
Many animals excrete and mate in one organ, but humans don't, why?

author:Mio Kano


In the biological world, there are many strange physiological phenomena, some organisms can be cloned and reproduced, some animal species can have both male and female reproductive systems, and some animals excrete and mate even through the same organ.

This organ is the cloaca, which has a complex physiological structure and diverse functions, and there are millions of animals in the biological world that have cloaca.

So why don't humans have cloaca, and some people may even wonder what the cloaca is for?

Today we will talk about this biological phenomenon and explore what are the physiological differences in the structure and function of the cloaca.

At the same time, the study of the physiological function of the cloaca can also provide some enlightenment for other medical and biological evolution.

Many animals excrete and mate in one organ, but humans don't, why?

Types and structures of cloaca.

There are many animal species that have cloacas in the biological world, and the cloaca itself has many different functions and structures, it can be an organ or a group of organs.

These cloacas are also known as reproductive organisms, and millions of animals possess them.

Generally speaking, the physiological structure of the cloaca is formed by one or several thin pieces of tissue, although there are some simpler ones that are composed of flaky folds in the body.

This fold forms a cloaca, a separate groove cavity, that can be used to carry the egg, or the formation of gametes.

At the same time, this cloaca will also excrete the fertilized egg through the reproductive orifice through various reproductive tracts.

In some simple animals, the fertilization process may be carried out in the cloaca, while in other animals, the fertilized eggs are discharged into the reproductive tract side by side, and then the eggs are excreted through the reproductive tract.

In the cloaca of animals, there is also a part of the cloacal organ that is intricately constructed through many folds, which can occupy almost the entire space of one side of the cavity.

Many animals excrete and mate in one organ, but humans don't, why?

This type of cloaca is usually two symmetrical chamber structures, and this cloaca is usually found in the cavity, which is formed by the lining, which is a kind of growth footprint where the egg grows along the cloaca formed by the lining.

After the egg matures, it will move to the egg tract and enter the outside world through the reproductive orifice, and this cloaca can be physiologically used to complete the incubation process.

There is also a more complex cloaca that has many different genital chambers, and then the place of contact with the fertilized egg is determined by the external genital tract.

Even in the cloaca of some animals, there are organs in the shape of suckers to help find the reproductive tract when looking for the location of the fertilized egg.

Many animals excrete and mate in one organ, but humans don't, why?

The functions of the cloaca are more diverse, some cloacas are only used to hatch eggs in it, and they are always closed, at this time the eggs will be deposited in it, and the fertilized eggs will find the ovulation hole and come out of the cloaca.

There are also cloacas that are not only used for hatching, but also for communicating with the excretory organs, so that the excreted fertilized eggs can mate with other fertilized eggs in the environment.

Many animals excrete and mate in one organ, but humans don't, why?

There are even some cloaca, which are the result of adaptation and selection of endogenous, biogenous and exogenous living environments, and once there is a problem in reproduction, it will lead to the extinction of such biological species.

Therefore, cloaca, a highly diverse reproductive organ, has different physiological adaptations according to the type of organism and ecological environment.

Many animals excrete and mate in one organ, but humans don't, why?

What is the reason humans don't have cloaca?

The reason why human beings do not have cloaca as a reproductive organ is that as we say, with the evolution of organisms, the division of labor of reproductive organs is gradually selected.

In the human body, the cloacing system and the excretory system, in the development of the fetus, have already carried out the corresponding division of labor, and the excretory system, both the bladder and the urethra, at the same time, there are also kidneys and ureters.

The cloacal system has gonads, and there are reproductive cells in the gonads, combined with the form of a fertilized egg, to discharge sexual organs, which is the process of evolution of organisms, after countless selections, reproductive and excretory functions are separated by different organs.

So why do biological species have cloaca, and what is the connection between cloaca and the existence of human body organs?

In the biological kingdom, there are some species of organisms that have cloaca, and the existence of this organ is very important for them.

In these animal species, the presence of cloacas not only facilitates their reproduction, but also provides a safe environment for their excretion and offspring.

This type of animal species with cloaca is usually an animal that lives in water, and these aquatic animals, due to environmental reasons, have also undergone different physiological evolutions for the formation of this organ.

Therefore, the cloaca is very important for these aquatic animal species, and the presence of the cloaca can prevent the egg from being deposited and the internal and external environment from exchanging harmful substances, which in turn leads to the death of the fertilized egg.

Many animals excrete and mate in one organ, but humans don't, why?

At the same time, the cloaca can also protect the fertilized egg, and in the cloaca, the body form of the parent species also has corresponding variations to protect the egg.

In the process of reproduction, the removal of the fertilized egg will be carried out automatically in the cloaca, which is also the embodiment of the cloaca and excretory function.

At the same time, the cloaca is connected to the reproductive tract, which means that after the fertilized egg is removed, it will mate with the fertilized egg in the environment.

Humans do not have cloaca, mainly because with the continuous evolution of terrestrial vertebrates, and the change of living environment, the transition from water to land leads to the cloaca will transfer the function of excretion to the reproductive mode of excretory organs.

In terrestrial vertebrates, the presence of cloacas is helpful in the process of mating and reproduction.

In the cloaca, in this way, it can prevent the harmful substances in the environment, the impact on the fertilized egg, and then protect the safety of the fertilized egg, and at the same time, humans also have the presence of gums, and the ovulation of the fertilized egg is also protected.

Biological diversity also brings about the diversity of the ecological environment, and if it is destroyed by humans and the environment, these biological species will gradually disappear.

Therefore, we also need to respect and protect biodiversity, not only as a moral imperative, but also as a protection of the right to life of every species of life on the planet.

Many animals excrete and mate in one organ, but humans don't, why?

What is the physiological process of cloacing in the human body?

In the female organism, the egg travels from the ovaries to the fallopian tubes, where it awaits fertilization, and the uterus is also an organ that protects the fertilized egg.

In male organisms, sperm are produced in the testicles, which is where sperm are produced, and in the process of ejaculation, ovulation is often taken, from the seminal vesicles to the vas deferens, and finally ejaculation.

The human reproductive system also has a lot of anatomical structures with a high degree of division of labor, and human beings do not have cloaca, which is gradually selected according to human living habits.

The human cloacing system is also affected by the excretory system and the reproductive system, so the above choice is made.

Many animals excrete and mate in one organ, but humans don't, why?

The study of cloaca may lead to medical and evolutionary implications.

The structure and function of the cloaca are routine human surgical operations, and they are also inaccessible, so it has many physiological secrets and wonders.

And there is no need for human beings to understand these wonderful places, after all, this is happening outside the human body, and in the field of scientific research, it is possible to conduct certain research on living things.

However, inquiry also involves the ethical issues of biology, so in the field of scientific research, the possibility of inquiry is also very small.

However, the structure and function of the cloaca have certain enlightenment for the medical field, and may provide some new medical ideas in dealing with some infectious diseases and reproductive diseases.

Many animals excrete and mate in one organ, but humans don't, why?

At the same time, for the study of evolution, it may also provide some key evidence for biological evolution and the origin of species.

In the process of human biological evolution, human beings do not have cloaca, while other African apes also do not have cloaca, and the body structure of human beings and African apes still have a certain degree of similarity, which is that humans and African apes have many similarities in reproduction.

Many animals excrete and mate in one organ, but humans don't, why?


Exploring the mysteries of cloaca biology will not only lead to a better understanding of animal reproduction and excretion mechanisms, but also to reveal the mysteries of biological evolution and competition for survival.

In terms of exploring the physiological mechanism of animals, we can understand that one organ of animals may be able to do many things, and if the organs in the human body can play a role in multiple functions, then we can learn from the physiological mechanism of cloaca to further explore the physiological mysteries.

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