
Red heart welcomes the "July 1st" to the party|Visit and condolences to the old party members, and talk about the truth of the original heart

author:Starlight Media World

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Red heart welcomes the "July 1st" to the party|Visit and condolences to the old party members, and talk about the truth of the original heart

On the occasion of the birthday of the "July 1st" party, on the morning of July 1, Comrade Cui Xuye, deputy director of the Minglian Street Office of Huanggu District, and Comrade Ma Dongyang, head of the City Management Office, accompanied by Comrade Wang Huan, secretary of Lianshui Community, visited Gao Zhengkui and Zhang Yongchun, veteran party members of the community, and sent them holiday blessings and 500 yuan of condolences respectively.

Red heart welcomes the "July 1st" to the party|Visit and condolences to the old party members, and talk about the truth of the original heart

Gao Zhengkui and Zhang Yongchun are veteran party members of Lianshui community, who actively participate in various community activities, rush to the front in the volunteer service activities of party members, give full play to the exemplary and leading role of party members, and contribute to the development of the community.

Red heart welcomes the "July 1st" to the party|Visit and condolences to the old party members, and talk about the truth of the original heart

At their home, Director Cui had a long talk with them and listened to their voices, and Uncle Gao said: "Thank you for the party's care for me, which makes me feel warm and gratified. Thank you to the community for taking care of me, and I will do my best to contribute to the development of the community. ”

Through this visit and condolences, it reflects the care of the Lianshui community party organization for the old party members, doing practical things for them, solving problems, continuing to carry out a series of activities such as the "party sent me" warm action, and practicing the concept of serving the people wholeheartedly.