
Xue Zhiqian's Concert Interactive Challenge: Cat Scratch or Human Scratch? Netizens are constantly hotly discussed!

author:Xiao Hao told interesting stories


Xue Zhiqian's concert interaction caused controversy: is it a joke or a gaffe?

At a recent concert, Xue Zhiqian's interaction with fans became the focus of heated discussions. When a female fan appeared on the big screen with obvious scratches on her chest, Xue Zhiqian asked curiously: "The chest was scratched by a cat?" Human-scratched or cat-scratched? This remark quickly sparked a big discussion on the Internet about the boundary between the artist's words and deeds.

Xue Zhiqian's Concert Interactive Challenge: Cat Scratch or Human Scratch? Netizens are constantly hotly discussed!

Some people think that this is just Xue Zhiqian's usual humorous style, while others think that this way of asking questions is not appropriate enough, and even suspected of sexual harassment.

The misleading marketing account and the independent thinking of netizens


The marketing account quickly seized on the topic, trying to steer public opinion by editing videos and incorrect subtitles, suggesting that Xue's remarks involved sexual harassment.

Xue Zhiqian's Concert Interactive Challenge: Cat Scratch or Human Scratch? Netizens are constantly hotly discussed!

However, some attentive netizens found that Xue Zhiqian had noticed the scratches on the fans' chests before asking questions, and his first reaction was to ask if he had been scratched by a cat. In this case, his question is more like a concern for the fan's injury than other improper intentions. Netizens have called for independent thinking in the face of such incidents, and not to be easily led astray by marketing accounts.

Xue Zhiqian's joke: Is it humor or faux pas?


In another interaction, Xue Zhiqian praised another female fan for her fair skin, jokingly: "You are so white, whiter than I have been dead for three days."

Xue Zhiqian's Concert Interactive Challenge: Cat Scratch or Human Scratch? Netizens are constantly hotly discussed!

This kind of exaggerated metaphor is not uncommon in Xue Zhiqian's performances, and he has praised boys in similar ways before. However, this humorous approach may seem too direct and even disrespectful to some. This has sparked renewed discussion about how entertainers can maintain a balance between humor and respect on stage.

Netizens' reactions: support and criticism coexist


For Xue Zhiqian's interactions, netizens have mixed reactions. Some fans believe that this is Xue Zhiqian's unique way of interacting and adding to the fun of the concert.

Xue Zhiqian's Concert Interactive Challenge: Cat Scratch or Human Scratch? Netizens are constantly hotly discussed!

While other netizens believe that as a public figure, Xue Zhiqian should pay more attention to his words and deeds to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding and trouble to fans and the public. This disagreement sparked a heated discussion on social media, with many netizens expressing their opinions in the comment section.

Controversial summary: Where are the boundaries between the words and deeds of artists?


Xue Zhiqian's concert interaction incident undoubtedly sparked a discussion about the boundary between the artist's words and deeds again. While entertaining the public, how to avoid touching social and cultural sensitivities while maintaining personality and humor is a question worth pondering. This event may serve as an opportunity for artists and the public alike to become more aware of the importance of what they say and do in public. In any case, this discussion will continue, and more attention will be paid to Xue's future performance.

Xue Zhiqian's Concert Interactive Challenge: Cat Scratch or Human Scratch? Netizens are constantly hotly discussed!

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