
I didn't expect that! Academician Yuan Yaxiang spoke, is it difficult for Jiang Ping to make the finals? 64 people scored zero

author:Good dreams
I didn't expect that! Academician Yuan Yaxiang spoke, is it difficult for Jiang Ping to make the finals? 64 people scored zero

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A 17-year-old secondary school girl taught herself programming and challenged the math competition

I didn't expect that! Academician Yuan Yaxiang spoke, is it difficult for Jiang Ping to make the finals? 64 people scored zero

In this era full of opportunities and competition, a 17-year-old secondary school girl, with her enthusiasm and unremitting pursuit of mathematics, broke into the public's field of vision, she is - Jiang Ping, she is not born in a famous school, nor is she talented, but she dares to challenge herself, with action to break the world's prejudices, in the voice of doubt, persistently chasing the dream of mathematics

Jiang Ping's story, like the warm sun in spring, warm and full of strength, her love for mathematics, is not a simple interest, but more like an innate talent and persistence, in the eyes of others boring formulas and symbols, in the eyes of Jiang Ping is full of fun and challenges, she is addicted to the world of mathematics, enjoy the fun of thinking, immersed in the sense of achievement of problem solving, in order to be able to learn mathematics more deeply, Jiang Ping self-taught LTX, which is a professional typesetting language, Often used in the writing of academic papers, it is not easy for a secondary school student to master this language, but Jiang Ping, with tenacious perseverance and love for mathematics, overcame many difficulties and finally mastered this tool

After eight years of hard training, once the sword was bright, the secondary school girl challenged the mathematics competition to prove herself with her strength

I didn't expect that! Academician Yuan Yaxiang spoke, is it difficult for Jiang Ping to make the finals? 64 people scored zero

Mathematics competition, for many people, is an unattainable dream, not to mention a secondary school girl who has not received systematic training, Jiang Ping bravely embarked on this thorny road, but also full of infinite possibilities, she signed up for a high-level mathematics competition, and from all over the country of mathematics elite competition on the same stage, this competition, for Jiang Ping, is not only a test of their own strength, but also a powerful response to those doubts and prejudices

In the face of complex questions, Jiang Ping was calm and calm, clear thinking, showing maturity and stability that did not match her age, she did not retreat because of the strength of the opponent, nor was she flustered because of the pressure of the game, but focused all her attention on the test papers in front of her, and used her accumulated knowledge and wisdom to overcome difficulties one by one

Hot discussion on the Internet: Is the road of mathematics counterattack of secondary school girls accidental or inevitable?

I didn't expect that! Academician Yuan Yaxiang spoke, is it difficult for Jiang Ping to make the finals? 64 people scored zero

Jiang Ping's experience of participating in the mathematics competition, like a stone stirring up a thousand waves, caused an uproar on the Internet, her story was reported by major media, sparked a heated discussion among netizens, some praised her courage and perseverance, and thought that she set an example for young people; There are also those who doubt her strength, believing that her results are just a flash in the pan; What's more, questioning her motives for participating in the competition, thinking that she was hyping herself

In the face of mixed evaluations, Jiang Ping has always maintained humility and calmness, she knows that the evaluation of the outside world is just a passing cloud, what really matters is her inner persistence and pursuit, she was not carried away by the sudden attention, nor was she crushed by the voice of doubt, but chose to prove herself with practical actions, she is more focused on the study and research of mathematics, constantly improve her ability, respond to doubts with better results, and chase her mathematical dream with a firmer pace

The true meaning of education: it should not be limited to schools and teachers, but also stimulate students' inner enthusiasm for learning

I didn't expect that! Academician Yuan Yaxiang spoke, is it difficult for Jiang Ping to make the finals? 64 people scored zero

For a long time, we are accustomed to blaming the responsibility of education on schools and teachers, thinking that as long as children enter good schools and learn from famous teachers, they can achieve excellent results, but Jiang Ping's experience tells us that the true meaning of education is not so simple, in addition to the external environment and resources, it is more important to stimulate students' inner enthusiasm for learning, and cultivate their ability to think independently and solve problems

Every child is an independent individual, all have their own talents and potential, what education should do is to help them discover their interests, stimulate their learning motivation, and guide them to find their own learning methods, rather than binding them to a unified standard and model, just like Jiang Ping, her love for mathematics does not come from the teacher's earnest teachings, but from the inner desire and pursuit, it is this love that supports her to overcome all kinds of difficulties, and finally achieve remarkable results

Breaking prejudices: Secondary school students can also pursue their dreams, and every child deserves a wider sky

I didn't expect that! Academician Yuan Yaxiang spoke, is it difficult for Jiang Ping to make the finals? 64 people scored zero

In the traditional concept, secondary school students are often labeled as "poor grades" and "unproductive", Jiang Ping's appearance, but broke people's stereotypes, proving that secondary school students can also pursue their dreams, can also fly freely in the ocean of knowledge, her story, for countless secondary vocational students to bring hope and encouragement, let them believe that even in a difficult situation, as long as they do not give up their efforts, they will be able to create their own wonderful

What education should do is to create a fairer and free learning environment for them, so that they can freely choose the direction of learning according to their interests and strengths, and give full play to their potential, instead of using scores and rankings to imprison them in a small space and erase their individuality and creativity

In the Internet era, learning has no boundaries, and the self-teaching of secondary school girls has brought new inspiration to the education model

I didn't expect that! Academician Yuan Yaxiang spoke, is it difficult for Jiang Ping to make the finals? 64 people scored zero

With the rapid development of Internet technology, more and more high-quality educational resources have been moved online, breaking the limitations of time and space, so that every child, no matter where they are, can equally access knowledge

Jiang Ping is using the Internet, self-taught LTX and other professional knowledge, and through the network platform, with mathematics enthusiasts from all over the country to communicate and learn, her experience tells us that in the Internet era, learning is no longer limited to the classroom, everyone can become the master of their own learning, as long as they have the enthusiasm and method of learning, they can swim in the ocean of knowledge

From math competitions to life competitions, the journey of a 17-year-old girl to pursue her dreams inspires more young people to pursue their dreams

I didn't expect that! Academician Yuan Yaxiang spoke, is it difficult for Jiang Ping to make the finals? 64 people scored zero

Jiang Ping's story is not only an inspirational story about mathematics, but also a life story about dreams, courage and perseverance, her experience tells us that no matter what kind of environment we are in, no matter how many difficulties we face, as long as we have a dream in our hearts and are willing to work hard for it, we will be able to overcome challenges and realize our own value

In this era full of opportunities and challenges, everyone should be like Jiang Ping, bravely chase their dreams, prove their worth with actions, and create their own wonderful life with hard work

Salute dreams, salute struggle, let us look forward to this 17-year-old girl, in the future on the road of life to create more brilliant achievements!

I didn't expect that! Academician Yuan Yaxiang spoke, is it difficult for Jiang Ping to make the finals? 64 people scored zero

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