
46-year-old Ma Yili has been divorced for 4 years and realized the truth of marriage: the longest relationship between men and women is not lovers

author:Benny said the world

Ma Yili's decision made everyone puzzled and surprised, because in the eyes of others, it should have been a choice without suspense. However, in her eyes, there was an unusual light, and she resolutely chose the article.

At that time, the article was just a little-known small character, in stark contrast to Ma Yili, who was already famous. However, Ma Yili seems to see the potential of the article and the indomitable spirit of struggle.

46-year-old Ma Yili has been divorced for 4 years and realized the truth of marriage: the longest relationship between men and women is not lovers

She is convinced that as long as she gives enough support and encouragement to the article, he will eventually shine brightly.

This decision officially started a challenging sibling relationship. Ma Yili not only has to endure doubts and incomprehension from the outside world, but also takes on the role of a guide and supporter in this relationship.

She seems ready to give more for the relationship, whatever that means, including greater responsibility and pressure.

However, the choice of love is often emotional, and reality is always rational. At that time, Ma Yili may not have thought that this decision would lead her into a marriage full of twists and turns.

46-year-old Ma Yili has been divorced for 4 years and realized the truth of marriage: the longest relationship between men and women is not lovers

But at this moment, she is full of longing for the future and absolute trust in the article.

This relationship between a weak sister and a strong brother not only subverted the traditional concept of marriage and love, but also had a profound impact on Ma Yili's life. This relationship made Ma Yili start to explore herself what is the foundation of a long-term relationship.

Is it pure love? Or do they support each other and grow together? These questions will be verified one by one in the years to come.

46-year-old Ma Yili has been divorced for 4 years and realized the truth of marriage: the longest relationship between men and women is not lovers

Ma Yili firmly chose her own path, and this path indicates her dedication and persistence in marriage in the future. However, Ma may not realize how this decision will shape her future and ultimately how she will change her understanding of marriage and life.

After marriage, Ma Yili chose the traditional role of husband and child, and devoted most of her energy to family life. This decision transformed her from a star in the spotlight to a wife and mother who gave silently.

She not only has to take care of her family, but also fully support the career development of the article During this period, Ma Yili's contribution was huge, and she paved the way for the success of the article like an unknown hero behind the scenes.

46-year-old Ma Yili has been divorced for 4 years and realized the truth of marriage: the longest relationship between men and women is not lovers

Ma Yili made full use of the contacts and resources she had accumulated in the entertainment industry, and her efforts not only made her more successful, but also helped the article achieve a breakthrough in her career. Ma Yili's wholehearted dedication made her play a role beyond the traditional wife in her marriage.

During this period, the relationship between the two reached its peak. They supported each other and welcomed the birth of their second child together. Ma Yili's eyes were filled with happiness, and she was convinced that this was the married life of her dreams.

She dedicates herself wholeheartedly to her family every day, pouring all her love and energy into it.

46-year-old Ma Yili has been divorced for 4 years and realized the truth of marriage: the longest relationship between men and women is not lovers

However, while the article's career is booming, some subtle changes are slowly happening. The article's temper became more and more irritable, and even when Ma Yili was pregnant with her to buy baby products, he showed a little impatience.

These subtle changes may be a precursor to future storms, but at this time, Ma Yili was still immersed in a happy married life and was not aware of these potential crises.

When asked whether the article could not have achieved today's achievements without Ma Yili's help, the article replied lightly: "No, there is appropriate help." This sentence implies that the article ignores Ma Yili's efforts and foreshadows possible inequalities in their relationship.

46-year-old Ma Yili has been divorced for 4 years and realized the truth of marriage: the longest relationship between men and women is not lovers

Ma Yili may never have expected that all she gave would be deeply hurt in the future. This experience made her understand that the giving in marriage should be mutual, not a one-sided sacrifice.

Despite this, Ma Yili at this stage, although she chose the traditional role of husband and godson, her inner independence and strength have never disappeared, and these qualities have become a source of strength for her to stand up again in the future life transitions.

With the popularity of the TV series "The Age of Naked Marriage", the article became famous at home and abroad overnight. However, success in the cause brings not only glory, but also irresistible temptation. His extramarital affair with his partner in the play, Yao Di, was unearthed and exposed to the media spotlight, bringing irreparable rifts to the carefully cared for marriage.

46-year-old Ma Yili has been divorced for 4 years and realized the truth of marriage: the longest relationship between men and women is not lovers

The article angrily scolded media reporters and threatened him, and deliberately spread the foreshadowing of "see you on Monday" in order to cover up the truth about Yao Di's private meeting. However, when the truth was revealed, he appeared powerless.

At this moment, the image of her husband in Ma Yili's heart completely collapsed.

What made Ma Yili even more painful was that when she was still pregnant with her second child, the article secretly dated Yao Di outside. Even near their building, the article also bought a house for Yao Di so that the two could meet.

46-year-old Ma Yili has been divorced for 4 years and realized the truth of marriage: the longest relationship between men and women is not lovers

In the photos taken by the media, Yao Di hugged the article tightly, just like a couple in love, this deep betrayal made Ma Yili fall into great pain.

In the face of exposure, the article immediately apologized to Ma Yili, in which he wrote: "Today's incident is caused by me, but I want to make up for it, and even work harder to make up for it."

However, Yao Di on the other side said unknowingly: "There is real love between us", this contradictory situation increased Ma Yili's inner pain.

46-year-old Ma Yili has been divorced for 4 years and realized the truth of marriage: the longest relationship between men and women is not lovers

However, in the face of her husband's betrayal, Ma Yili did not make a decision immediately, but chose to forgive temporarily. For the sake of her children and family, she endured the pain in her heart and tried to maintain this marriage.

However, Yao Di knew that he had no chance, so he fled in a panic and embarrassment like a rat crossing the street.

This experience made Ma Yili understand that love is not the only bond that holds a long-term relationship together. Trust, respect and fidelity are the foundation of marriage. This realization became the starting point for her to redefine her self-worth in the future.

46-year-old Ma Yili has been divorced for 4 years and realized the truth of marriage: the longest relationship between men and women is not lovers

Although she chose to forgive, this betrayal still planted the seeds of doubt in Ma Yili's heart, and also planted the foreshadowing for her future decisions.

Although Ma Yili chose to forgive, her heart changed dramatically. She realizes that the longest relationship between men and women is not only about lovers, but more importantly, about being companions and supporters of each other.

Therefore, Ma Yili re-examined her life and made a bold decision: to return to the entertainment industry.

46-year-old Ma Yili has been divorced for 4 years and realized the truth of marriage: the longest relationship between men and women is not lovers

Ma Yili took over the new role when the child was still breastfeeding, and cooperated with Zhu Yawen to shoot "Bei Shangguang Don't Believe in Eyes". The intimacy of the play puts her in the public spotlight again.

The filming process was not easy, Ma Yili suffered from mastitis due to the intensity of her work, however, even when she was unwell, she still insisted on completing the shooting.

Ma Yili's decision is not only to revive her career, but also a way for her to explore and realize her self-worth. She is no longer satisfied with just playing the role of a good wife and mother, but hopes to show her ability and value with her own efforts in her career.

46-year-old Ma Yili has been divorced for 4 years and realized the truth of marriage: the longest relationship between men and women is not lovers

This transformation has allowed Ma Yili to redefine the direction of her life.

Since then, Ma Yili has starred in the TV series "The First Half of My Life", and its success lies not only in returning to the peak of her career, but also in letting people better understand herself. The role of Luo Zijun in the play can almost be said to be a microcosm of Ma Yili, showing the transformation process from a housewife to a career woman, which is undoubtedly a true portrayal of Ma Yili's own acting journey.

The role earned her widespread acclaim and also allowed her to reach new heights in her acting career.

46-year-old Ma Yili has been divorced for 4 years and realized the truth of marriage: the longest relationship between men and women is not lovers

Ma Yili, who returned to the entertainment industry, aims to achieve self-worth and clarify new life goals. She knows that a truly long-lasting relationship is built on mutual respect and support, not just on love.

The experience of this period made Ma Yili more determined her belief in life.

Ma Yili's road to reinvention has not been smooth sailing, and she needs to balance her career and family while facing all kinds of public speculation and judgment. However, she has shown with her practical actions that women are fully capable of finding a balance between career and family, and realizing their self-worth in the face of adversity.

46-year-old Ma Yili has been divorced for 4 years and realized the truth of marriage: the longest relationship between men and women is not lovers

At this stage, Ma Yili no longer worries about supporting the behind-the-scenes heroes who silently support her husband, but stands in the spotlight with her own style, shining her own light. Her story has inspired many women and opened their eyes to the possibilities of self-fulfillment.

Ma Yili's rebirth is not only a personal victory for her, but also a challenge and redefinition of the traditional concept of marriage.

In 2018, Ma Yili's acting career reached a new peak. With her outstanding performance, she won the honor of "Actress" at the Magnolia Award in one fell swoop, which is an affirmation of her acting skills and a recognition of her efforts over the years.

46-year-old Ma Yili has been divorced for 4 years and realized the truth of marriage: the longest relationship between men and women is not lovers

Ma Yili, who was standing on the podium, had a confident glint in her eyes. For her, this award is not only an honor, but also a testimony to the transformation of her life. From a good wife and mother who teaches her husband and children to an independent working woman, Ma Yili has proved with her own efforts that the value of women should not be defined by marriage.

At this time, Ma Yili has found her own direction in life, no longer relying on anyone, but has become an independent individual. She understands that the longest relationship in life is not a lover, but a companion and supporter of each other.

Ma Yili's success has made many people see the power and potential of women. Her experience teaches us that no matter what setbacks you face, you should have the courage to start over and pursue your dreams.

46-year-old Ma Yili has been divorced for 4 years and realized the truth of marriage: the longest relationship between men and women is not lovers

The reason why she was able to succeed was that she had her own runway, she would not be easily defeated by anything, she had the courage to move forward, and the betrayal of the article did not make her collapse.

After this experience, Ma Yili has a clearer understanding of her beliefs in life. She understands that true happiness comes from self-fulfillment, not dependence on others.

This realization provided the backbone for her future life decisions.

46-year-old Ma Yili has been divorced for 4 years and realized the truth of marriage: the longest relationship between men and women is not lovers

Today's Ma Yili has lived her truest self. She is not only a wife, but also a mother, but also an individual with independent personality and value. Her story has become a role model for many women, inspiring them to be brave in the face of life's setbacks.

Ma Yili's growth is not only personal, but also a kind of inspiration to society. She used her own experience to tell people that the value of women should not be defined by marriage, and everyone has the right to pursue self-realization.

Ma Yili chose to divorce the article peacefully after five years of marriage, which was not her sudden decision, but her decision after careful consideration. She finally realizes that maintaining an unhealthy relationship will only drain the energy of both parties.

46-year-old Ma Yili has been divorced for 4 years and realized the truth of marriage: the longest relationship between men and women is not lovers

The article posted a divorce statement on Weibo, he wrote: "I love Yili, I am halfway together, I am parting and two are wide, the rest of my life is long, and I am still waiting for my family." Ma Yili responded: "You and I have loved deeply, worked hard, and achieved each other."

There are regrets in this situation, but there is no right or wrong in the future, and everyone will be happy" This peaceful tone shows the maturity and understanding of the two.

Now Ma Yili has lived her truest self, she has her own career runway, and she will not be easily defeated by anything. Her real experience tells us that no matter what setbacks we encounter, we must maintain the courage to move forward, because the wonderfulness of life often blooms in adversity.

46-year-old Ma Yili has been divorced for 4 years and realized the truth of marriage: the longest relationship between men and women is not lovers

Ma Yili's life experience is colorful, starting from the choice of articles, they have experienced the sweet period of marriage and the betrayal period, which is painful for her. But she was not defeated, but got back on her feet, and finally chose to divorce peacefully and start a new life.

After this journey, she learned that the longest relationships between men and women are one of mutual respect, support, and achievement.

Ma Yili, who has been divorced for 4 years, has deeply understood this truth. She no longer sees marriage as the only yardstick to measure her own worth, but has found her true self in her career and personal growth.

46-year-old Ma Yili has been divorced for 4 years and realized the truth of marriage: the longest relationship between men and women is not lovers

Her story has become a role model for many women, inspiring them to be brave in the face of life's setbacks.

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