
This is a real photograph of the surface of Mars, where Curiosity has found many strange objects

author:The sound of the wind is idle


On May 14, 2021, NASA's Curiosity rover staggered a photo while exploring Mars, in which we saw some strange objects, which NASA deliberately marked as some stones on the surface of Mars.

This is a real photograph of the surface of Mars, where Curiosity has found many strange objects

However, when we look closely, we will find that these "stones" are not actually stones, what are these objects, and what kind of relationship does it have?

Curiosity's exploration on Mars.

The Curiosity rover is a rover that NASA arrived on Mars in 2012.

Mars was a very successful Mars exploration activity, and after the rover arrived on Mars, the rover faced the steep Martian ground and explored curiously.

This is a real photograph of the surface of Mars, where Curiosity has found many strange objects

In the process of exploring Mars, the rover is not only able to complete all the tasks on the exploration path alone, but also faces the challenges of extreme environmental conditions such as temperatures up to -20°C on the surface of Mars and sandstorms on Mars.

Mars exploration is currently the most successful Mars exploration activity in the world, and the biggest role of the Mars rover in the process of completing exploration on Mars is to help scientists on Earth understand a lot of things on Mars.

This is a real photograph of the surface of Mars, where Curiosity has found many strange objects

The rovers that participated in Mars exploration after that were also of high scientific value.

As the rover walks on Mars, it autonomously explores its surroundings, photographs its surroundings, and sends what the camera captures back to Earth.

In the exploration environment, the huge environment of Mars, light reflection and other information can be photographed, which can help to implement various exploration missions and turn human exploration goals on Mars from a fictional idea into a real existence.

This is a real photograph of the surface of Mars, where Curiosity has found many strange objects

In the Mars exploration mission, there will always be a certain error in the photos taken by the rover, so the photos taken by the rover still need to be analyzed by researchers on Earth in order to finally come up with a realistic explanation.

Although the images taken by the rover are affected by many environments, scientists can still have a certain understanding of the Martian environment when distinguishing these images.

This is a real photograph of the surface of Mars, where Curiosity has found many strange objects

However, when the rover explores Mars, it also faces dangers beyond people's imagination, because when Apollo landed on the moon, the environment on the moon was not very harsh, but the environment on Mars was so harsh that it was far from the living conditions of human beings.

This is a real photograph of the surface of Mars, where Curiosity has found many strange objects

Numerous strange objects.

However, a photo taken during the exploration of the Curiosity rover puzzled NASA researchers, although the environment in this photo taken by Curiosity looked unremarkable, but some of the "stones" in the image made NASA researchers very curious.

This is a real photograph of the surface of Mars, where Curiosity has found many strange objects

When NASA released the photo, NASA specifically marked something special on it, and in the photo we can see a "man" lying reading a book, something that looks very much like a "penguin" and a "pavilion".

When people see these markers, they just think that they are just markers, and when they look at the photos, they think that these marks are being marked by scientists on Mars.

However, in everyday life, we also notice all kinds of things that resemble objects.

This is a real photograph of the surface of Mars, where Curiosity has found many strange objects

When we first see this picture, we must be very curious about the environment in this photo, but when we see the marker, we will let go of our curiosity and think that NASA has randomly marked the "stones" on Mars.

However, there are rules on the beach, and there must be some rules on Mars, the stones on the earth are weathered over hundreds of millions of years, and when volcanoes erupt or geological activities on the earth, lava will smooth out the stones on the surface.

This is a real photograph of the surface of Mars, where Curiosity has found many strange objects

Therefore, the stones on the earth do not look special, but the stones that look like human beings or animals can also make people curious.

Therefore, NASA's marking of these "stones" on Mars is not to make people think that there is something wrong with these "stones", but just to let people focus on these "stones" when they see this photo, and discuss whether there are any artificial imprints in these "stones".

This is a real photograph of the surface of Mars, where Curiosity has found many strange objects

However, when a netizen who has been following Mars exploration for many years saw this photo, he found that in the photo taken by Curiosity, the "stones" marked by NASA were not stones, but some exquisite stone carvings.

So this netizen posted this photo to everyone on the Internet, which caused heated discussions about these "stones", and everyone commented on these "stones".

This is a real photograph of the surface of Mars, where Curiosity has found many strange objects

These stone sculptures look very much like they were made by humans when they were on Mars, where there is evidence of human existence, but given the climate and environment on Mars, these stone sculptures must not have been made by humans.

Therefore, after seeing these photo labels, NASA also decided to set up a special team to test these "stones".

The true identity of these statues.

These photos taken by the Curiosity rover are not the first time that NASA has observed the "stones" on Mars, and there have been a large number of photos from NASA before, but these photos have not found any problems under everyone's attention.

This is a real photograph of the surface of Mars, where Curiosity has found many strange objects

Therefore, after the photos were transmitted to the earth, the researchers only conducted a general study of these "stones", believing that these "stones" were all affected by weathering on Mars, and NASA did not conduct in-depth research.

So after NASA's examination of these photos, NASA experts said that these "stones" were not stones, but statues of animals.

This is a real photograph of the surface of Mars, where Curiosity has found many strange objects

"NASA has carried out an analysis of these 'stones', and according to the results of the analysis, these 'stones' are not stones, but statues of animals," NASA experts said.

Subsequently, NASA also released the specific analysis process of these photos, and in the process of analysis, NASA found that these "stones" are a low-quality and high-hardness stone, which is harder than the stones on Earth.

This is a real photograph of the surface of Mars, where Curiosity has found many strange objects

This stone is a fragment of the stone in the sharp process used by NASA to carry out Mars exploration, after NASA's analysis of the stone in the photo, NASA experts came to the conclusion that this stone is very white, NASA experts analyzed this stone as an artificial stone, and found that this white artificial stone is not like this.

Artificial stones are mixed with some different colors in the process of processing, and the color of this stone is very white.

So according to the analysis of NASA experts, these "stones" are not stones, but animal statues on Mars.

This is a real photograph of the surface of Mars, where Curiosity has found many strange objects

On Earth, statues of various animals such as dragons, phoenixes, and lions can be carved into various different stones, and the same is true on Mars, where humans can carve statues of animals on Mars into various shapes.

However, the ornamental stone carvings on the earth, such as the Pansi Cave, the Temple of Heaven, and the Eternal City, are specially used for viewing, and these stone carvings on Mars are only carved by humans to commemorate the creatures on Mars.

This is a real photograph of the surface of Mars, where Curiosity has found many strange objects

These stone carvings can be seen during the exploration of Mars, which allows people to have a deeper understanding of the local environment, and also paves the way for future human exploration of Mars.


Although NASA experts have analyzed these stone carvings, their origin of these stone carvings is only at the scientific research level.

Although Mars explores Mars, it can only explore a small part of Mars due to its large size.

This is a real photograph of the surface of Mars, where Curiosity has found many strange objects

In the future, with the development of science and technology, it is believed that there will be more discoveries of another human rover located on Mars, "Opportunity".

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