
was cheated of money and sex

author:Isis emotion
was cheated of money and sex

l XU TIAN · 我是许天 #杂谈 # - 前两天后台有位读者给我发私信:

Uncle Xu Tian, I was cheated of money.

I think I'm a very vigilant person, and I probably know the way of thinking about what kind of pig killing plate and fish farming on the Internet, so I think the scam will never happen to me, but I still encountered it.

Now there are not a lot of that kind of dating software, I use **, a lot of men come up to say hello, very greasy, he is more special, read my information, directly talk to me about the anime I like, and then add WeChat, give me two milk tea, play the video, the feeling of communication, belongs to the kind of boy who will not say that you will bubble pink but have a very down-to-earth heart.

Later, during the holiday, he asked me to go to Zhengzhou to find him, I was in Fujian, so I went, and we had a relationship in his rental room, and I went back to Fujian after the holiday, and the scam began.

Now that I think about it, his scam is really powerful, two days after I returned to Fujian, he transferred me 7000 on WeChat, saying that he had paid his salary, I was very happy at that time, and I felt that this person was very reliable. Later, he said that there was a stock with a good momentum and a steady profit, and asked me to transfer 7000 back, I felt that it didn't matter, it was his money anyway. Within two days, he transferred me 8,000 and said that he had made money, but I didn't think about it at the time and accepted it.

He just went in and out three or four times, never spending me a penny, never thinking that he would lie to me or anything like that.

There is more than 10,000 yuan in the back on my WeChat, and he told me that his stock account is frequently operated and cannot be added, so he taught me how to open an account and put his 10,000 yuan into it, so I actually have no doubt at all, after all, the 10,000 yuan is his, and I haven't paid a penny. The account funds, he asked me to report to him every day, I looked at it every day, and after a week, I made several thousands. He told me that the momentum of the surge is estimated to be two or three days, to seize the opportunity, do this, we will get married and buy a house The money will be there, he said that he plans to take out the regular 200,000 yuan, asked me how much money I have, I said I have more than 60,000, he asked me if I can make up a little, 150,000 or 200,000 like this, I went to borrow money, and also asked the family, almost 180,000.

He also has a very powerful place here, he first transferred 150,000 yuan through his account, and when I saw it, I relaxed my vigilance and put 180,000 yuan into it.

Next, what did he say about trapping, I wanted more funds to activate, I knew I was deceived, and I quickly called the police, but it was too late, the other party disappeared completely, and the rental house was also a short-term rental, and that account or something was also created by a scammer, and the ups and downs and balances could be controlled.

I feel like I'm falling, there's nothing to cheat, it's more difficult to get money, my own money is okay, mainly because there are almost 120,000 I asked my parents and classmates to borrow, I now have a salary of more than 4,000, I don't know how many years it will take to fill this hole, and I don't dare to tell my parents, what to do, the company's income is not good this year, if I lay off again, I feel like I'm completely helpless, what a headache.

——Reply to the dividing line——

Hello young lady from Fujian:

It's a pity to receive such a private message, in fact, every one to two months, the background will receive similar consultations, almost all of them are deceived by online dating, indicating that this phenomenon is widespread, so it is necessary to talk about it.

The solution to your problem is:

First of all, don't hide it, whether it's your parents or classmates, explain the reason for the matter, you are a victim in this matter, and you will also bear a large economic loss, and report the case to the police to show them the receipt to prove that it is true to be deceived.

Second, create a repayment plan. You earn 4000 a month, try to keep your monthly living expenses down to 1500-2000, and most of the rest is used to repay the loan, giving priority to your classmates, and then returning it to your parents (family members, there is room for negotiation), as long as you continue to repay, your creditors will not embarrass you.

Then, live well, there are always more ways than difficulties.

After giving advice, let's talk about the two big mistakes you or most deceived women make - one is to have a higher amount of financial dealings with the other person when you are in love; Second, it is not accurate to know people.

I have stressed many times that not having too much financial interaction in a relationship can both avoid fraud and make your relationship more pure. Spending a lot of money for each other, it usually seems that there is no problem, but if there is an argument or a breakup, it will be extremely ugly - I spent so much money for you, what have you paid for me? Want to break up and pay back the money first? You're just here for my money, right, and now you break up if you don't have any money?

The cutting is continuous, and the rationalization is still messy.

Therefore, in love, you can spend a little money on each other, eat and give gifts, but not too much, and there will be endless troubles if you have more.

In addition, in love, marriage, and career, it is very important to know people - because the people around you will greatly determine the quality of your life.

When you meet the right person, your marriage is harmonious, and your career is thriving; When you meet the wrong person, you can only suffer, family disharmony, career is not smooth, and there is a problem everywhere.

Therefore, we must discern people and judge the situation.

Only by discerning people can you distinguish who can help you and who is burdening you.

Only by judging the situation can we follow the opportunity and avoid quagmires and misunderstandings.

Of course, I don't understand these things myself, and I entrust my friend Uncle Nine to help me read it.

A long time ago, when real estate was very profitable, I was once very interested in real estate, and before the property market began to collapse, I even thought about investing in real estate, but Uncle Nine advised me:

Real estate belongs to the soil, my own like to use God and the soil to restrain each other, others can make money I may not be able to earn, if it is self-occupation can start, but if you want to invest must be cautious.

Because I know that Uncle Nine is very accurate, I have been pressing myself, and as early as 19 years, Uncle Nine has already posted such a sentence in the circle of friends:

24 years is about to enter the nine purple away from the fire luck, Gen earth transport is gradually going downhill, ordinary people must be cautious to buy real estate, in the future must be to maintain stability, do not blindly forge ahead.

But at that time, a few people could listen to it, and looking at the current recession of the property market, I realized the deep meaning of Uncle Jiu's admonition to us at that time.

Only by knowing the direction of the future wind will we know how to take the next step.

And so it is.

The original bureau is like a car, and the big luck is like a road.

It is a Hummer, but also to drive on the highway in order to maximize the speed, on the contrary, if a person's fate is not good, and the luck does not come to help, even if you set a small goal that can be achieved in your infancy, and finally struggle hard for a lifetime, it is difficult to earn it 100 million.

It's really important to go with the flow.

When to get rich, what to do to make money, and even who to marry will be smoother, are all written by Destiny Gli a long time ago, and only by going along with our overall situation will there be no danger and everything will go smoothly.

For example, one of my college classmates, after graduation, went back to Beijing, because of his introverted personality and did not dare to go out to socialize, he has not been able to find a suitable partner for many years, and the family is in a hurry, and finally Uncle Nine gave numerology tips - Go to the south more, and in the next two years, there will be a good marriage, and it will be very good to grasp the marriage fortune, and I have done a peach blossom science instrument to catalyze the opposite sex.

During that time, the sister was favored by a lot of the opposite sex, and then under the advice of Uncle Jiu, she chose a lover, and now their marriage is very happy, and it has been three years since they got married, and they have always been very harmonious, although they married late, but they are the best married.

Uncle Nine has a cheerful personality, and he is also a skilled person and has insight into the world. Combined with Zhou Yi and reality, when giving people to reason about the horoscope, they will also predict some things, and the accuracy is very high.

Many friends, when they are confused about various things, like to ask Uncle Jiu.

Numerology sounds mysterious, but in fact, when a person makes a choice, according to his personality and his actual situation, it can provide more dimensions of thinking and observation.

Using the knowledge of numerology, we can effectively plan for the future, pursue advantages and avoid disadvantages, and face our lives positively.

Since I have said this, I will introduce Uncle Nine to you by the way.

The ninth uncle's surname is Zhao Mingzhihua, the Taoist number is Shanjiu, he has studied "Zhou Yi" for many years, studied under Longhu Mountain in Jiangxi, converted to Taoism Zhengyi Jingming School, and several generations of people in the family have done numerology consultation, giving people guidance.

Uncle Nine has been in the industry for many years and has done numerology consulting for tens of thousands of people, not only is his calculation accurate, but his advice is also very reliable. When I witnessed the people around me get out of the trough of life through his guidance, I felt that fate was still very magical.

It is very difficult to change one's life against the sky, but one can try to make one's actions conform to the "way of heaven".

24 years has just begun, for us, new opportunities are also sprouting, if you want to know your career or marriage fortune this year, and want to grasp your future destiny friends, you can add Uncle Jiu's WeChat to understand.

It doesn't matter if you can't use it now, add a WeChat to be prepared, so that you won't be in a hurry when you need to use it:

(You can also add WeChat: zhibobot )