
They are actually biological father and son! I won't be the last to know, will I?

author:AG advances

In the entertainment industry, the second generation of stars seems to have a road paved with flowers by nature.

Their names shine early because of the light of their fathers.

Under this light, some people choose to enjoy comfort, but they are criticized for their lack of strength;

They are actually biological father and son! I won't be the last to know, will I?

But there are also people who work silently and prove their existence with strength.

And the following second-generation stars are low-key and powerful.

They used their absolute strength to tell us that in the entertainment industry, strength is the most solid stage.

They are actually biological father and son! I won't be the last to know, will I?

01. Liao Fan

Liao Fan, this name has long become a symbol of strength in the Chinese film and television industry.

Spy war dramas and suspense dramas are full of him, and he has won many awards.

They are actually biological father and son! I won't be the last to know, will I?

However, when it comes to Liao Fan, behind his name is his father Liao Bingyan - an old artist with a high status in the theater industry.

Liao Bingyan, the head of the Hunan Provincial Repertory Theatre, is a famous first-class drama performance artist.

In his life, he has performed many classic dramas and film and television works, and created countless unforgettable characters, which are deeply loved and respected by the audience.

They are actually biological father and son! I won't be the last to know, will I?

Sprouting in such a fertile soil of art, Liao Fan's growth path is naturally different from ordinary people.

On his shoulders is not only the reputation of the family, but also heavy expectations and challenges.

What is surprising is that under this pressure, it also miraculously nourishes his indomitable spiritual roots.

They are actually biological father and son! I won't be the last to know, will I?

After growing up, Liao Fan refused to take shortcuts with his father's fame, and instead embarked on a rugged journey alone.

On this road, there is no focus of magnesium lights, only countless obscure character tempering.

During the filming of the action movie "Master", he practiced more than 700 hours of kung fu; During the filming of the movie "The Great Cause of the Founding of the Party", he was injured and hit steel nails, and 12 were hit on a small shoulder.

They are actually biological father and son! I won't be the last to know, will I?

But it is precisely because of Liao Fan's dedication and love for acting that he has gradually emerged in the entertainment industry.

The superb performance in "Fireworks in the Day" lit up the screen of the Berlin Film Festival, and even won him the Silver Bear Award for Best Actor in one fell swoop, creating a precedent for a Chinese actor to win an award on this international stage.

The brilliance of this moment is the most beautiful echo of Liao Fan's deep teachings to his father, and it is also the best testimony of the silent cultivation in those years.

They are actually biological father and son! I won't be the last to know, will I?

02. Zhang Zhen

Some friends may not be familiar with this name, but he is an absolute "acting school".

At the age of 15, he stepped into the entertainment industry under the influence of his father.

As soon as he debuted, he showed amazing acting skills in "Guling Street Juvenile Homicide", and was nominated for the Golden Horse Award for Best Actor.

They are actually biological father and son! I won't be the last to know, will I?

Zhang Zhen stepped into the public eye for the first time, breaking the age boundary in the entertainment industry, allowing people to see the acting talent beyond their age.

Time passes, from the wild Luo Xiaohu in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" to the deep ray of heaven in "The Grandmaster", Zhang Zhen's transition between roles is unforgettable.

They are actually biological father and son! I won't be the last to know, will I?

In the world of light and shadow, Zhang Zhen practices his awe and love for performing arts with his actions, constantly exploring and making breakthroughs.

He used his own strength to turn the word "Zhang Zhen" into a synonym for strength and dedication, rather than a simple "second generation star" symbol.

They are actually biological father and son! I won't be the last to know, will I?

Speaking of which, I still have to mention Zhang Zhen's father. His father, Zhang Guozhu, an evergreen tree in Taiwan's film and television industry, was a household name in the last century. The performance style is varied and loved by everyone.

They are actually biological father and son! I won't be the last to know, will I?

03. Dong Zijian

When it comes to Dong Zijian, everyone's first reaction is his mother Wang Jinghua, who has cultivated Ren Quan, Li Bingbing, Hu Jun, Fan Bingbing and many other first-line stars as the "No. 1 agent in the Beijing circle".

But in fact, his father is also "a mountain" in the entertainment industry. 's father, Dong Zhihua, a famous Peking Opera martial arts actor, has left his wonderful figure in dramas such as "Kung Fu", "Book of Swords and Enmity", "Snow Mountain Flying Fox" and other dramas.

They are actually biological father and son! I won't be the last to know, will I?

Since childhood, he has been swimming in a sea of art. Such a growth environment could have made it easy for him to take the Starlight Express laid by his parents and go directly to the other side of success.

However, Dong Zijian wanted to swim against the current, rejected the innate superiority, and decided to go out of his own way.

He worked silently in one work after another, constantly challenging various types of roles.

They are actually biological father and son! I won't be the last to know, will I?

With the appearance of "Youth Pie", he proved his strength and won the recognition of the audience and industry insiders.

and then "Big River", which proved his ability to grasp the inner world of the characters, and portrayed the characters in the play well.

They are actually biological father and son! I won't be the last to know, will I?

In addition to what has been mentioned, there are also some "second generation stars" who also use their own persistence and talent to write their own chapters.

Yang Jue is charming in dramas such as "The Year in a Hurry" and "Little Husband", but in fact, he is the son of Yang Lixin.

With every precise emotional grasp and meticulous carving of every detail, he gradually built his own audience.

They are actually biological father and son! I won't be the last to know, will I?

Chen Feiyu, the son of director Chen Kaige, has stood on a higher starting line than ordinary people since he was born.

But that didn't stop him, it fueled his desire to run forward.

In works such as "Secret Fruit" and "The Best of Us", he used his delicate acting skills to show his maturity beyond age and his deep understanding of the role.

They are actually biological father and son! I won't be the last to know, will I?

The identity of the second generation of stars may be able to open a door, but what can really stand firm and win applause is personal talent and unremitting sweat.