
There is a kind of "backlash" called Zhang Fengyi, who once humiliated his son in every way, and now he regrets it very much

author:Delightful lark K
There is a kind of "backlash" called Zhang Fengyi, who once humiliated his son in every way, and now he regrets it very much

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The shadow behind the halo: Zhang Fengyi and Zhang Boyu have an embarrassing father-son relationship

In 1987, the popular movie star Zhang Fengyi tied the knot with the equally shining actress Lu Liping, achieving a good story in the entertainment industry

There is a kind of "backlash" called Zhang Fengyi, who once humiliated his son in every way, and now he regrets it very much

Zhang Fengyi devoted all his energy to his acting career, filmed outside for a long time, rarely went home, and the burden of taking care of his family and children fell on the shoulders of Lu Liping

Alienation in the spotlight: a balance that struggles to balance career and family

As Zhang Fengyi's achievements in his acting career are getting higher and higher, the distance between him and Lu Liping is getting farther and farther, he enjoys the glory in the spotlight, but ignores the warmth of his family, and occasionally goes home, he has a lot of complaints about Lu Liping's appearance changes, and his words are full of harsh criticism and dissatisfaction

There is a kind of "backlash" called Zhang Fengyi, who once humiliated his son in every way, and now he regrets it very much

Lu Liping swallowed all the grievances and bitterness silently, bearing the alienation of her husband and the weight of life alone, the young Zhang Boyu grew up in the back of his parents' drifting away, and the lack of fatherly love and the depressed family atmosphere left an indelible shadow in his heart

"You are not the material to be an actor": a sentence of denial cuts off the relationship between father and son

In high school, Zhang Boyu developed an interest in acting, but his dream was resolutely opposed by his father, Zhang Fengyi mercilessly pointed out the lack of his son's appearance conditions, these words deeply stung Zhang Boyu's self-esteem, and also made his expectations of his father completely shattered

There is a kind of "backlash" called Zhang Fengyi, who once humiliated his son in every way, and now he regrets it very much

D, Zhang Boyu resolutely chose the road of acting, he was admitted to the Central Academy of Drama, devoted himself to studying acting, hoping to prove himself with strength, in the face of his son's persistence, Zhang Fengyi's attitude was still indifferent, he said that he would not give any help, and the relationship between father and son fell to the freezing point

Absence at the wedding: an insurmountable chasm

In 2014, Zhang Boyu and actor Zhang Moxi held a wedding, but Zhang Fengyi, as a father, was absent from this important moment in his life, and the reason he gave was that the wedding was too extravagant and wasteful, but this rhetoric was difficult to hide the contradictions and estrangement between father and son

There is a kind of "backlash" called Zhang Fengyi, who once humiliated his son in every way, and now he regrets it very much

At the wedding scene, Zhang Boyu forced a smile, but the loneliness in his eyes could not be concealed, this scene deeply pierced the hearts of countless netizens, and also made this father-son relationship full of regrets once again be pushed to the forefront of public opinion

The epitome of social platforms: the fragility behind the glamour

With the popularity of film and television works such as "Notes on Tomb Robbery", Zhang Boyu has gradually emerged in the entertainment industry, he shares his life and work on social platforms, seemingly sunny and cheerful, but careful netizens have captured a trace of confusion and loneliness from his occasional eyes and state

There is a kind of "backlash" called Zhang Fengyi, who once humiliated his son in every way, and now he regrets it very much

Perhaps, in the depths of Zhang Boyu's heart, he has never been able to let go of the father's love that he lacked in his childhood and the wedding without his father's blessing

Silent Reflection: Can the Precipitation of Years Be Exchanged for Reconciliation

Now, Zhang Fengyi is over the age of six, looking back on the past, I wonder if he will regret his attitude towards his son? The years may be able to precipitate the grievances of the past, but whether they can make up for the regrets of the past, only time can give the answer

There is a kind of "backlash" called Zhang Fengyi, who once humiliated his son in every way, and now he regrets it very much

And Zhang Boyu is also constantly working hard to prove his worth with strength, he is eager to be recognized by his father, but he hopes to live his own life

Blood is thicker than water: looking forward to the day when the mirror is reunited

Zhang Fengyi and Zhang Boyu, the father-son relationship, is full of drama and regret, they have both succeeded in their respective fields, but they have lost their balance on the scales of family affection

There is a kind of "backlash" called Zhang Fengyi, who once humiliated his son in every way, and now he regrets it very much

Blood is thicker than water, family affection is one of the most precious feelings in the world, we look forward to the father and son can get rid of the past suspicion as soon as possible, find the lost family affection, and hope that they can understand each other in the coming days, support each other, and jointly compose their own father-son relationship

What do you think of the father-son relationship between Zhang Fengyi and Zhang Boyu? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area to share your views

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