
Once a war breaks out, here are 8 things that will happen, and you know a few

author:An old man who tells historical stories


War is an extremely grim topic in the history of the development of human society, and it is also a topic full of blood and tears, struggle and sacrifice. Since ancient times, countless wars have brought indelible scars to human society, not only countless lives have been lost in wars, countless families have been torn apart, and entire countries and even the whole world have been plunged into long-term suffering.

Although war has brought great damage and damage to human society, war is not useless, and it has also brought some unexpected effects and impetus to human society to a certain extent. Under the clouds of war, human society has also experienced some changes and progress that are difficult to ignore, and these changes and progress may not be possible in peacetime.

Once a war breaks out, here are 8 things that will happen, and you know a few

1. The Destruction and Damage of War

Once a war breaks out, here are 8 things that will happen, and you know a few

1. The collapse of the social order

The outbreak of war often means the complete collapse of the entire social order, and no country on either side is immune to the huge impact of war. Under the smoke of war, the originally stable social order was completely broken, people's lives and work could not be basically guaranteed, and the whole society fell into chaos.

Once a war breaks out, here are 8 things that will happen, and you know a few

2. Severe damage to infrastructure

The destruction caused by war does not only stay in people's spiritual world, but also directly affects people's production and life. During the war, a large amount of infrastructure was seriously damaged, such as roads, bridges, railways, etc., which will undoubtedly bring great trouble to people's production and transportation.

Once a war breaks out, here are 8 things that will happen, and you know a few

3. The prominence of the refugee problem

War often results in a large influx of refugees from the hardest-hit areas, who have lost their homes and all the security of their lives, and who are left alone to move around. The emergence of the refugee problem will not only bring a huge burden to the affected countries, but will also pose a certain threat to the stability and security of neighboring countries.

Once a war breaks out, here are 8 things that will happen, and you know a few

4. Severe economic damage

The devastation and losses caused by war do not stop at the level of society, it also directly affects the economic development of the entire country. During the war, a large number of production facilities and agricultural land were severely damaged, which will undoubtedly bring great obstacles to the country's economic development, and will also make the country's financial pressure more and more heavy.

Once a war breaks out, here are 8 things that will happen, and you know a few

5. Serious damage to the ecological environment

In addition, the war will also bring serious damage to the ecological environment of the entire earth, such as the use of chemical weapons, large-scale deforestation, etc., these actions will undoubtedly cause serious impacts on the originally relatively balanced ecosystem, and will also make the restoration of the environment extremely difficult.

Once a war breaks out, here are 8 things that will happen, and you know a few

2. The driving role of war

Although war has brought great damage and damage to human society, war is not useless, and it has also brought some unexpected effects and impetus to human society to a certain extent.

Once a war breaks out, here are 8 things that will happen, and you know a few

1. Driven by scientific and technological progress

Under the clouds of war, human society has also experienced some scientific and technological progress that is difficult to ignore, and these scientific and technological advances may not be possible in peacetime. For example, during World War II, it was precisely because of the huge demand in the military field that a series of high-tech technologies such as drones and rocket weapons were rapidly developed and applied.

Once a war breaks out, here are 8 things that will happen, and you know a few

2. Reform of the social system

In addition, the war will also bring certain changes to the social system of some countries, and even complete subversion. Behind some wars, there are often various conflicts of interest and contradictions, which are likely to become the driving force behind social change.

3. Restructuring of international relations

The outbreak of war also often means a complete reorganization of international relations, and some originally tense international relations may be alleviated because of a certain war, and some originally friendly international relations may suddenly become tense because of a certain war.

III. The Challenges of Post-War Reconstruction

1. The daunting nature of economic reconstruction

The end of the war does not mean that everything will usher in a new beginning, and post-war reconstruction is the real test. At the tip of the war, the economies of all countries have suffered varying degrees of damage, and in order to complete economic reconstruction, it will take huge human, material and financial resources.

2. Psychosocial healing

In addition, post-war reconstruction also requires a certain degree of healing of the psychological state of the whole society, whether it is the victor of the war or the loser of the war, they are difficult to survive the psychological trauma brought about by the war, and need to be cared for and helped by the society.

3. Promotion of peace education

In the process of post-war reconstruction, peace education is particularly important, people need to learn profound lessons from war, and realize the value of peace, only by truly understanding the horror of war, can we better maintain peace.


War is a double-edged sword, which not only brings great damage and damage to human society, but also promotes social progress and development to a certain extent. As rational human beings, we must not be deceived by war, we should deeply reflect on what war has brought about, and strive to find a way to resolve conflicts peacefully, so that the smoke of war will always be far away from us.