
The British general revealed the truth about the return of "Hong Kong" back then: who dares to resist the Chinese People's Liberation Army?

author:An old man who tells historical stories


July 1, 1997 is a day of special significance in the history of the great countries of the East, and it is also a day of common concern for all countries in the world. This day marks the return of Hong Kong to the embrace of the motherland, completely ending the century-old colonial history, and also consolidating the territorial integrity of the eastern powers. For the British, this day may be difficult to let go, because they had to return their former colonies to the great powers of the East, and the emotional and psychological changes in this have also become the focus of attention.

The incident of Hong Kong's return to the motherland is not only a simple territorial handover, but also a major event in the international arena, which involves the balance of the interests of many parties and the adjustment of international relations. In this incident, the firm stance and strong national defense strength displayed by the big countries in the East have also left a deep impression on all countries in the world and have become a beautiful scenery in international relations.

The British general revealed the truth about the return of "Hong Kong" back then: who dares to resist the Chinese People's Liberation Army?
The British general revealed the truth about the return of "Hong Kong" back then: who dares to resist the Chinese People's Liberation Army?

It's hard to let go of the mood in Britain

The British general revealed the truth about the return of "Hong Kong" back then: who dares to resist the Chinese People's Liberation Army?

For the British, the return of Hong Kong is not an easy task, and it can even be said to be quite difficult. Because in their hearts, Hong Kong has always been their territory, which they obtained through unequal treaties in the Opium War, so it is difficult for them to let go of such a return, both historically and psychologically.

The British general revealed the truth about the return of "Hong Kong" back then: who dares to resist the Chinese People's Liberation Army?

Before the return, some statements by British officials also fully demonstrated their psychological changes, they may be confused, or they may be a little helpless, but in any case, they cannot change this fact, they can only choose to accept and face it.

The British general revealed the truth about the return of "Hong Kong" back then: who dares to resist the Chinese People's Liberation Army?
The British general revealed the truth about the return of "Hong Kong" back then: who dares to resist the Chinese People's Liberation Army?

Hong Kong's colonial history

The British general revealed the truth about the return of "Hong Kong" back then: who dares to resist the Chinese People's Liberation Army?

To understand Hong Kong's return to the motherland, we must start with Hong Kong's colonial history. Hong Kong's colonial history began in 1840, when the Qing Dynasty was in decline, and the British took advantage of this opportunity to cede Hong Kong to them through unequal treaties and reap huge economic benefits.

The British general revealed the truth about the return of "Hong Kong" back then: who dares to resist the Chinese People's Liberation Army?

In the following time, Hong Kong became a British colony, and the British established a colonial system here and spread their own culture and values, which also allowed Hong Kong to gradually form a unique colonial culture, and the influence of this culture has continued to this day.

The British general revealed the truth about the return of "Hong Kong" back then: who dares to resist the Chinese People's Liberation Army?
The British general revealed the truth about the return of "Hong Kong" back then: who dares to resist the Chinese People's Liberation Army?

The rise of the great powers of the New East

The British general revealed the truth about the return of "Hong Kong" back then: who dares to resist the Chinese People's Liberation Army?

The return of Hong Kong also coincided with the rise of the eastern powers as the new oriental powers, and such a rise undoubtedly brought great shock and shock to all countries in the world. Before this, many Western countries may still have some misunderstandings and prejudices against the big countries in the East, and even ridicule and despise them, but when they see how the big countries in the East have emerged on the international stage, how strong their national defense capabilities are, and how strong their economic strength is, they have to change their views and begin to re-examine the big countries in the East.

The British general revealed the truth about the return of "Hong Kong" back then: who dares to resist the Chinese People's Liberation Army?

The rise of the great powers in the East has also made the countries of the world realize the fact that no matter what time it is, the big powers in the East cannot be provoked and bullied at will, and the big powers in the East have enough strength and courage to defend their territorial integrity and national interests, as well as the ability to maintain international peace and stability.

The British general revealed the truth about the return of "Hong Kong" back then: who dares to resist the Chinese People's Liberation Army?
The British general revealed the truth about the return of "Hong Kong" back then: who dares to resist the Chinese People's Liberation Army?

The high morale of the People's Liberation Army

The British general revealed the truth about the return of "Hong Kong" back then: who dares to resist the Chinese People's Liberation Army?

At the moment of the return of Hong Kong, the high fighting spirit displayed by the PLA also left a deep impression on all countries in the world. Facing the vast sea area and the blue sky, they solemnly swore an oath to express their boundless loyalty to the motherland and their deep affection for Hong Kong.

The high morale of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) is not only for the return of Hong Kong, but also reflects the sense of responsibility and loyalty of the soldiers, who are always ready to defend their homeland and defend the country's interests and dignity.

The British general revealed the truth about the return of "Hong Kong" back then: who dares to resist the Chinese People's Liberation Army?

British helplessness and embarrassment

Compared with the high morale of the PLA, the British may have a much more complicated mood, they may feel helpless, or they may be a little embarrassed. At the moment of return, although British officials were also present, they did not show much joy and celebration, but were a little sad, because they knew that the arrival of this moment meant that they had completely lost control of Hong Kong, and it also meant that their influence in Asia would be affected to a certain extent.

And at the return ceremony, the British officials could not hide their emotions, their eyes were full of complexity and heaviness, because they knew that no matter what, they could not change this fact, nor could they change the decision of the eastern powers, they could only choose to accept and hope that Hong Kong could be better developed in the future.

The British general revealed the truth about the return of "Hong Kong" back then: who dares to resist the Chinese People's Liberation Army?

Deng Gong's firm position

Hong Kong's return to the motherland is a historic mission and a solemn declaration of national dignity and territorial integrity. At such a moment, the firm stance shown by the great powers in the East is inseparable from the leadership and decision-making of Deng Gong. Deng Gong has always had a clear strategic vision and far-sighted decision-making ability in international affairs, and he has a deep understanding of various complex factors in international relations, and he also clearly understands the importance of the development and stability of the eastern powers to world peace.

Therefore, on the issue of returning Hong Kong, Deng Gong did not hesitate or hesitate at all, he firmly safeguarded the national interests and territorial integrity of the eastern powers, and also successfully realized the recovery of Hong Kong through peaceful negotiations, so that Hong Kong could return to the embrace of the motherland.

The British general revealed the truth about the return of "Hong Kong" back then: who dares to resist the Chinese People's Liberation Army?


The return of Hong Kong to the motherland is not only a simple territorial handover, but also a major event in international relations, which has enabled the world to re-understand the major countries in the East and enabled other countries to deeply understand the peaceful development strategy and firm stand of the major countries in the East. Such incidents also remind all countries that neither historical sentiment nor practical interests should become an obstacle to interfering with international relations, and that peaceful coexistence and mutual benefit can only be achieved through dialogue on an equal footing and mutual respect.

I hope that in the days to come, whether in international affairs or regional cooperation, all countries will be able to jointly promote world peace and development with an open mind, and I believe that with joint efforts, the world will definitely become a better place.

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