
The old man went into the villa to pick up the cardboard box and fell into the basement, and the family claimed 760,000 yuan from the homeowner: there was no safety warning slogan

author:Graceful Artist L
The old man went into the villa to pick up the cardboard box and fell into the basement, and the family claimed 760,000 yuan from the homeowner: there was no safety warning slogan

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The basement of the renovated villa turned out to be a deadly trap?

In 2018, it was supposed to be the New Year's Day of family reunion, but Ms. Huang Licong from Quzhou, Zhejiang Province couldn't be happy, she bought a villa with a basement, in order to meet the new life, is decorating with great interest, on the same day, Huang Licong went to the nearby building materials market to choose furniture, and her father went to the new house to check the progress of the decoration

A 66-year-old retired sanitation worker Xu Laohan passed by the villa, saw the house being renovated, and thought about going in to see if he could find some recyclable waste

This sudden tragedy cast a shadow on the originally jubilant festival, and the Xu family was very sad and difficult to accept the fact that their loved ones had passed away, they believed that the villa was being renovated, but the homeowner did not set up obvious warning signs and did not take safety precautions, which led to the tragedy

The bereaved family took the villa owner to court

The Xu family turned their grief into anger, and they sued the villa owner Huang Licong in court, demanding 760,000 yuan in compensation, a case that pushed the boundary between "allowed entry" and "trespassing" to the forefront and aroused widespread concern in society

The old man went into the villa to pick up the cardboard box and fell into the basement, and the family claimed 760,000 yuan from the homeowner: there was no safety warning slogan

When Xu Laohan entered the villa, the villa was being renovated and was not in a closed state, and the purpose of his entry into the villa was only to find scrap, not malicious ingress, from this point of view, it seems that the homeowner was indeed negligent and did not fulfill his obligation to remind and protect safety

In addition, Xu Laohan, as an adult, should be aware of the potential safety hazards when entering the house being renovated, and should take the initiative to seek permission from the homeowner or be vigilant and pay attention to safety, but he did not realize the potential risks, which eventually led to the tragedy

Is the court's final decision reasonable?

The trial process of this case was full of controversy, both sides insisted on their own words, and neither could convince the other party, and the court finally made a judgment on the basis of full investigation and evidence collection: the owner Huang Licong should compensate the Xu family with 130,000 yuan

The old man went into the villa to pick up the cardboard box and fell into the basement, and the family claimed 760,000 yuan from the homeowner: there was no safety warning slogan

The court held that although Xu Laohan entered the villa without permission, the villa was being renovated, and the homeowner was obliged to take necessary safety precautions to prevent similar incidents from occurring

This tragedy has sounded the alarm for all the owners who are decorating, and also reminded people to always pay attention to safety in their daily lives, improve their awareness of safety precautions, and avoid similar tragedies from happening again

A wave of unsettled cases has sparked widespread discussion

Just when people thought that this tragedy had come to an end, similar cases followed, once again pushing the issue of the boundary between "allowed entry" and "trespassing" to the forefront of public opinion

The old man went into the villa to pick up the cardboard box and fell into the basement, and the family claimed 760,000 yuan from the homeowner: there was no safety warning slogan

In a similar case, an elderly man accidentally fell into the basement of a shop under construction on the side of the road, resulting in serious injuries, and the family of the elderly sued the shop owner in court, demanding compensation of more than 170,000 yuan, and finally, the court ruled that the shop owner should bear the main responsibility and compensate the old man for various losses of more than 140,000 yuan

The occurrence of these cases has sparked heated discussions on the division of safety responsibilities from all walks of life, and some people believe that the homeowner or shop owner, as the manager of the house or store, has the obligation to ensure the safety of the entrants and should bear the main responsibility; There are also people who believe that the entrants themselves should also raise their safety awareness and should not enter other people's houses or shops without permission, otherwise they should also bear the corresponding responsibility

How can we avoid a repeat of the tragedy? What should I do about security?

The occurrence of these cases has sounded the alarm for us, and the lack of awareness of safety precautions is the root cause of the tragedy, so how can we avoid similar incidents from happening again?

For business owners and shop operators, they should:

During the renovation of a house or shop, set up clear warning signs to remind people to pay attention to safety

For basements, stairs and other areas with potential safety hazards, set up protective fences, safety nets and other protective measures

Strengthen the management of personnel entering and exiting to avoid irrelevant personnel entering the construction area

For entrants, it should be:

Do not enter other people's houses or shops without permission

When entering a house or shop that is under renovation or construction, you should be vigilant and pay attention to safety

If a potential safety hazard is found, the homeowner or shop operator should be informed in time and necessary protective measures should be taken

People in the legal profession have called for strengthening security awareness and clarifying the division of responsibilities

In response to frequent accidents, people in the legal profession have also called for strengthening safety awareness and clarifying the division of responsibilities in order to effectively reduce the occurrence of such incidents

They suggested that a safer and more harmonious social environment can be built by improving relevant laws and regulations, strengthening safety education and publicity, and raising public safety awareness

There is only one life, safety is greater than the sky, let us join hands and work together to create a safe and harmonious living environment

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