
The AVIC Community of Sitaizi Street held the "Community Convenience Fair" activity of Shengjing Market

author:Starlight Media World

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The AVIC Community of Sitaizi Street held the "Community Convenience Fair" activity of Shengjing Market

In order to deeply practice the concept of "two neighbors", convey the temperature of happiness, and make every effort to build a convenient service atmosphere, on June 30, AVIC Community held the Shengjing Bazaar - Community Convenience Fair" activity in Model Worker Square.


The event was crowded and lively. On the daily necessities sales booth, all kinds of commodities are dazzling, not only good quality and low price, but also complete variety, which greatly meets the daily needs of residents. In the health consultation and free clinic area, the medical staff patiently and meticulously measured the blood pressure and blood sugar of each resident, gave professional and detailed answers to the health problems raised by the residents, and provided scientific and reasonable health advice.

The AVIC Community of Sitaizi Street held the "Community Convenience Fair" activity of Shengjing Market
The AVIC Community of Sitaizi Street held the "Community Convenience Fair" activity of Shengjing Market
The AVIC Community of Sitaizi Street held the "Community Convenience Fair" activity of Shengjing Market

The "Community Convenience Gathering" activity not only brought real convenience to the residents, but also was like a warm bond, narrowing the distance between neighbors, making the residents deeply feel the care and warmth of the community, effectively promoting the construction of a convenient service atmosphere, and adding a touch of bright color to the harmonious development of the community.

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