
28 years later, looking at Zhang Fengyi's current wife Huo Fan, I realized who is more "shrewd" between her and Lu Liping

author:Cong Ze talks about the world

Zhang Fengyi was born in an ordinary working family, and although the family environment was difficult, his parents always sent their children to prestigious schools with spiritual strength. Since he was a child, he has deeply realized that if he wants to change the status quo, he can only get ahead by relying on his own struggle.

Therefore, he has been studying hard and has always been at the top of his studies.

28 years later, looking at Zhang Fengyi's current wife Huo Fan, I realized who is more "shrewd" between her and Lu Liping

Zhang Fengyi was favored by many girls because of his outstanding appearance during adolescence. However, he never fell in love, and the only thing in his heart was ideals and ambitions. This dedication and dedication helped him get through the most difficult period of his life and laid a solid foundation for his future success.

At the age of 15, with his love for acting, Zhang Fengyi decisively left his hometown and went to the Yunnan Art Troupe to start his career as an actor. In this shackle, the young Zhang Fengyi was hungry to learn acting skills and sharpen his acting skills.

Despite the hardships of life, he has always had a love and yearning for theatre.

Many years later, Zhang Fengyi recalled those years of struggle and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "The sweat and tears shed at that time have now turned into heavy happiness." I can't forgive myself for giving up on any of these steps, because it was a valuable experience that I had worked so hard for.

28 years later, looking at Zhang Fengyi's current wife Huo Fan, I realized who is more "shrewd" between her and Lu Liping


As time progressed, Zhang's efforts paid off. In 1990, the TV series "Camel Xiangzi" starring him became a hot topic across the country overnight, making Zhang Fengyi the focus of attention.

Standing at the pinnacle of his career, Zhang Fengyi's eyes flashed with confidence, and he decided that the future road was full of brightness.

28 years later, looking at Zhang Fengyi's current wife Huo Fan, I realized who is more "shrewd" between her and Lu Liping

However, life is like a roller coaster, full of ups and downs. When Zhang Fengyi was relieved that his life was about to be perfect, fate prepared an unexpected turn for him.

The success of his career did not bring happiness to his marriage, but became the biggest challenge in his life.

In 1990, Zhang Fengyi's acting career reached an unprecedented height with the hit of "Camel Xiangzi". However, the lucky career did not bring happiness to Zhang Fengyi's married life, and his relationship with his first wife Lu Liping gradually deteriorated, and cracks appeared in his married life.

28 years later, looking at Zhang Fengyi's current wife Huo Fan, I realized who is more "shrewd" between her and Lu Liping

In the fierce quarrel, Zhang Fengyi lost control of his emotions and committed domestic violence against Lu Liping. This slap not only broke Lu Liping's beautiful fantasy about marriage, but also completely disintegrated the relationship between the two.

Lu Liping left Zhang Fengyi with her young son Zhang Boyu and filed for divorce in tears.

This divorce case that sparked heated discussions made Zhang Fengyi fall into the whirlpool of public opinion, and countless netizens who were not used to him labeled him as a "negative man" and denounced him for being shameless, so Zhang Fengyi's image was seriously damaged, and his original reputation was also hit by a huge blow.

28 years later, looking at Zhang Fengyi's current wife Huo Fan, I realized who is more "shrewd" between her and Lu Liping

However, what made him even more heartbroken was that his wife Lu Liping hid far away with her son, and did not give him any chance to see his flesh and blood at all. This is undoubtedly worse for him, and he works even harder, hoping to wash away his reputation with this.

But the public's evaluation is becoming more and more harsh, and Zhang Fengyi's pressure is increasing.

The messages on the Internet pierced Zhang Fengyi's heart like sharp arrows, and the messages were as follows: "Negative man, you don't deserve your current achievements!" "Acting scumbag, I will never watch your play again!" This unprecedented feeling of pain and helplessness made him feel very heavy.

28 years later, looking at Zhang Fengyi's current wife Huo Fan, I realized who is more "shrewd" between her and Lu Liping

He began to fear returning to his empty home, and even more afraid of the cold comments. In times of desperation, he had to re-examine his life. The image of Zang's mother and son often comes to his mind, reminding him of the bad decisions he made in the past.

Zhang Fengyi recalled that time and said: "It was the darkest moment of my life, I didn't dare to face myself in the mirror, and I didn't dare to imagine how my son would think of me as a father.

He was deeply trapped in self-reproach and pain, as if all the light had been withdrawn in an instant.

28 years later, looking at Zhang Fengyi's current wife Huo Fan, I realized who is more "shrewd" between her and Lu Liping

This failed marriage took a huge toll on his career and image, and even he lost the opportunity to spend time with his son, which became an eternal regret in his heart.

At the low point of his life in 1992, Zhang Fengyi met Huo Fan, who was 8 years younger than him. This encounter is like a guide of fate, and both have experienced emotional twists and turns, and the wounds have not healed. Huo Fan also had a failed marriage, had a daughter, and had a difficult life.

Huo Fan's maternal aura deeply attracted Zhang Fengyi, and her gentleness and thoughtfulness always gave Zhang Fengyi support and encouragement when he needed it most. Zhang Fengyi recalled: "When I was with Huo Fan, I seemed to return to my original simple self.

28 years later, looking at Zhang Fengyi's current wife Huo Fan, I realized who is more "shrewd" between her and Lu Liping

We can talk about the past, share each other's stories, support each other, and encourage each other."

As time passed, the two wounded hearts gradually healed under the baptism of time, and they finally mustered up the courage to express their love for each other. This time, Zhang Fengyi did not hesitate and proposed directly to Huo Fan.

He promised Huo Fan, "I will make you happy" Huo Fan nodded with tears in his eyes, holding his hand tightly, as if to say: "I am willing to face the future storm with you."

28 years later, looking at Zhang Fengyi's current wife Huo Fan, I realized who is more "shrewd" between her and Lu Liping

Zhang Fengyi, the man who regained love, seems to be a different person, and he put all his energy into this relationship this time. No matter how busy he is, he will arrange time to go home to accompany Huo Fan.

No matter whether Huo Fan's expression was happy or sad, he would remember it in his heart, and what was even more commendable was that he regarded Huo Fan's daughter as his own and loved him very much.

When Huo Fan's daughter had a high fever, Zhang Fengyi stayed by her side all night; She wanted ice cream, and he immediately drove to the nearest store to buy it. His meticulous consideration for this was something he had never done in his previous marriage.

28 years later, looking at Zhang Fengyi's current wife Huo Fan, I realized who is more "shrewd" between her and Lu Liping

Zhang Fengyi once said with emotion: "Huo Fan is the one who gave me a chance to start again. Her tolerance and understanding gave me the courage to be a new person. Under Huo Fan's influence, Zhang Fengyi learned to be a good husband and father.

He is no longer impulsive and grumpy, and more runs the family with love and patience.

This experience not only healed Zhang Fengyi's inner wounds, but also allowed him to rediscover his confidence and love for life, and how to love and cherish. Their marriage became happier and happier and became the warmest harbor in Zhang Fengyi's life.

28 years later, looking at Zhang Fengyi's current wife Huo Fan, I realized who is more "shrewd" between her and Lu Liping

28 years have passed, and looking back, Zhang Fengyi's two marriages are in stark contrast. The marriage with Lu Liping ended in tragedy, but the marriage with Huo Fan was happy.

This change not only reflects Zhang Fengyi's growth, but also reflects the different ways of doing things for the two women.

In his marriage to Lu Liping, Zhang Fengyi was impulsive, irritable, and even made the mistake of domestic violence. The failure of this marriage cost him dearly: he lost the opportunity to spend time with his son, his career was frustrated, and his image plummeted.

28 years later, looking at Zhang Fengyi's current wife Huo Fan, I realized who is more "shrewd" between her and Lu Liping

After the divorce, Lu Liping took her son away from Zhang Fengyi and expressed her anger and disappointment with silence and alienation, which protected herself, but also indirectly deprived her son of the opportunity to get along with his father.

In this regard, Huo Fan appears to be more intelligent and tolerant, and can understand Zhang Fengyi's past experience, giving him a chance to start over. Huo Fan once said: "Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, the key is to learn to correct and grow from them."

Her tolerance and understanding gave Zhang Fengyi the courage to be a new person.

28 years later, looking at Zhang Fengyi's current wife Huo Fan, I realized who is more "shrewd" between her and Lu Liping

Under Huo Fan's influence, Zhang Fengyi learned how to be a good husband and father, and he was no longer impulsive and irritable, but learned to run the family with love and patience. This transformation has made their marriage happier and more satisfying.

Lu Liping once imagined a good life with Zhang Fengyi. However, eight years later, in the face of the reality that Zhang Fengyi has been able to bring happiness to another woman, Lu Liping's heart is full of sourness - this man was originally a good husband and father, but he did not give her and her children such a chance.

The comparison of these two marriages not only shows the growth and changes of film and television actor Zhang Fengyi, but also shows Huo Fan's intelligence and tolerance. Huo Fan's support and understanding gave Zhang Fengyi the opportunity to make up for his past mistakes and become a trustworthy husband and father again.

28 years later, looking at Zhang Fengyi's current wife Huo Fan, I realized who is more "shrewd" between her and Lu Liping

This transformation allows us to see the magical power of love and marriage, as well as the kindness and tolerance in human nature.

Time flies, Zhang Fengyi and Lu Liping have been divorced for more than 20 years. During this time, the trajectories of their respective lives have changed dramatically, and they have encountered many joys, sorrows, and sorrows.

Zhang Fengyi's career is in full swing, and he has made unremitting efforts in the entertainment industry and created many roles that are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Looking back, Zhang Fengyi has no regrets about his firm choice of the path of an actor.

28 years later, looking at Zhang Fengyi's current wife Huo Fan, I realized who is more "shrewd" between her and Lu Liping

Since he joined the Yunnan Art Troupe at the age of 15, he has overcome obstacles on the road of acting, and along the way, he has witnessed the valuable experience he has worked hard to gain in exchange for these twists and turns, which have made him more mature in his career and made him more aware of the value of true love in his relationship.

The relationship between Zhang Fengyi and Huo Fan is also becoming more and more stable, and their family life is happy. He has a family and a solid foundation in his career and relationship. Looking back, Zhang Fengyi is full of satisfaction.

In contrast to the smooth career of the actress, Lu Liping's emotional road is quite bumpy. She has experienced two relationship failures, and finally found true love after going through countless hardships.

28 years later, looking at Zhang Fengyi's current wife Huo Fan, I realized who is more "shrewd" between her and Lu Liping

Despite the hardships, she has always maintained an optimistic and strong attitude, and now she has found her true happiness and started a new family with the man she loves.

Their common son, Zhang Boyu, experienced the shadow of his parents' divorce when he was young, but finally chose to follow in his father's footsteps and became an actor. When he grew up, he had both the careful care of his mother and the power of his father's example.

Zhang Boyu's acting career is on the offset, and it is impossible to predict whether he will surpass his father.

28 years later, looking at Zhang Fengyi's current wife Huo Fan, I realized who is more "shrewd" between her and Lu Liping

The baptism of the years has made everyone have a different understanding of life, and they also have a new understanding of the past grievances. They have each found their own happiness and are constantly moving forward on the road of life.

This experience has taught us that life will always give us new opportunities, no matter what the past has been, and the key is whether we can cherish and grasp these opportunities.

Many years later, Zhang Fengyi and Lu Liping reunited again. This encounter brought the past flooding back, triggering memories and emotions deep in their hearts. Lu Liping looked at the man in front of her who had hurt her, couldn't help but redden, and asked softly, "Have you ever regretted it?" "。

28 years later, looking at Zhang Fengyi's current wife Huo Fan, I realized who is more "shrewd" between her and Lu Liping

Zhang Fengyi was silent for a moment and said in a low voice: "I owe you an apology, I'm sorry." Over the years, this phrase has been filled with remorse and repentance. After hearing this, Lu Liping shook her head silently, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and tried to squeeze out a smile.

At this moment, both of them deeply felt the power of time, which gave them a deeper understanding of life. Lu Liping understands that life has started anew, and the mistakes of the past cannot be repeated.

She is sincerely gratified, because she believes that the magnificent journey of life will eventually usher in true happiness at a certain corner.

28 years later, looking at Zhang Fengyi's current wife Huo Fan, I realized who is more "shrewd" between her and Lu Liping

Now, they have found their own happiness. Zhang Fengyi has a successful career and has also established a warm family; Lu Liping also found true love and started a new life.

Their son Zhang Boyu is also making a name for himself in the entertainment industry, and the future is full of hope.

Zhang Fengyi and Lu Liping looked back on the past and had a deep understanding of it. They recognize that there will be setbacks and failures in life, and that the key is to keep growing and moving forward.

28 years later, looking at Zhang Fengyi's current wife Huo Fan, I realized who is more "shrewd" between her and Lu Liping

This experience has made them cherish the happiness they have now and have a deeper understanding of life.

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