
"Grass Diet • Diet ~ Five Seasons Adjustment" says Northeast sauerkraut

author:Starlight Media World

The author of this network is Liu Fulong

"Grass Diet • Diet ~ Five Seasons Adjustment" says Northeast sauerkraut

In Liu Fulong's pen, sauerkraut in Northeast China is not only an ordinary dish, but also a kind of culture and emotional sustenance. He once said affectionately: "If there is no sauce in the sauerkraut in the Northeast, it is equivalent to people without souls." This sentence not only shows the perfect combination of sauerkraut and sauce, but also reveals the love and persistence of Northeast people for life.

"Grass Diet • Diet ~ Five Seasons Adjustment" says Northeast sauerkraut

Sauerkraut in Northeast China has a long history and profound cultural heritage. It is not only a frequent guest on the table of Northeast people, but also the sustenance of nostalgia in their hearts. Whenever the autumn wind rises and the cabbage is harvested, every household will be busy pickling sauerkraut, and the strong sour taste seems to be the taste of home, which makes people feel more cordial.

The sauce is the best companion to sauerkraut. Whether it's a rich bean paste or a delicious chili sauce, it can have a wonderful chemical reaction with sauerkraut, making the already delicious sauerkraut even more tempting. In the Northeast, no one can resist the temptation, and every time sauerkraut meets sauce, it triggers a carnival of taste buds.

In his book "Grass Diet, Diet ~ Five Seasons Adjustment", Liu Fulong depicts the perfect combination of sauerkraut and sauce with delicate brushstrokes. He wrote: "The combination of sauerkraut and sauce is like a match made in heaven. The sauerkraut is sour and appetizing, and the sauce is rich and mellow, and the two complement each other and complement each other. With each bite, you can feel the unique flavor dancing on the tip of your tongue, making you intoxicated. ”

Yes, sauerkraut in the Northeast is as if it has lost its soul without sauce. Because sauce is not only a tool for seasoning, but also an emotional sustenance. It carries the Northeast people's longing for their hometown and their yearning for a better life. Every spoonful of sauce embodies the wisdom and sweat of Northeast people, and also witnesses their love and pursuit of life.

"Grass Diet • Diet ~ Five Seasons Adjustment" says Northeast sauerkraut

In Liu Fulong's pen, we seem to be able to feel the strong Northeast style and profound cultural heritage. He used words to present the perfect combination of sauerkraut and sauce vividly, so that we can feel the warmth and family from our hometown while tasting the food.