
In summer, it is too suitable for a bowl, a clear tonic soup that is not cold or dry, and enhances physical fitness

author:Isis emotion

Many people don't know that it is really good to make soup with Ganoderma lucidum in summer, Ganoderma lucidum spores have the effect of strengthening the spleen and invigorating qi, nourishing and calming the nerves, especially the "thin" elderly sub-healthy people! It can be arranged 1-2 times a week, and the advantage of Ganoderma lucidum is that it does not pick the human body, is not cold or dry, and is relatively peaceful, and the elderly and children love to drink.

Five-finger peach ganoderma lucidum soup has the effects and effects of strengthening the spleen and stomach, nourishing the lungs and kidneys, promoting qi and dampness, relaxing tendons and activating the nerves.

Today's soup is very helpful for friends with lung qi deficiency or long-term cough and weakness. Ganoderma lucidum replenishes qi and calms the nerves, relieves cough and asthma, and five-fingered peach can strengthen the spleen and invigorate qi, dissolve dampness and relieve tendons.

Stewing soup with lean meat or pork ribs can nourish lung qi and improve immunity, especially for the elderly and children with weak constitution.

Five-fingered peach has the effect of promoting qi and dampness, relieving cough and asthma, can be anti-cancer and anti-tumor, and has the effect of adjuvant therapy for patients with loose stool and decreased appetite.

✨ Ganoderma lucidum has the effects of liver protection and detoxification, anti-aging, expectorant and cough suppressant, anti-tumor, and calming the nerves.

Caution: Not easy for pregnant women to drink!

In summer, it is too suitable for a bowl, a clear tonic soup that is not cold or dry, and enhances physical fitness

1. Healthy spleen beneficial stomach

Five-fingered peach has the effect of strengthening the spleen and dissipating dampness, invigorating qi and strengthening the surface; Ganoderma lucidum can replenish the heart and blood and benefit the heart. The combination of the two helps to improve the function of the spleen and stomach and improve the ability of digestion and absorption.

2. Nourish the lungs and kidneys

Five-fingered peach has the effect of tonifying the lungs, relieving cough and asthma, tonifying the kidneys and stabilizing asthma; Ganoderma lucidum can nourish the lungs and kidneys, relieve cough and asthma. The combination of the two can enhance the effect of tonifying the lungs and kidneys.

3. Promote qi and dampness

The five-finger peach is flat and sweet, enters the spleen meridian, and has the effects of promoting qi and dampness, benefiting the lungs and relieving cough; Ganoderma lucidum can replenish qi and calm the nerves, nourish the blood. The combination of the two medicines can not only replenish the deficiency but also dispel the evil, and is suitable for those who have insufficient qi and blood and dampness.

4. Relax the muscles and activate the body

Five-finger peach has the effect of relaxing muscles and activating the nerves and promoting blood circulation; Ganoderma lucidum has the effect of calming the nerves, anti-inflammatory and reducing swelling. The combination of the two is good for relieving muscle soreness, joint stiffness and other problems.

In summer, it is too suitable for a bowl, a clear tonic soup that is not cold or dry, and enhances physical fitness

Modern life and learning are very stressful and fast-paced, so that our hearts have to become more impetuous? The use of reishi mushrooms can calm our minds and minds.

Ganoderma lucidum can be incorporated into the Heart Sutra, which can benefit the heart and qi, and has a calming and calming effect, such as insomnia or palpitations, restlessness, etc.

Ganoderma lucidum is flat, has no toxic side effects, and can be taken more~ This time it is paired with a five-finger peach to improve the effect of dampness......


Ganoderma lucidum 20g

Five-finger peach 35g

Poria cocos 15g

Lotus seeds 15g

Longan 15g

400g of pork meat

1 date

In summer, it is too suitable for a bowl, a clear tonic soup that is not cold or dry, and enhances physical fitness


1. Blanch the lean meat in a pot under cold water to wash off the foam

2. Wash and soak the soup ingredients for about 15min

3. Put all the ingredients into the stew pot together, add an appropriate amount of water and simmer for 2.5 hours

4. Add an appropriate amount of salt to taste before cooking

In summer, it is too suitable for a bowl, a clear tonic soup that is not cold or dry, and enhances physical fitness

The efficacy and function of the five-finger peach lingzhi soup are mainly manifested in strengthening the spleen and invigorating qi, relieving cough and expectorant, calming and calming the nerves, etc.

In summer, it is too suitable for a bowl, a clear tonic soup that is not cold or dry, and enhances physical fitness