
Can't hold it back! Wu Yanni prepared before the game, Xia Sining couldn't help laughing, and glanced at Wu Yanni with her spare eyes

author:I look at the world with a hard time

Recently, the two bright stars in our women's hurdles circle, Wu Yanni and Xia Sining, brought a lot of laughter to everyone on the warm-up field. The scene that day was just like the comedy we usually watched, which made people laugh.

Can't hold it back! Wu Yanni prepared before the game, Xia Sining couldn't help laughing, and glanced at Wu Yanni with her spare eyes

As soon as Wu Yanni appeared, she was so confident that she could compete with the scorching sun in summer.

When she came up, she directly moved Xia Sining's runner to a position, this move made Xia Sining next to her a little confused, and she thought in her heart: "Sister Ni, what are you doing here?" ”

However, Xia Sining, the girl, reacted quickly, and then showed a surprised and playful expression, as if to say, "Sister Ni, you are too direct!" ”

Can't hold it back! Wu Yanni prepared before the game, Xia Sining couldn't help laughing, and glanced at Wu Yanni with her spare eyes

Immediately afterwards, Wu Yanni's signature action appeared, pointing to the sky, as if telling the world: "Look at me!" At this time, Xia Sining's eyes became the focus of the audience.

Her smart afterglow seemed to be saying to Wu Yanni: "Sister Ni, you want to go to heaven!" The tacit understanding and interaction between the two is really interesting to watch.

Can't hold it back! Wu Yanni prepared before the game, Xia Sining couldn't help laughing, and glanced at Wu Yanni with her spare eyes

Netizens watched this video and left messages: "Xia Sining's eyes are really funny, little girl, let's get it real on the field!" Everyone also has their own opinions on Wu Yanni's small actions.

Can't hold it back! Wu Yanni prepared before the game, Xia Sining couldn't help laughing, and glanced at Wu Yanni with her spare eyes

Some people think that it is normal for athletes to have their own little habits, after all, everyone has their own characteristics; But some people believe that too many small actions are not good, and it is easy to affect the fairness of the game.

Can't hold it back! Wu Yanni prepared before the game, Xia Sining couldn't help laughing, and glanced at Wu Yanni with her spare eyes

But then again, didn't Liu Xiang's iconic moves back then also become part of his personal style?

Can't hold it back! Wu Yanni prepared before the game, Xia Sining couldn't help laughing, and glanced at Wu Yanni with her spare eyes

In the arena of competitive sports, strength is the last word. This is not a place for modesty, but a battlefield to show your true level. Wu Yanni and Xia Sining, not only have superb attainments in technology, but even their appearance is so online, how can such a combination not make people fall for it?

Can't hold it back! Wu Yanni prepared before the game, Xia Sining couldn't help laughing, and glanced at Wu Yanni with her spare eyes

All in all, in this pre-game warm-up, Wu Yanni and Xia Sining used their unique ways to bring a double feast of vision and soul to the audience. The interaction between the two beautiful athletes not only shows the friendship between them, but also allows people to see the human side of competitive sports. No matter what the future holds, I believe that their stories will continue to write new chapters on the field.

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