
Actor's full stop: married "Guo Yadan" for the second time, so that the father-in-law and mother-in-law who lost their son no longer shed tears in their old age

author:Huahua speaks of the world

In the Northeast, a fertile soil that has nurtured countless comedy talents, a young man named Ju Zhaojie has shown extraordinary acting talent since he was a child. This talent not only comes from the humorous cells in the genes of the Northeasterners, but also benefits from his father's exposure in the quyi industry.

Although his father is not well-known in the circle, his solid foundation has laid a solid foundation for Ju Zhaojie's future. Under the guidance of his father, the young Ju Zhaojie became interested in the two of them.

His efforts soon paid off, and at the age of 15, he won a provincial performance award, as if to foreshadow future glory. However, the results of the cultural class were not satisfactory, which made Ju Zhaojie determined to concentrate on studying art performance.

With his love for acting, Ju Zhaojie joined the Shenyang Military Region and became a literary soldier. During his military career, he continued to hone his talents and gain experience for his future career.

Actor's full stop: married "Guo Yadan" for the second time, so that the father-in-law and mother-in-law who lost their son no longer shed tears in their old age

In 1994, the god of fate favored this hardworking young man. In a military region report performance, he met Ye Jinglin, a famous military performance artist. Ye Jinglin saw Ju Zhaojie's potential at a glance, and immediately decided to take him as an apprentice.

Not only that, but the teacher also gave him a stage name full of meaning - "full stop". This name seems to indicate that he will draw a wonderful end to the comedy stage.

Since then, the name "full stop" has begun to emerge in the comedy circle, giving his career wings to take off. Ye Jinglin's guidance and the ingenious stage name "Full Stop" became the first important turning point in Ju Zhaojie's life, allowing his comedy road to begin to move towards a broader stage.

As the name "Period" gradually became louder in the comedy circle, the career of Full Stop was like a rocket, rising rapidly. His unique performance style, humorous and witty, quickly won the love of the audience.

Actor's full stop: married "Guo Yadan" for the second time, so that the father-in-law and mother-in-law who lost their son no longer shed tears in their old age

On the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, the figure of full stop appears frequently, and his sketches often become the audience's after-dinner conversation. The film industry has also begun to favor this comedy rookie, and the invitations continue to increase.

For a time, the full stop can be described as a spring breeze and a thriving career. However, there is often a hidden price behind success. Just when his career was in full swing, his private life experienced a turmoil.

The nature of the work of gathering less and leaving more made the relationship between the full stop and his first wife gradually estranged. Although they already have a lovely daughter, the long-term separation has brought the marriage to an end.

Looking back, full stop is full of guilt. He was well aware that he was too focused on his career and neglected the needs of his family. Looking at his sleeping daughter, full stop had mixed feelings in his heart, both reluctance to his daughter and apology to his ex-wife.

Actor's full stop: married "Guo Yadan" for the second time, so that the father-in-law and mother-in-law who lost their son no longer shed tears in their old age

The failure of this marriage made the full stop deeply realize that the success of the career cannot make up for the lack of affection. He secretly vowed that if he had another chance to start a family, he would balance work and life.

Despite the setbacks in his marriage, the full stop did not let the twists and turns of his personal life affect his career. He still shines on stage and brings joy to the audience.

But behind the laughter, full stop began to learn how to find a balance between career and family. With apologies to his ex-wife and concern for his daughter, full stop continues to move forward on the road of comedy.

This experience made him more mature and made him understand the preciousness of family. He is looking forward to drawing a successful end to his career and relationship, and giving his life a perfect ending.

Actor's full stop: married "Guo Yadan" for the second time, so that the father-in-law and mother-in-law who lost their son no longer shed tears in their old age

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, the full stop is approaching the year of confusion. In 1994, at the invitation of his mentor Ye Jinglin, he came to Ye Jinglin's troupe to take up important positions. As the core figure of the troupe, Full Stop shoulders the heavy responsibility of training new talents.

It was then that fate gave him an unexpected surprise. A young girl named Guo Yadan joins the troupe. Although Guo Yadan is a newcomer in the entertainment industry, he has a cheerful personality and does things boldly, and he quickly got along with the seniors in the group.

Her love and dedication to performance deeply attracted the attention of the full stop. Guo Yadan is no stranger to full stops, she had heard of this humorous comedian long before she joined the troupe.

Interestingly, Guo Yadan's mate selection criteria are not tall and handsome, but humorous, which gives full stop an advantage invisibly. After each training, when everyone else is almost gone, Guo Yadan will always stay and ask for advice.

Actor's full stop: married "Guo Yadan" for the second time, so that the father-in-law and mother-in-law who lost their son no longer shed tears in their old age

Her diligence and enthusiasm for acting made full stop see the shadow of her youth. At first, full stop simply admired this potential junior and wanted to cultivate her well.

However, in the process of getting along day after day, the feelings between the two quietly sprouted. Guo Yadan was attracted by the humor, gentleness and elegance of the period. And the full stop was moved by Guo Yadan's youthful vitality and dedication to performance, as if awakening the long-dormant throbbing in his heart.

Although the two are eleven years apart, age never seems to be a barrier between them. In getting along day and night, the original teacher-student relationship has quietly undergone a qualitative change. When they finally mustered up the courage to confess to each other, the two hearts were already in their hearts.

This love, which began in the troupe, made the full stop of nearly forty years old rediscover the sweetness of life. After they got along for a while, they became more convinced that the other person was the one they were looking for.

Actor's full stop: married "Guo Yadan" for the second time, so that the father-in-law and mother-in-law who lost their son no longer shed tears in their old age

So, full stop and Guo Yadan decided to join hands in the palace of marriage and open a new chapter in their lives. Although the love between full stop and Guo Yadan is sweet, the reality is always not as beautiful as a fairy tale.

When the two of them announced the good news to the Guo family's parents with joy, they were greeted with two cold faces and a categorical "We don't agree".

In the face of the opposition of his father-in-law and mother-in-law, the full stop was not discouraged. He knows that sincere feelings need to be proven with time and action. He understood the feelings of his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and told Guo Yadan not to be estranged from his parents because of himself.

Full stop believes that they should prove to their parents with practical actions that their love can stand the test. Full stop clearly realized that with his current conditions, he was indeed not worthy of Guo Yadan.

Actor's full stop: married "Guo Yadan" for the second time, so that the father-in-law and mother-in-law who lost their son no longer shed tears in their old age

He secretly made up his mind to work hard to improve himself, and wait until he became famous one day, and then solemnly asked the Guo family's parents to marry. In this way, they waited silently, smoothing the edges and corners of the years with time.

A few years later, when full stop stepped into the door of the Guo family again, he was already a hot star on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. The success of his career gave him great confidence. This time, with the confidence to succeed in his career and Guo Yadan's eldest brother from the side, the full stop finally won the approval of his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

When the Guo family's parents reluctantly nodded at this marriage, full stop and Guo Yadan looked at each other and smiled, their eyes full of relief and emotion. They know that beyond the barriers of age, their love has finally come to fruition.

Full stop secretly swore in his heart that he must cherish this hard-won happiness and spend the rest of his life to repay the trust of the Guo family's parents. The life after marriage is as sweet as honey, full stop and Guo Yadan are in love, and full stop often cares about taking care of his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and the family is happy.

Actor's full stop: married "Guo Yadan" for the second time, so that the father-in-law and mother-in-law who lost their son no longer shed tears in their old age

However, the sky is unpredictable. In 2007, a sudden bad news broke the tranquility - Guo Yadan's brother, who is the uncle of the full stop, died in a car accident.

The promise of a full stop is not empty words. After dealing with his eldest brother's funeral, he discussed with Guo Yadan and decided to take his father-in-law and mother-in-law to live together. In order to make the two elderly people live more comfortably, Full Stop also bought another house next to his house.

His thoughtfulness and filial piety made the Guo family's parents gradually come out of the pain of losing their son. Full stop fulfilled his promise with practical actions, and also made his father-in-law and mother-in-law truly accept this son-in-law.

They saw the sincerity and sense of responsibility of the full stop, and although the pain in their hearts was difficult to heal completely, they also got some comfort because of the full stop and Guo Yadan's company.

Actor's full stop: married "Guo Yadan" for the second time, so that the father-in-law and mother-in-law who lost their son no longer shed tears in their old age

A few years later, full stop and Guo Yadan were happy to have a daughter, bringing new hope and joy to this storm-beaten family. Looking at their granddaughter's innocent smiling face, the Guo family's parents seemed to have regained the meaning of life.

The arrival of the little girl not only filled the gap of the lost son in the family, but also brought endless joy to the old life of the two old people. This experience gave full stop a deeper understanding of the importance of family members supporting each other.

He proved with his actions that he was not only a good comedian, but also a responsible husband and a filial son-in-law. In the midst of tribulation, full stop used true feelings and actions to bring this once fragmented family back together and rejuvenate it.

Today's full stop can be described as a successful career and a happy family. On stage, he is still the comedian who can bring joy to the audience; In life, he was a conscientious husband, a loving father, and a filial son-in-law.

Actor's full stop: married "Guo Yadan" for the second time, so that the father-in-law and mother-in-law who lost their son no longer shed tears in their old age

After years of hard work, full stop finally found the perfect balance between career and family. Despite the fact that he is approaching the age of sixties, the full stop still maintains the vitality of keeping pace with the times.

He registered his own short video account, and shared his and his family's daily life on it from time to time, showing a happy family picture. This trendy attempt not only allowed him to keep in touch with the younger generation of audiences, but also allowed more people to see his real life off the stage.

It is worth mentioning that even after forming a new family, full stop did not forget his responsibilities. He still cares about taking care of the daughter born to his ex-wife and strives to be a competent father.

This kind of generous and benevolent mind has also won Guo Yadan's understanding and support. The two worked hand in hand to raise their youngest daughter, and at the same time, they did not forget to care for their eldest daughter, building a harmonious family.

Actor's full stop: married "Guo Yadan" for the second time, so that the father-in-law and mother-in-law who lost their son no longer shed tears in their old age

Looking back, I am deeply gratified by the full stop. He successfully found a balance between career and family, won the approval of his father-in-law and mother-in-law with sincerity and action, and healed the trauma of their lost son with continuous love.

Thanks to his efforts, the family regained the splendor of happiness. Today's full stop, whether as a comedian, or as a husband, father and son-in-law, can be said to be perfect.

In this Vanity Fair, it is really rare for an artist with both virtue and art like Full Stop. He used his life to draw a successful end both on and off the stage. The story of the full stop is not only the legend of a successful artist, but also a vivid example of how ordinary people find happiness and take responsibility in life.

His experience tells us that as long as we are sincere and take action, we can compose moving music on the stage of life.

Actor's full stop: married "Guo Yadan" for the second time, so that the father-in-law and mother-in-law who lost their son no longer shed tears in their old age

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