
The six sisters-in-law in the Beijing circle are proficient in the art of the imperial husband, and the benefactors of the big men in the Beijing circle

author:Derpy talks about history

In the dazzling galaxy of the Beijing circle, the stories of six couples are particularly eye-catching. Their encounter, as if they were pulled by the red thread in the dark, found each other in the ocean of literature and art.

In 1985, Nanjing held the 3rd National Short Story Awards Conference. The 33-year-old Zheng Xiaolong participated in the event as a well-known writer and screenwriter. His gaze inadvertently swept across the venue and fell on a gentle and elegant woman - Wang Xiaoping, the editor of the People's Literature Publishing House.

The two talked happily because of their common literary hobby, but they hesitated because of their age. Zheng Xiaolong's eyes flashed with appreciation, while Wang Xiaoping bowed his head slightly, hiding the throbbing in his heart.

At this time, Wang Xiaoping took the initiative to recommend Haiyan's novel "Plainclothes Police" to Zheng Xiaolong, thinking that this work is very suitable for adaptation into film and television dramas. Her eyes sparkled with wisdom, and there was a hint of anticipation in her tone.

The six sisters-in-law in the Beijing circle are proficient in the art of the imperial husband, and the benefactors of the big men in the Beijing circle

Zheng Xiaolong's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he immediately invited Wang Xiaoping to go to Hainan to discuss the adaptation together. In the days in Hainan, the two walked along the beach, chatting about the past and the present, and love grew quietly inadvertently.

At the same time, the encounter between Zhao Baogang and Ding Xin is even more dramatic. In 1984, Ding Xin came to Beijing on a business trip, originally to send a message to Zhao Baogang. Who knew that a few months later, at a party at Pu Cunxi's home, the two met again.

The moment 29-year-old Zhao Baogang saw Ding Xin, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and he experienced the feeling of love at first sight for the first time. His eyes unconsciously followed Ding Xin's figure, and he secretly marveled at the beauty and talent of this girl.

The story of Wang Zhonglei and Wang Xiaorong is full of youthful throbbing. When Chongqing girl Wang Xiaorong met Wang Zhonglei for the first time, she was deeply attracted by his elegant temperament.

The six sisters-in-law in the Beijing circle are proficient in the art of the imperial husband, and the benefactors of the big men in the Beijing circle

Although she had a boyfriend at the time, she couldn't help but have a good impression of Wang Zhonglei. Wang Xiaorong's eyes flashed with determination, and she knew that this man was the person she was waiting for.

Although Wang Zhonglei rejected her at first on the grounds that "I am two years older than you, and I like girls older than me", the gears of fate have quietly turned. These encounters seem to be accidental, but in fact they contain a deep fate.

Each couple's story is unique and moving, laying the foundation for their future love. In these scenes of first encounter, we seem to see the seeds of love quietly sprouting, indicating that the wonderful story of the future is about to unfold.

The road to love is never easy. In the process of pursuing true love, these six pairs of lovers have all experienced varying degrees of testing, showing firm will and deep feelings.

The six sisters-in-law in the Beijing circle are proficient in the art of the imperial husband, and the benefactors of the big men in the Beijing circle

Wang Xiaorong's pursuit of Wang Zhonglei can be described as persistent. Although Wang Zhonglei refused many times on the grounds of age gap, she still persevered in writing to Wang Zhonglei. Each letter is full of sincere emotion, and between the lines reveals her insistence on this feeling.

However, these letters were invariably rejected by Wang Zhonglei. In the past three years, they have only seen each other five times, but Wang Xiaorong's heart has always been the same. Until Wang Zhonglei failed to open a trading company, his career encountered a trough.

At this difficult moment, he finally opened his heart to Wang Xiaorong and called and said, "Let's get married." At this time, Wang Xiaorong was in love with her boyfriend, but she chose Wang Zhonglei without hesitation.

She immediately rushed to Beijing to meet him and proved her sincerity with practical actions. Wang Xiaorong's persistence finally brought a response from love, and her eyes flashed with tears of happiness, drawing a successful end to her years of waiting.

The six sisters-in-law in the Beijing circle are proficient in the art of the imperial husband, and the benefactors of the big men in the Beijing circle

The story of Feng Xiaogang and Xu Fan is full of waiting and perseverance. In 1992, they met for the first time at the review site of the movie "The Great Satan", although the first impression was not good, but at the subsequent finale, Feng Xiaogang was attracted by Xu Fan's beauty.

However, at this time, Feng Xiaogang had not yet divorced his ex-wife. From the first meeting in 1992 to the final result in 1999, Xu Fan spent seven years waiting for Feng Xiaogang to divorce his ex-wife.

During this long wait, Xu Fan showed extraordinary patience and faith. She silently supported Feng Xiaogang and became the queen heroine in his movie, winning Feng Xiaogang's respect and love with her professional performance.

Liu Xiaomei's indefatigability to Wang Zhongjun is even more moving. Despite her privileged background, her father was the magistrate of a certain county in Beijing, and Liu Xiaomei still chose to marry Wang Zhongjun, who had nothing at the time.

The six sisters-in-law in the Beijing circle are proficient in the art of the imperial husband, and the benefactors of the big men in the Beijing circle

She not only accompanied Wang Zhongjun to study abroad, but also worked in the United States to earn tuition. In the five years at the University of Michigan, Liu Xiaomei worked in a Chinese restaurant and did various part-time jobs, supporting her husband's studies with hard sweat.

Her dedication and persistence have interpreted the true meaning of "sharing weal and pain" with practical actions. These stories all show the firmness and courage of these "sisters-in-law" in love.

They interpret what true love is in their own way, and they also lay a solid emotional foundation for the husbands who will become "Beijing circle bosses" in the future. In these trials, we see the most beautiful and moving appearance of love.

On the road to happiness, these lovers not only have to face inner trials, but also overcome obstacles from their families. Their stories show us that genuine feelings can overcome all obstacles.

The six sisters-in-law in the Beijing circle are proficient in the art of the imperial husband, and the benefactors of the big men in the Beijing circle

The love between Zhao Baogang and Ding Xin is like a north-south showdown. Zhao Baogang, who is the "Beijing master", fell in love with Ding Xin from Guangxi, which immediately attracted the opposition of both families.

Ding Xin's parents strongly oppose this relationship for three reasons: one is because of the big gap in status and career, the second is the regional difference between the north and the south, and the third is that Zhao Baogang is eight years older than Ding Xin.

In the face of these obstacles, Zhao Baogang did not flinch. He hurried to Nanning, Guangxi, while telling his love to the Ding family, he took out the appointment letter of the Beijing Television Art Center, and finally moved Ding Xin's parents with his sincerity and future planning.

The story of Wang Zhonglei and Wang Xiaorong is even more tortuous. When Wang Xiaorong told her parents about her relationship, she was strongly opposed. Faced with the obstruction of her parents, Wang Xiaorong made a bold decision.

The six sisters-in-law in the Beijing circle are proficient in the art of the imperial husband, and the benefactors of the big men in the Beijing circle

She left a letter to her family, "I went to Beijing to find happiness", and resolutely went to Beijing. However, her father reacted even more violently, locking her in her room and not allowing her to communicate with the outside world.

Upon learning of this situation, Wang Zhonglei rushed all the way to Chongqing. No matter how he told his love, Wang Xiaorong's parents always disagreed. After a week passed, seeing that there was no progress, Wang Zhonglei prepared to return to Beijing.

Just on the way out, an unexpected car accident happened. Wang Zhonglei worked hard to protect Wang Xiaorong, and his eyebrows were stitched with ten stitches. This move deeply touched Wang Xiaorong's parents, and they finally no longer objected to this relationship.

However, what awaits them is the opposition of Wang Zhonglei's parents. As a native of Beijing, Wang Zhonglei's parents have strong resistance to this family business. Faced with many obstacles, the lovers chose to hold their wedding in Chongqing.

The six sisters-in-law in the Beijing circle are proficient in the art of the imperial husband, and the benefactors of the big men in the Beijing circle

Although there were no relatives of Wang Zhonglei at the scene, they still insisted on their choice. After getting married, they spent eight months on their honeymoon by making lo mein. This time is also the sweetest in retrospect.

In contrast, Ma Weidu and Jia Hongwei's married life seems plain and warm. They live in a small house allocated by the unit, and live a simple but happy life. Although Ma Weidu is obsessed with collecting and does not hesitate to sell his family's TV, bicycle, bed, cabinet and other items to buy the collection, Jia Hongwei never complains, but wholeheartedly supports her husband's hobby.

She accompanied Ma Weidu to Panjiayuan to pick up leaks and go to the countryside to sweep goods, becoming the most solid backing on his collection road. On the road of life, everyone will inevitably encounter low points. These "Beijing bigwigs" also suffered setbacks at the beginning of their careers, but it was in these difficult times that their wives showed extraordinary support and courage.

Wang Zhongjun and Liu Xiaomei's years of studying abroad can be called difficult. In order to improve his academic qualifications, 29-year-old Wang Zhongjun decided to go abroad for further study. Liu Xiaomei did not hesitate to accompany her abroad and fully supported her husband's decision.

The six sisters-in-law in the Beijing circle are proficient in the art of the imperial husband, and the benefactors of the big men in the Beijing circle

When Wang Zhongjun was studying at the University of Michigan in the United States, Liu Xiaomei worked in Chinese restaurants and did various part-time jobs to earn tuition for her husband. Her hard work not only supported Wang Zhongjun's studies, but also paved the way for their future.

After five years of hard work, the couple worked together to save $100,000, laying a solid foundation for their future ventures. Zhao Baogang's entrepreneurial road was not all smooth sailing.

When his career encountered a bottleneck, it was Ding Xin's support that gave him the courage to move forward. When Zhao Bao failed to open a trading company and lost his soul, the first person he thought of was Ding Xin.

Although Ding Xin was in love with her boyfriend at that time, she did not hesitate to choose Zhao Baogang and took advantage of the May Day holiday to come to Beijing to meet him. Ding Xin's decisive decision and unconditional support gave Zhao Baogang the strength to reinvigorate themselves and open a new chapter for their future.

The six sisters-in-law in the Beijing circle are proficient in the art of the imperial husband, and the benefactors of the big men in the Beijing circle

Ma Weidu's obsession with antiques is almost to the point of madness. In order to buy the collection he wanted, he did not hesitate to sell the TV, bicycle, bed, cabinet and other items in the sale. In the face of her husband's almost paranoid enthusiasm for collecting, Jia Hongwei never complained.

On the contrary, she wholeheartedly supported her husband's hobbies and accompanied him to Panjiayuan to pick up leaks and go to the countryside to sweep goods. Jia Hongwei's understanding and support laid a solid foundation for Ma Weidu to become a leader in the collecting world in the future.

Zheng Xiaolong also encountered financial difficulties during the filming of "Beijinger in New York". For this drama, he not only mortgaged his house in Beijing, but his wife Wang Xiaoping resolutely borrowed $1.5 million from the bank.

This all-out support not only reflects the power of husband and wife, but also lays the foundation for Zheng Xiaolong's future achievements in the directorial industry. These stories all show the firm support of the "sisters-in-law" when their husbands' careers are at a low point.

The six sisters-in-law in the Beijing circle are proficient in the art of the imperial husband, and the benefactors of the big men in the Beijing circle

Their dedication and perseverance paved the way for their husbands' future glory. It is this spirit of sharing adversity that makes these couples stronger in the trials of life and sows the seeds for their future success.

After going through the difficult years, these couples began to work together in their respective fields to create remarkable achievements. Their story tells us that husband and wife are of the same heart, and their profits are golden.

Zheng Xiaolong and Wang Xiaoping can be called golden partners in the film and television industry. Starting from the 2000 movie "Gua Sha", Wang Xiaoping became the queen screenwriter of Zheng Xiaolong's works. The couple has created a series of excellent works, including "Golden Wedding", "Ten Days of Life and Death", "Spring Grass", "Happiness Like Flowers", etc.

Among them, the most eye-catching is "The Legend of Zhen Huan" and "The Legend of Miyue", which are popular at home and abroad. It is these masterpieces that have pushed Zheng Xiaolong to the throne of "national director".

The six sisters-in-law in the Beijing circle are proficient in the art of the imperial husband, and the benefactors of the big men in the Beijing circle

Wang Xiaoping's contribution behind it is even better than Zheng Xiaolong. The cooperation between Feng Xiaogang and Xu Fan is equally wonderful. After marriage, Xu Fan became the queen heroine of Feng Xiaogang's movie, and the two showed tacit cooperation on and off the screen.

Xu Fan not only fully supports her husband's works in acting, but also is extremely considerate to Feng Xiaogang in life, learning the dishes he likes to eat. Although Feng Xiaogang is surrounded by beautiful women, Xu Fan shows extraordinary mind and wisdom.

When asked how to deal with the temptation of her husband's side, she said indifferently: "Our family is a man, and we don't suffer." This open-minded attitude not only resolved the possible contradictions, but also added a calmness to their marriage.

The story of Wang Zhonglei and Wang Xiaorong is full of sweetness. After a difficult start, they finally ushered in a happy married life. Wang Xiaorong is a full-time wife with peace of mind, wholeheartedly supports her husband's career, and takes care of Wang Zhonglei's rear in an orderly manner.

The six sisters-in-law in the Beijing circle are proficient in the art of the imperial husband, and the benefactors of the big men in the Beijing circle

In more than 20 years of married life, they have never had an affair. Although Wang Zhonglei has a lot of warblers and Yanyan around him, Wang Xiaorong is very relieved of her husband, and this trust is also a strong support.

Their relationship is always the same, and they are enviable. The cooperation between Zhao Baogang and Ding Xin is also quite distinctive. After marriage, Ding Xin transformed from a popular actor to a behind-the-scenes worker, fully supporting her husband's career development.

When Zhao Baogang founded the film and television investment company, Ding Xin took the lead and was responsible for the operation and management of the company. With her efforts, the company has launched popular dramas such as "Struggle" and "Harbin at Night", and successfully became popular with actors such as Sun Honglei and Ren Zhong.

Ding Xin's transformation from an actor to an agent not only shows her versatility, but also reflects her wholehearted devotion to her husband's career. The stories of these husband and wife show their perfect cooperation in their careers.

The six sisters-in-law in the Beijing circle are proficient in the art of the imperial husband, and the benefactors of the big men in the Beijing circle

The "sisters-in-law" are not only virtuous helpers in their husbands' lives, but also become effective partners in their careers, composing legendary stories together. Looking back on the success of these "Beijing circle bigwigs", it is not difficult for us to find that every step of the leap is inseparable from the support and dedication of their wives.

These "sisters-in-law" not only supported their husbands when their careers were at a low point, but also achieved self-growth after their husbands' successes. Ding Xin's story is the most moving. She went from being a popular actress, to willingly giving up her acting career to support her husband, and then to becoming a well-known agent in the Beijing circle, the transformation along the way is amazing.

After Zhao Baogang founded a film and television investment company, Ding Xin took the lead and successfully launched popular dramas such as "Struggle" and "Harbin at Night", and became popular with actors such as Sun Honglei and Ren Zhong.

Her transformation from the front of the screen to the back of the curtain not only showed her versatility, but also provided strong support for Zhao Baogang's career development. Ding Xin's success complements Zhao Baogang's career, and the two work together to create their own world in the film and television industry.

The six sisters-in-law in the Beijing circle are proficient in the art of the imperial husband, and the benefactors of the big men in the Beijing circle

Wang Xiaoping's contribution to "Beijinger in New York" is also indispensable. Back then, in order to support Zheng Xiaolong's dream, she did not hesitate to borrow $1.5 million from the bank. The success of this drama not only established Zheng Xiaolong's status in the directing industry, but also made Wang Xiaoping emerge in the field of screenwriting.

Since then, her scripts have been repeatedly praised and have become Zheng Xiaolong's most effective creative partner. From "Golden Wedding" to "The Legend of Zhen Huan", and then to "The Legend of Miyue", Wang Xiaoping's talent has been fully demonstrated in one work after another, and her cooperation with Zheng Xiaolong can be called a golden partner in the film and television industry.

The story of Liu Xiaomei and Wang Zhongjun co-founding Huayi Brothers can be called a model of entrepreneurship in the Beijing circle. From the initial hard work to the later success of the listing, Liu Xiaomei has always been Wang Zhongjun's most solid backing.

While studying in the U.S., she supported her husband through a part-time job. After returning to China, the couple founded Huayi Brothers Advertising Company with the $100,000 they had saved so hard.

The six sisters-in-law in the Beijing circle are proficient in the art of the imperial husband, and the benefactors of the big men in the Beijing circle

With the development of the company, Liu Xiaomei not only fully supports her husband in life, but also plays an important role in the company's operation and becomes one of the important decision-makers of Huayi Brothers.

Ma Weidu once commented that his wife Jia Hongwei was "the most successful investment in my life". It was with the support of Jia Hongwei that Ma Weidu was able to devote himself to the cause of collecting. She not only understands her husband's hobbies, but also accompanies him in his search for treasures, providing a solid backing for Ma Weidu to become a leader in the collecting world.

These stories teach us that a truly successful marriage is not only about supporting each other, but also about achieving each other. These "sisters-in-law" used their wisdom and ability to write a wonderful chapter of life with their husbands, and became well-deserved "benefactors of the Beijing circle boss".

The six sisters-in-law in the Beijing circle are proficient in the art of the imperial husband, and the benefactors of the big men in the Beijing circle

Their dedication and growth not only achieve their husbands' careers, but also realize their own values, showing the wisdom and charm of modern women.