
Why is the baby desperately trying to resist and fall asleep even though he is sleepy? Netizen: When the battery is exhausted, it will automatically shut down

author:Comfortable orange DCy

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Why is the baby desperately trying to resist and fall asleep even though he is sleepy? Netizen: When the battery is exhausted, it will automatically shut down

Dear readers and friends, I don't know if you have ever encountered such a situation, the baby at home is obviously so sleepy that he can't open his eyes, but he just doesn't want to sleep, and he has to make a fuss for a while before he stops. Why is that? Today, I'm going to talk to you about it

After reading the sharing of netizens, it is really too real


Why is the baby desperately trying to resist and fall asleep even though he is sleepy? Netizen: When the battery is exhausted, it will automatically shut down
Why is the baby desperately trying to resist and fall asleep even though he is sleepy? Netizen: When the battery is exhausted, it will automatically shut down

‬是的,他不知道怎么睡、什么是睡。 After giving birth to a child for a long time, I realized it

Why is the baby desperately trying to resist and fall asleep even though he is sleepy? Netizen: When the battery is exhausted, it will automatically shut down
Why is the baby desperately trying to resist and fall asleep even though he is sleepy? Netizen: When the battery is exhausted, it will automatically shut down
Why is the baby desperately trying to resist and fall asleep even though he is sleepy? Netizen: When the battery is exhausted, it will automatically shut down


Why is the baby desperately trying to resist and fall asleep even though he is sleepy? Netizen: When the battery is exhausted, it will automatically shut down
Why is the baby desperately trying to resist and fall asleep even though he is sleepy? Netizen: When the battery is exhausted, it will automatically shut down


Why is the baby desperately trying to resist and fall asleep even though he is sleepy? Netizen: When the battery is exhausted, it will automatically shut down
Why is the baby desperately trying to resist and fall asleep even though he is sleepy? Netizen: When the battery is exhausted, it will automatically shut down


Why is the baby desperately trying to resist and fall asleep even though he is sleepy? Netizen: When the battery is exhausted, it will automatically shut down
Why is the baby desperately trying to resist and fall asleep even though he is sleepy? Netizen: When the battery is exhausted, it will automatically shut down


Why is the baby desperately trying to resist and fall asleep even though he is sleepy? Netizen: When the battery is exhausted, it will automatically shut down


Why is the baby desperately trying to resist and fall asleep even though he is sleepy? Netizen: When the battery is exhausted, it will automatically shut down

‬给你点赞,哄娃其实就是个细致活,每个孩子都不一样,需要的点也不一样,慢慢摸索规律。 The only thing in common is patience

Why is the baby desperately trying to resist and fall asleep even though he is sleepy? Netizen: When the battery is exhausted, it will automatically shut down


Why is the baby desperately trying to resist and fall asleep even though he is sleepy? Netizen: When the battery is exhausted, it will automatically shut down

‬当初我家晚上是用的安抚奶嘴,睡着了直接揪出来! Humming a few times in the middle of the night and stuffing your mouth and continuing to sleep in minutes is a great invention!

Why is the baby desperately trying to resist and fall asleep even though he is sleepy? Netizen: When the battery is exhausted, it will automatically shut down
Why is the baby desperately trying to resist and fall asleep even though he is sleepy? Netizen: When the battery is exhausted, it will automatically shut down
Why is the baby desperately trying to resist and fall asleep even though he is sleepy? Netizen: When the battery is exhausted, it will automatically shut down
Why is the baby desperately trying to resist and fall asleep even though he is sleepy? Netizen: When the battery is exhausted, it will automatically shut down


Why is the baby desperately trying to resist and fall asleep even though he is sleepy? Netizen: When the battery is exhausted, it will automatically shut down
Why is the baby desperately trying to resist and fall asleep even though he is sleepy? Netizen: When the battery is exhausted, it will automatically shut down

‬是这样的,抓好了睡觉的点,放下秒睡。 If you miss it, half an hour is considered short. Observe the child's sleep signals~~~ Special movements, expressions, etc., pay more attention to the observation and you will definitely be able to find it~

Why is the baby desperately trying to resist and fall asleep even though he is sleepy? Netizen: When the battery is exhausted, it will automatically shut down

Haha, then you can say three words and let a woman spend 180,000 yuan for you [tears]

Why is the baby desperately trying to resist and fall asleep even though he is sleepy? Netizen: When the battery is exhausted, it will automatically shut down
Why is the baby desperately trying to resist and fall asleep even though he is sleepy? Netizen: When the battery is exhausted, it will automatically shut down


Why is the baby desperately trying to resist and fall asleep even though he is sleepy? Netizen: When the battery is exhausted, it will automatically shut down


Why is the baby desperately trying to resist and fall asleep even though he is sleepy? Netizen: When the battery is exhausted, it will automatically shut down

Dear readers and friends, through the above explanation, I believe you have understood why the baby is very sleepy but desperately resists to sleep. In general, this is due to their physical characteristics, emotional needs, and lifestyle habits. Therefore, when we coax babies to sleep, we should fully understand and respect their needs, give them enough care and companionship, and help them establish good living habits, so that the baby can sleep with peace of mind and grow up healthily

So, dear friends, will this be the case with your baby? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area to share your stories and opinions, and remember to like and follow

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