
The SIA community in Santaizi Street carried out the "Red Heart to the Party and Guarding Health" to welcome the July 1st health free clinic activity

author:Starlight Media World

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The SIA community in Santaizi Street carried out the "Red Heart to the Party and Guarding Health" to welcome the July 1st health free clinic activity

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members, and consolidate and deepen the achievements of the practice of "I do practical things for the masses". On July 1, the SIA Community of Santaizi Street, together with the Liaoning People's News Network, together with the old Chinese medicine expert team and the Dental Hospital, organized the old party members and residents in the jurisdiction to go to the SIA Community Party and Mass Service Center to participate in the volunteer service activity of welcoming the July 1st health free clinic with the theme of "Red Heart to the Party and Guarding Health".

The SIA community in Santaizi Street carried out the "Red Heart to the Party and Guarding Health" to welcome the July 1st health free clinic activity

During the event, there was an endless stream of residents who came to the free clinic, and the atmosphere was hot, and you could feel the importance of residents to their own health.

The SIA community in Santaizi Street carried out the "Red Heart to the Party and Guarding Health" to welcome the July 1st health free clinic activity

The activity carried out traditional Chinese medicine pulse, blood pressure, blood sugar, physical examination, oral cavity, orthopedic consultation and common disease diagnosis and health guidance, in the measurement of blood pressure, blood sugar reminded the elderly to eat lightly, strengthen exercise, enhance the awareness of diabetes, hypertension and other diseases, encourage them to cultivate healthy living habits, so as to achieve early prevention, early detection and early treatment of diseases. In the hot summer, let the masses experience intimate service.

The party and the masses are interconnected and concentric towards the party. In the next step, the Party Committee of SIA Community will continue to transform the party's spiritual guidance into the driving force for the masses to do practical things, take the party building as the guide and rely on the medical alliance to promote a healthy lifestyle to residents through media publicity, free health clinics, special lectures and other forms, so as to provide deep, detailed and effective services for the residents and create a healthy, happy and harmonious community.

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