
Zhang Fengyi, who treats his stepdaughter as his own, but ignores his biological son, is now remorseful

author:Huahua speaks of the world

Zhang Fengyi's story began in his college days. At that time, he was young and handsome, and he became friends with his classmate Lu Xiaogang. Because of this friendship, Zhang Fengyi often went in and out of Lu's house, and inadvertently attracted the attention of Lu Xiaogang's sister Lu Liping.

Lu Liping is a lively and cheerful girl who fell in love with Zhang Fengyi at first sight. She took the initiative to launch a passionate pursuit, and Zhang Fengyi was moved by her sincerity. The two quickly fell in love and entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

This campus love has come to fruition, which is enviable. Soon after their marriage, they ushered in the crystallization of love - the birth of their son Zhang Boyu. Zhang Fengyi was full of anticipation and named his son "Boyu", which means the vast and boundless sky.

He hopes that his son can fly freely like a bird, and the future is full of infinite possibilities. However, life is not a fairy tale. With Zhang Boyu's growth, family conflicts gradually emerged.

Zhang Fengyi, who treats his stepdaughter as his own, but ignores his biological son, is now remorseful

As a new actor, Zhang Fengyi's career is on the rise. He believes that he can bear hardships and stand hard work, has outstanding acting skills, and has a bright future for development. Based on this consideration, he insisted that Lu Liping take care of the children at home, while he focused on career development.

Although Lu Liping was reluctant, she chose to compromise for the sake of family harmony. The once energetic "youthful Hua Dan" has gradually become a "yellow-faced woman with a yellow face and thin muscles".

The day-to-day housework and childcare work left her physically and mentally exhausted, and the former glory was gone. Zhang Fengyi watched the changes in his wife, and his heart was full of contradictions and uneasiness. He felt guilty for his wife's efforts, but he couldn't accept the aging of her face.

This complex psychology has buried the hidden danger of family breakup in the future. In this way, the originally happy little family gradually lost its initial sweetness in the triviality of firewood, rice, oil and salt.

Zhang Fengyi, who treats his stepdaughter as his own, but ignores his biological son, is now remorseful

Zhang Fengyi and Lu Liping's marriage began to crumble under the weight of reality. As Zhang Fengyi's acting career is booming, the distance between him and his family is getting farther and farther away.

Due to his busy work, he rarely has time to spend with his wife and children, and every time he comes home and sees the exhausted Lu Liping, his inner dissatisfaction and irritability will unconsciously grow. Zhang Fengyi felt that it was already very annoying for him to be busy at work every day, and he had to face this "yellow-faced woman" when he returned home, and the gap in his heart made it difficult for him to accept.

He began to question his marriage choices and was also tired of family life. And Lu Liping, in order to take care of her children, had to give up her acting career. She used to be a "double actress", but now she can only stay at home, doing housework day after day.

This huge gap made her feel lost and frustrated, and the contradiction between her and Zhang Fengyi deepened day by day. Finally, when Zhang Boyu was three years old, Zhang Fengyi made a decision that changed everyone's fate - divorce.

Zhang Fengyi, who treats his stepdaughter as his own, but ignores his biological son, is now remorseful

He couldn't stand the increasingly dull married life, nor could he accept his wife's increasingly emaciated appearance because she was taking care of the family. In his opinion, this home can no longer bring him happiness and satisfaction.

The decision to divorce was like a hammer that shattered this seemingly intact family. Lu Liping fell into great grief, she couldn't believe that she had given so much, but in exchange for her husband's abandonment.

Although the young Zhang Boyu could not fully understand what was happening, his father's departure undoubtedly left an indelible scar on his young mind. This divorce is not only the signing of a paper agreement, but also the disintegration of a family and the separation of a family relationship.

It deeply affected the life trajectory of Zhang Fengyi, Lu Liping and Zhang Boyu, and also laid the groundwork for various contradictions in the future. Zhang Boyu, who lost his father's love, grew up slowly under the care of his mother, but his inner inferiority complex and sensitivity increased day by day.

Zhang Fengyi, who treats his stepdaughter as his own, but ignores his biological son, is now remorseful

Without his father's company, his childhood was overshadowed. However, this lack did not break him, but stimulated his inner fighting spirit. In order to prove himself and gain his father's approval, Zhang Boyu decided to follow in his father's footsteps and enter the showbiz.

With the support of his mother Lu Liping, Zhang Boyu entered the acting academy to study. Although Lu Liping is no longer as young and beautiful as she was because of years of hard work, she is a former "double actress" after all, and she has rich experience in acting.

She fully supports her son's choice, hoping to make up for her son's lack of fatherly love. However, when Zhang Boyu excitedly told Zhang Fengyi the news, what he got was cynicism.

Zhang Fengyi mercilessly pointed out that his son's image is not good, his education is too low, and it is impossible to become a good actor. He said that Zhang Boyu's education is too low, he has never gone to high school, and he has no knowledge, how can such conditions gain a foothold in the entertainment industry.

Zhang Fengyi, who treats his stepdaughter as his own, but ignores his biological son, is now remorseful

These words were like sharp knives, deeply piercing Zhang Boyu's heart. But instead of giving up, he turned this pain into motivation and worked harder to learn acting.

He secretly made up his mind that he must prove his worth with his strength. The hard work paid off, and Zhang Boyu's efforts finally paid off. Not only did he graduate successfully, but he also played a leading role in the graduation ceremony.

However, when he shared the good news with his father again, Zhang Fengyi poured cold water on him again and sarcastically said: "You can play the leading role, I don't dare to think about what kind of character you are in this play."

"This denial and ridicule did not stop. Even at Zhang Boyu's wedding, Zhang Fengyi did not give blessings. Not only did he not attend the wedding, but he also sarcastically mocked Zhang Boyu afterwards: "What kind of goods, dare to set up 27 tables, it's all crazy for you!" Despite the blows again and again, Zhang Boyu still did not give up his dream.

Zhang Fengyi, who treats his stepdaughter as his own, but ignores his biological son, is now remorseful

He continued to work hard in the entertainment industry, and finally won the Golden Phoenix Newcomer Award with his strength, proving his worth. Although his appearance is not good, he is good at acting and has a bright future.

However, this achievement still does not seem to be able to exchange for the recognition and praise of his father. Zhang Boyu has never been able to understand why his father can be so indifferent. He said in an interview that he had been spending his life healing his childhood.

This sentence expresses the deep pain in his heart, and also reflects the irreparable damage caused by Zhang Fengyi's partiality to the family. When Zhang Fengyi's career was thriving, fate arranged an important encounter for him.

During the filming of "Farewell My Concubine", he met the young and beautiful Huo Fan. The two fell in love at first sight, quickly fell in love, and became an enviable pair of "happy mandarin ducks".

Zhang Fengyi, who treats his stepdaughter as his own, but ignores his biological son, is now remorseful

When Zhang Fengyi learned that Huo Fan had a daughter, he did not hesitate to say that he would treat this stepdaughter he had never met as his own daughter. This promise, he not only did what he said, but did more than promised.

After marriage, Zhang Fengyi seems to have changed as a different person. He took the initiative to learn to do housework, minimizing the time spent working outside the home and focusing more on taking care of his wife and daughter. This is in stark contrast to how he behaved in his previous marriage.

His love for his stepdaughter is even more overflowing, and on his stepdaughter's birthday, he even spent a lot of money to buy a luxury car as a gift. Zhang Fengyi's change is not only reflected in his material generosity, but also in his careful care in daily life.

In order to let Huo Fan live the life he wanted, he took the initiative to take on the housework. This man who once only cared about his career has now become a considerate husband and father.

Zhang Fengyi, who treats his stepdaughter as his own, but ignores his biological son, is now remorseful

Not only that, Zhang Fengyi also took the initiative to slow down his career, no longer running around all year round, but often going home to take care of his wife and daughter. He seems to want to make up for the lack of a previous marriage and devote himself to this new family.

Such Zhang Fengyi is gentle and considerate, and he treats his ex-wife and biological son like two people. What he did couldn't help but make people sigh at the miracle of fate, and also made people wonder why he was so indifferent to his own son.

However, life is always full of contradictions. Zhang Fengyi's love for his stepdaughter, although it reflects his warmth, also invisibly deepens the estrangement between him and his biological son Zhang Boyu.

This kind of differential treatment has become an important source of family conflicts in the future. Zhang Fengyi's change makes people reflect: what makes a person behave so differently in different marriages? Is it maturity, or do you have a new attitude towards life? In any case, this new marriage seems to have given Zhang Fengyi a chance to be a new person, and it also allowed him to show an unknown side.

Zhang Fengyi, who treats his stepdaughter as his own, but ignores his biological son, is now remorseful

Zhang Fengyi's love for his stepdaughter contrasts sharply with his attitude towards his biological son, Zhang Boyu, and this differentiated treatment makes onlookers feel confused and sad.

At important moments in Zhang Boyu's life, Zhang Fengyi was always absent or cynical. When Zhang Boyu entered the acting academy, Zhang Fengyi not only did not give encouragement, but disliked his son's poor image, thinking that he would definitely not be a good actor.

He even bluntly pointed out that Zhang Boyu's education is too low, he has never gone to high school, and he has no knowledge, so it is impossible to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry. What's even more chilling is that at such a major life event as Zhang Boyu's marriage, Zhang Fengyi not only did not attend the wedding, but also sarcastically said afterwards: "What kind of goods, dare to set up 27 tables, it's all crazy for you!" Such words undoubtedly cast a shadow on Zhang Boyu's marriage and deeply hurt his feelings.

At the same time, Zhang Fengyi loves his stepdaughter in every way. He not only met his stepdaughter's needs materially, but also gave her full love and support mentally. The most typical example is that on the stepgirl's day, Zhang Fengyi spent a lot of money to buy a luxury car for her as a gift.

Zhang Fengyi, who treats his stepdaughter as his own, but ignores his biological son, is now remorseful

This generosity and thoughtfulness is in strong contrast to his attitude towards Zhang Boyu. Not only that, Zhang Fengyi also took the initiative to slow down his career in order to take care of his wife and daughter, no longer running around all year round, but often going home to accompany him.

He even learned to do housework and worked hard to create a warm and harmonious family atmosphere. This kind of behavior is the fatherly love that Zhang Boyu has never experienced since he was a child. Zhang Boyu said in an interview years later that he had been spending his life healing his childhood.

This sentence expresses the deep pain in his heart, and also reflects the irreparable damage caused by Zhang Fengyi's partiality to the family. However, fate always seems to play tricks on people.

Zhang Fengyi's stepdaughter who is so fond of is "the water spilled by the married daughter" after all. As the saying goes, "the water spilled by the married daughter", no matter how reluctant Zhang Fengyi is to give up his stepdaughter, it is impossible for her to accompany her for a lifetime.

Zhang Fengyi, who treats his stepdaughter as his own, but ignores his biological son, is now remorseful

As his stepdaughter started a family, Zhang Fengyi began to realize that he might face the dilemma of having no one to take care of him in his later years. This kind of treatment of ice and fire not only caused a rift in the relationship between father and son, but also caused Zhang Fengyi himself to fall into emotional contradictions.

His choices, in the end, may cost him in his old age. Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Zhang Fengyi is close to his prime. However, instead of enjoying a peaceful old age, he is still running around to support his family.

Now nearly 70 years old, he is still working to support his family, a situation that is largely caused by his disregard for Zhang Boyu and Lu Liping.

Looking at Zhang Boyu's intimate relationship with his stepfather Sun Haiying, Zhang Fengyi's heart was full of sourness and regret. Zhang Boyu no longer blindly wants to please Zhang Fengyi, but focuses on accompanying his stepfather Sun Haiying.

Zhang Fengyi, who treats his stepdaughter as his own, but ignores his biological son, is now remorseful

They even participated in a variety show called "Traveling with Your Parents" together. This made Zhang Fengyi feel red-eyed, and he felt that Zhang Boyu's behavior of ignoring himself was really "ungrateful".

Zhang Fengyi experienced the taste of "hot face sticking to cold butt" for the first time, and for the first time, he truly understood Zhang Boyu's sadness over the years. He began to reflect on what he had done in the past and realized that in order to earn the respect of others, he could either use his strength to impress them or learn to respect others.

And he, it seems, has not done both. Today's Zhang Boyu is well-known in the entertainment industry, although his appearance is not good, his acting skills are excellent, and his future is bright. He has won the Golden Phoenix Newcomer Award and proved his strength.

On the other hand, Zhang Fengyi, although he has a successful career, is very barren in terms of family affection. Faced with such a situation, Zhang Fengyi began to reflect on his past behavior. He realized that his denial and ridicule of Zhang Boyu may never be able to make up for it.

Zhang Fengyi, who treats his stepdaughter as his own, but ignores his biological son, is now remorseful

At the same time, he also began to worry about his later life because he had lost the company of those closest to him. Now, whether Zhang Fengyi and Zhang Boyu's father and son can be reconciled as before, we have no way of knowing.

But we hope that over time, the estrangement between father and son will gradually be bridged and eventually lead to a happy ending. At the same time, I also hope that the story of this family can bring us inspiration: cherish the people in front of us and manage the family with heart, because when we lose, no amount of regret can restore the lost time.

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