
The American people live a difficult life, wages cannot keep up with prices, and they begin to envy the lives of Chinese

author:Xiaoyao 666


Recently, the inflation problem in the United States has been in the spotlight, and it is reported that the consumer price index CPI in the United States increased by 3.3% year-on-year, the highest since 1981, which means that the inflation problem in the United States has reached a certain level. The impact of inflation on the lives of ordinary people is very large, on the one hand, it will lead to a decrease in the real purchasing power of wages, and on the other hand, it will also lead to an increase in the cost of living, which is undoubtedly an even worse thing for ordinary people.

In contrast, the inflation problem in the big eastern countries does not seem to be so serious, and the wage level in the big eastern countries is still rising steadily, which also means that the inflation problem in the big eastern countries has not had much negative impact on the lives of ordinary people. Why is it that the situation in the United States and the big countries in the East is so different from the same inflation problem? What is the underlying reason for this? Let's take a closer look at this issue.

First, the inflation problem in the United States is serious, and people's lives have been affected

Recently, the inflation problem in the United States has been in the spotlight, and it is reported that the consumer price index CPI in the United States increased by 3.3% year-on-year, the highest since 1981, which means that the inflation problem in the United States has reached a certain level. The impact of inflation on the lives of ordinary people is very large, on the one hand, it will lead to a decrease in the real purchasing power of wages, and on the other hand, it will also lead to an increase in the cost of living, which is undoubtedly an even worse thing for ordinary people.

It is understood that the inflation problem in the United States is mainly due to the sequelae left after the epidemic, during the epidemic in order to stimulate the economy, the United States authorities opened the money printing machine, resulting in a large number of dollars in the market, and the over-issuance of currency can easily lead to the emergence of inflation. Now that the inflation problem has reached a certain level, it is not easy to solve this problem.

Although economic growth in the United States can lead to an increase in wages, in the case of inflation, the real increase in wages is often offset by inflation, which is undoubtedly bad news for ordinary people, because although their wages are rising, their real purchasing power is declining.

It can be said that the inflation problem has had a very big negative impact on the people's livelihood in the United States, and some Americans have even begun to "cut back on food and clothing" because of the inflation problem, and even the daily food such as beef has begun to be moderate, which shows that the inflation problem has had a very big impact on their lives.

The American people live a difficult life, wages cannot keep up with prices, and they begin to envy the lives of Chinese

Second, the problem of inflation in the big eastern countries is relatively light, and people's livelihood is guaranteed

Compared with the inflation problem in the United States, the inflation problem in the big eastern countries seems to be lighter, although the CPI index of the big eastern countries has also risen, but the increase is not so large, and the authorities of the big eastern countries can also effectively control the inflation problem through some measures, which also means that the inflation problem of the big eastern countries will not have much negative impact on the lives of ordinary people.

The wage level in the big eastern countries is still rising steadily, and the increase is greater than the inflation, which also means that the inflation problem in the big eastern countries will not have much impact on the lives of ordinary people, and they can still get rich returns through their labor, which is undoubtedly good news for ordinary people.

Why, then, can the problem of inflation in the big eastern countries be effectively controlled and not have much impact on the lives of ordinary people? What is the underlying reason for this? One of the very important reasons why the inflation problems of the big Eastern countries and the United States are so different is that the economic development models and policies of the two countries are very different.

The American people live a difficult life, wages cannot keep up with prices, and they begin to envy the lives of Chinese

Third, the economic development model and policies of the big countries in the East have unique advantages

The big eastern countries adopt the people-centered development thinking, and the development goal of the eastern countries is to achieve common prosperity for all the people, which means that the economic growth of the eastern countries must be aimed at improving the people's livelihood, not just the growth of GDP, which requires the eastern countries to fully consider the factors of people's livelihood when formulating economic policies, and cannot only focus on the pursuit of economic growth and ignore the improvement of people's livelihood.

The big countries in the East also attach great importance to the redistribution of wealth, because the unequal distribution of wealth will lead to social instability, which is also one of the root causes of inflation, if wealth has been concentrated in the hands of a few people, then their spending power will far exceed that of ordinary people, which will lead to insufficient supply, which will push up prices, and the lives of ordinary people will be greatly affected.

The Eastern Congress has adopted a number of policies to promote the redistribution of wealth, such as adjusting the income gap through the tax system, ensuring people's livelihood through the social security system, and increasing investment in infrastructure construction and public services through public finance, which can effectively alleviate the gap between the rich and the poor, ensure people's livelihood, and effectively control the emergence of inflation.

The American people live a difficult life, wages cannot keep up with prices, and they begin to envy the lives of Chinese

IV. Conclusion

It can be seen that the inflation problem has a very great impact on the lives of ordinary people, and in order to effectively solve the inflation problem, it is not simply to raise interest rates to solve the problem, the authorities need to fundamentally solve the root cause of the inflation problem, and need to start from the economic development model and policy, so as to truly protect the people's livelihood and maintain social stability and harmony.

The impact of economic development models and policies on people's livelihood in different countries is very different, and it is worth learning from each other when formulating policies, and they should not blindly copy the experience of other countries, but formulate targeted policies according to their own national conditions, so as to truly bring real improvements to people's lives.

It is hoped that the authorities of various countries can draw lessons from the current inflation problem, strengthen international cooperation, and jointly deal with the inflation problem, and can also hold some international seminars and summit forums to deeply explore the root causes and solutions of the inflation problem, so as to jointly promote the economic development of all countries in the world and achieve sustainable growth of the global economy.

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