
Melons are sweet or not, 30-year-old fruit farmers teach you a trick, look at this position, melons are sweet and juicy

author:I'm Qiu Tian

As the saying goes: "Eat buds in spring, eat melons in summer", and in summer, it is a good season to eat melons, such as watermelon, melon, cucumber, bitter gourd, etc. Among the many melons, melons are loved by people because of their sweet taste and rich nutrition. Although it is the season when melons are on the market in large quantities, both its sweetness and juice are the best, but when buying, there is also a skill, otherwise you may buy melons that are not well ripe, or have been overripe. Today, I will share with you a few tips on choosing melons, learn these points, and make sure that the melons you buy are sweet and juicy, so follow me to learn them together!

Melons are sweet or not, 30-year-old fruit farmers teach you a trick, look at this position, melons are sweet and juicy

1. Observe the melon umbilicus.

The navel is the bottom of the melon, and it is where the petals fall after the melon blooms. If we observe the navel of a few more melons, we will find that this melon navel is both large and small. In fact, from this melon navel, we can judge whether the melon is sweet or not. When the melon is not ripe, its navel is relatively small. But as it slowly matures and expands, this umbilical part will grow bigger and bigger. Therefore, the melon with a large navel proves that its maturity is relatively high, and the natural taste will be more sweet and juicy. On the contrary, if the navel of the melon is relatively small, it means that the ripeness of the melon is not enough, and its taste will be relatively poor.

Melons are sweet or not, 30-year-old fruit farmers teach you a trick, look at this position, melons are sweet and juicy

Second, smell the melon.

The melon has a unique fruity aroma, and when it is ripe, its fruity flavor becomes more and more intense, so when buying melons, we can also get close and smell its fragrance. If the melon smells naturally fruity, it is a sign that the melon is ripe. On the contrary, if you don't smell fruity, or you smell fermented wine, it means that the melon is not ripe, or it is overripe and has begun to rot, and we should not buy such a melon.

Melons are sweet or not, 30-year-old fruit farmers teach you a trick, look at this position, melons are sweet and juicy

3. Observe the epidermis.

When buying melons, we should also pay attention to the peel of the melon. High-quality fresh melon, its skin looks shiny and the color is also bright. However, if you find that there are black spots on the skin of the melon, or the skin is dull and dull, then such a melon means that it has been left for a long time and is not fresh.

Melons are sweet or not, 30-year-old fruit farmers teach you a trick, look at this position, melons are sweet and juicy

Fourth, weigh the weight.

When we buy fruit, we want to buy that kind of juice that is abundant. To judge whether the fruit juice is sufficient, you can distinguish it by checking its weight, and the heavy feel indicates that the juice is sufficient. However, melons are different. Because the middle part of the melon has a lot of melon pulp and melon seeds, as the melon matures, these melon pulps will appear hollow, and the water in it will be converted into sugar. So when choosing melons, we can't choose ones that are too heavy. A melon that feels too heavy in the hand indicates that it is less ripe. But the kind of melon that feels too light when you pick it up is an indication that it is overripe, and the melon inside has dried out and lost moisture. We should choose the kind of melon that is a little lighter, such a melon, the middle of the melon pulp begins to hollow, the water is converted into sugar, and the taste will be particularly sweet.

Melons are sweet or not, 30-year-old fruit farmers teach you a trick, look at this position, melons are sweet and juicy

Fifth, press elasticity.

When buying melons, we can also use our fingers to gently press on the skin of the melon. Fresh melons will feel firmer when pressed, but with some elasticity. If the melon is hard to pinch, it indicates that it is not ripe and does not taste very sweet. But if the melon is very soft when pinched, or even a pit will be concave, the freshness of such a melon will be relatively poor, and even the flesh has deteriorated, so we don't want to buy it. If today's article is helpful to you, then click a follow, a like, and thank you for your support.

Melons are sweet or not, 30-year-old fruit farmers teach you a trick, look at this position, melons are sweet and juicy

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