

What is illegal fundraising

Illegal fundraising refers to the act of soliciting funds from unspecified targets by promising to repay principal and interest or giving other investment returns without the permission of the financial management department of the State Council in accordance with the law or in violation of the state's financial management regulations.

What are the schemes of illegal fundraising?


Common schemes of illegal fundraising

Decorate the company's façade and create an illusion of strength. Criminals often set up companies and go through formalities such as industrial and commercial licenses and tax registration, which seem to be legitimate, but in fact they do not have financial qualifications.

Fabricate investment projects to lure the masses into being deceived. The form has gradually been upgraded, packaged as investment and wealth management, wealth management, financial mutual wealth management, overseas listing, private equity and other various wealth management projects, and promises to be guaranteed, repurchased, low risk, high return, etc.

Confusing the concept of investment is difficult for ordinary people to judge. Criminals trumpet listing on local stock exchanges as listing, and confuse listing on the OTCBB market in the United States as listing on NASDAQ; Some use new terms such as electronic gold, investment funds, and online foreign exchange speculation to confuse the masses and falsely claim to be new investment tools or financial products.

Promise high returns and concoct the myth of "getting rich". At first, the criminals cashed the principal and interest of the early investors on time and in full, and then demolished the east wall to make up the west wall, and used the money of later generations to cash in the previous principal and interest, and when they reached a certain scale, they secretly transferred the funds and absconded with the money.

What are the schemes of illegal fundraising?


Prevent illegal fundraising

"Three essentials, three unnecessary"


There will be no pie in the sky, and what will fall is either a "trap" or a "trap". Stick to the bottom line of rationality, and don't be blinded by the gambling mentality and luck psychology!

Be steady, don't take risks

High yield means high risk, and it can also be an investment scam, and you will lose all your money if you invest once! It is necessary to reasonably assess one's own tolerance, prudently determine the willingness to take risks, and do not take risks!

Be vigilant, don't be blind

"Rich returns, attractive conditions, rare opportunities, and limited places" are all likely to be fools, so we must be vigilant, vigilant, and vigilant!

What are the schemes of illegal fundraising?


Common areas of elderly care

Types of Illegal Fundraising

Illegal fundraising in the name of providing "pension services".

Some institutions have obviously exceeded the bed supply capacity to promise services, and illegally raised funds in the form of charging members high membership fees, security deposits, or recharging membership cards in the name of applying for "VIP cards", "membership cards", "prepaid cards", and prepaying "pension service fees".

Illegal fundraising in the name of investing in "pension projects".

In the name of investing, joining, or investing in health care and pension bases, some institutions or enterprises illegally raise funds through return-to-principal sales, sale-leaseback, agreed repurchase, promise of high interest, and "private equity funds" in the name of selling fictitious pension apartments or renting pension beds for a long time or selling the right to use pension apartments.

Illegal fundraising in the name of selling "products for the elderly".

Some enterprises do not have the true content of the goods they sell or do not have the main purpose of selling the goods, and adopt the methods of commodity repurchase, consignment sales, consumption rebates, free physical examinations, free travel, gifts, conference marketing, health lectures, expert free consultations, etc., to deceive and induce the elderly and carry out illegal fund-raising.

Illegal fundraising in the name of claiming "housing for the elderly".

For the purpose of illegal occupation, some enterprises induce the elderly to sign "loans" or disguised "loans", "mortgages", "guarantees" and other related agreements by holding promotion meetings and community publicity, mortgage houses to obtain loan funds, and then use the funds to purchase their "wealth management products" and promise to pay high interest to carry out illegal fund-raising.

What are the schemes of illegal fundraising?


Prevent the field of elderly care

Illegal fundraising proposals

To "see", whether the company has the license to operate the "pension business" issued by the civil affairs department, and whether it has the qualification to finance the society;

It is necessary to "ask", consult more opinions from children and legal workers, or listen to the professional opinions and suggestions of civil affairs, public security, the People's Bank of China, the Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, and local financial supervision and other departments;

It is necessary to "learn", listen to and watch radio and television, study newspapers and books, and improve the ability to identify risks.

What are the schemes of illegal fundraising?
What are the schemes of illegal fundraising?

Source: State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration