
The dog days are coming, insist on eating it 3 times a week, the moisture is discharged, and the stomach is flattened and I sleep until dawn

author:Only not out

Hello everyone, I am a little brother who likes to study food in the kitchen, share simple food, and feel the taste of home. I hope that friends who read my article will be able to make delicious food and share it with your family.

As dog days approach, the high temperature and humidity make people feel uncomfortable, and the body is prone to accumulate moisture, leading to problems such as bloating and insomnia. To cope with this seasonal health challenge, we recommend a traditional therapeutic diet that helps the body flush out moisture while improving sleep quality by consuming specific ingredients. This method is simple and easy to use, just consume it three times a week and you can see noticeable results.

The dog days are coming, insist on eating it 3 times a week, the moisture is discharged, and the stomach is flattened and I sleep until dawn

1. The importance of moisture discharge

Dampness is an important concept in TCM theory, which refers to the phenomenon that excess water in the human body cannot be discharged normally and accumulates in the body. Excessive humidity can cause various uncomfortable symptoms in the body, such as bloating, edema, fatigue, insomnia, etc. During the season of high temperature and humidity such as dog days, moisture is more likely to accumulate in the body, so timely removal of moisture is essential to maintain good health.

The dog days are coming, insist on eating it 3 times a week, the moisture is discharged, and the stomach is flattened and I sleep until dawn

2. Recommended ingredients

Here, we recommend an ingredient with a powerful moisture-wicking effect - winter melon. Winter melon is cool in nature, sweet and light in taste, and has the effects of clearing heat and relieving heat, diuresis and swelling, and quenching thirst. It is rich in vitamins and minerals that replenish the nutrients needed by the body while promoting the removal of moisture from the body. In addition, winter melon also has the characteristics of low calorie and high moisture, which helps to reduce the burden on the body and improve sleep quality.

The dog days are coming, insist on eating it 3 times a week, the moisture is discharged, and the stomach is flattened and I sleep until dawn

3. Winter melon dehumidification recipe recommendation

Next, we will recommend a few simple and easy-to-make winter melon dehumidification recipes to help you better discharge moisture from your body and improve your physical condition during dog days.

1. Stir-fry winter melon slices

Ingredients: 500 grams of winter melon, 2 cloves of garlic, appropriate amount of light soy sauce, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of cooking oil

The dog days are coming, insist on eating it 3 times a week, the moisture is discharged, and the stomach is flattened and I sleep until dawn


01. Peel and remove the seeds of the winter melon, cut into thin slices and set aside.

02. Slice the garlic and set aside.

03. Heat an appropriate amount of cooking oil into a pot, add garlic slices and stir-fry until fragrant.

04. Add the winter melon slices and stir-fry until broken.

05. Add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce and salt to taste.

The dog days are coming, insist on eating it 3 times a week, the moisture is discharged, and the stomach is flattened and I sleep until dawn

Tips: Stir-fried winter melon slices have a refreshing taste and are suitable for summer. During the frying process, an appropriate amount of chili pepper or vinegar can be added to increase the flavor according to personal taste.

2. Winter melon and barley pork rib soup

Ingredients required: 500 grams of winter melon, 100 grams of barley, 500 grams of pork ribs, appropriate amount of ginger slices, appropriate amount of salt

The dog days are coming, insist on eating it 3 times a week, the moisture is discharged, and the stomach is flattened and I sleep until dawn


01. Peel and remove the seeds of the winter melon, cut into large pieces for later use; Soak the barley for 30 minutes in advance and set aside; Wash the ribs and cut them into sections.

02. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot and bring to a boil, add the pork ribs and ginger slices to blanch to remove the smell.

03. Put the blanched pork ribs, barley and ginger slices into a casserole, add enough water to bring to a boil, then turn to low heat and simmer for 1 hour.

04. Add the melon cubes and continue to simmer for 30 minutes until the melon is fully cooked.

05. Add an appropriate amount of salt to taste and enjoy.

The dog days are coming, insist on eating it 3 times a week, the moisture is discharged, and the stomach is flattened and I sleep until dawn

Tips: Winter melon and barley pork rib soup is delicious and nutritious. Barley has the effect of strengthening the spleen and promoting dampness, and can better discharge dampness from the body when paired with winter melon. During the stewing process, ingredients such as wolfberries and red dates can be added according to personal taste to increase the nutritional value and taste.

3. Winter melon and kelp soup

Ingredients required: 500 grams of winter melon, 100 grams of kelp, appropriate amount of ginger slices, appropriate amount of salt

The dog days are coming, insist on eating it 3 times a week, the moisture is discharged, and the stomach is flattened and I sleep until dawn


01. Peel and remove the seeds of the winter melon and cut into large pieces for later use; Soak the kelp in advance, wash and cut into sections for later use.

02. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot and boil, blanch the ginger slices to remove the smell.

03. Put the blanched kelp and ginger slices into a casserole, add enough water, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and simmer for 20 minutes.

04. Add the melon cubes and continue to simmer for 30 minutes until the melon is fully cooked.

05. Add an appropriate amount of salt to taste and enjoy.

The dog days are coming, insist on eating it 3 times a week, the moisture is discharged, and the stomach is flattened and I sleep until dawn

Tips: Winter melon and kelp soup is refreshing and delicious, suitable for summer. Kelp is rich in iodine, which helps regulate thyroid function and promotes metabolism. During the stewing process, ingredients such as shrimp and tofu can be added according to personal taste to increase the taste and nutrition.

The dog days are coming, insist on eating it 3 times a week, the moisture is discharged, and the stomach is flattened and I sleep until dawn

Through the introduction of the above three winter melon dehumidification recipes, we can see that winter melon is a very suitable ingredient to eat on dog days. It can not only help the body expel moisture, improve bloating, edema and other problems, but also promote the improvement of sleep quality, so that people can sleep until dawn. Therefore, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people insist on eating winter melon recipes three times a week during the dog days to maintain good health and enjoy a comfortable summer life.