
Why are some people less faithful to their marriages now? Netizen: Work pressure is high and life is fast-paced

author:Comfortable orange DCy

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Why are some people less faithful to their marriages now? Netizen: Work pressure is high and life is fast-paced

Dear friends, I recently saw on the Internet that people are talking about the decline of marital fidelity, and I can't help but want to talk to you about this phenomenon as well. Let's explore why some people seem to be less faithful to their marriages now.

The sharing of many netizens below is simply too true

‬每每看到老夫老妻携手的样子,就会想,原来男人到这么老的时候,会变得这么乖巧啊。 Men are so smart

Why are some people less faithful to their marriages now? Netizen: Work pressure is high and life is fast-paced
Why are some people less faithful to their marriages now? Netizen: Work pressure is high and life is fast-paced

Before I got married, I believed in love. After I got married, I thought I might as well work hard and make money. finally understood the words of the ancients, start a family. Only when you have a family can you start a business, that's true, because after you get married, you will feel that feelings are really something. Hahaha


Why are some people less faithful to their marriages now? Netizen: Work pressure is high and life is fast-paced
Why are some people less faithful to their marriages now? Netizen: Work pressure is high and life is fast-paced

20 or 30 years ago, let alone cheating, playing hooligans before marriage was ruined in minutes, and now he is a scumbag at most

‬这是我看到的本题下最好的回答。 It's not entirely to the point, but the value goes beyond answering the question itself

Why are some people less faithful to their marriages now? Netizen: Work pressure is high and life is fast-paced
Why are some people less faithful to their marriages now? Netizen: Work pressure is high and life is fast-paced
Why are some people less faithful to their marriages now? Netizen: Work pressure is high and life is fast-paced
Why are some people less faithful to their marriages now? Netizen: Work pressure is high and life is fast-paced
Why are some people less faithful to their marriages now? Netizen: Work pressure is high and life is fast-paced
Why are some people less faithful to their marriages now? Netizen: Work pressure is high and life is fast-paced
Why are some people less faithful to their marriages now? Netizen: Work pressure is high and life is fast-paced

It is the first time I have seen someone uphold the same point of view, and the relationship between people in the future is the existence of n to n, and I have benefited a lot from reading it throughout

‬我感觉我在这方面还是挺保守的... I think people should love only one person...

Why are some people less faithful to their marriages now? Netizen: Work pressure is high and life is fast-paced
Why are some people less faithful to their marriages now? Netizen: Work pressure is high and life is fast-paced


Why are some people less faithful to their marriages now? Netizen: Work pressure is high and life is fast-paced
Why are some people less faithful to their marriages now? Netizen: Work pressure is high and life is fast-paced

The probability of love at first sight going to the end is too low, and feelings are based on time to get along


Why are some people less faithful to their marriages now? Netizen: Work pressure is high and life is fast-paced

The older generation plays more, but they don't beep everywhere


Why are some people less faithful to their marriages now? Netizen: Work pressure is high and life is fast-paced

‬感情不和离婚就是了,好聚好散,不要做出伤害彼此的行为。 One last word of thumbs up

Why are some people less faithful to their marriages now? Netizen: Work pressure is high and life is fast-paced


Why are some people less faithful to their marriages now? Netizen: Work pressure is high and life is fast-paced
Why are some people less faithful to their marriages now? Netizen: Work pressure is high and life is fast-paced

This is mainly because families bear the cost of raising children but do not receive the benefits of raising children

‬让每个人能够选择自己喜欢的方式去恋爱我觉得比起丢掉的那一点所谓“宝贵”的情感要重要的多。。 In today's era, people who will be affected by the big environment are afraid that no matter what era they are born in, they will be affected by the big environment

Why are some people less faithful to their marriages now? Netizen: Work pressure is high and life is fast-paced
Why are some people less faithful to their marriages now? Netizen: Work pressure is high and life is fast-paced

Indeed, when I was in high school, everyone could be ambiguous for a whole year, and falling in love was to hold hands and kiss at most. After college, you can see the number of hotels around the school


Why are some people less faithful to their marriages now? Netizen: Work pressure is high and life is fast-paced
Why are some people less faithful to their marriages now? Netizen: Work pressure is high and life is fast-paced
Why are some people less faithful to their marriages now? Netizen: Work pressure is high and life is fast-paced

Now people are too good at playing, and if they have played enough before marriage, they want to find a rich honest man to marry, and then brainwash the honest man after marriage to make the family loyal

Friends, marriage is a very important part of life, and it needs to be managed and maintained with our hearts. In the face of the temptations and challenges in marriage, we must learn to remain faithful and cherish the happiness in front of us. Of course, this is not to say that we have to endure unhappy marriages, but that we should not forget the respect and responsibility for marriage while pursuing personal happiness. So, what do you think about the decline in marital fidelity? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area to share your views

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