
Is there life or is it highly poisonous? Bringing Martian soil back to Earth is no joke, and the consequences are unknown

author:Lucky dumplings y4

There is nothing "special" about Martian soil.

In human memory, Mars has always been a planet with countless miracles.

In science fiction works, we see it being interpreted as various types of alien life forms that intrude on humans.

Of course, in reality, even if life does exist on Mars, it will not appear in human form and habits, thanks to the climate of Mars.

We know that the atmosphere of Mars is very thin, and even less than one-ten-thousandth the pressure of Earth.

Is there life or is it highly poisonous? Bringing Martian soil back to Earth is no joke, and the consequences are unknown

The average surface temperature is only minus 60 degrees Celsius, which is a temperature difference of 0 degrees Celsius from the water body, not to mention an environment that can form life.

Second, the atmosphere is thin and extremely impermeable, so there is no water in the soil of Mars.

Therefore, even if an organism can survive, it will never be able to survive in such an environment, except in species that are extremely adaptable to dry air.

Is there life or is it highly poisonous? Bringing Martian soil back to Earth is no joke, and the consequences are unknown

In addition, because Mars is not protected by an atmosphere, the winds on the surface are very strong, and the temperature difference changes quickly, so volcanoes and sandstorms on the surface appear from time to time.

The appearance of volcanoes causes ash and magma to splash around, and it is easy to illegally carry microorganisms around the crater into the air.

Moreover, the atmosphere of Mars contains only red iron oxide particles, which, together with alkaline earth metals, can form toxic respiratory dust for pneumonia.

Even this powder, if inhaled by the respiratory system, can cause an attack on the human body, even a fatal blow.

Is there life or is it highly poisonous? Bringing Martian soil back to Earth is no joke, and the consequences are unknown

In the same way, the wind will also turn the previous sand into a sand table, which also leads to the absence of life on a planet.

Because if it is not alive, a planet will naturally not be able to give birth to life.

So, when we sent the first astronauts into space, people became very pessimistic about Mars, and even thought that Earth was the only place where life could be born.

Is there life or is it highly poisonous? Bringing Martian soil back to Earth is no joke, and the consequences are unknown

But is there really no life, or is there life?

In 2015, there was news that "there is water on Mars".

Is there really no other life?

Of course not, it's just because the environment of Mars is not suitable, so people will give up on this planet.

But what would happen if life from Mars were brought back to Earth?

If the Martian soil is brought back to Earth.

Martian soil, also known as slag, is called the "slag" of the earth because it resembles the cooling of lava on Earth.

At the same time, it also has a name, which is the "volcanic rock" on Mars.

In reality, there are many types of lava on the earth, which are alkaline, neutral, and acidic.

When different types of lava are cooled, mafic basalts, neutral basalts, ultramafic rocks, and tuff rocks are formed.

Therefore, by analogy, the Martian soil is divided into volcanic rock and volcanic ash, and volcanic rock is divided into basalt and basalt andelite, which has a hardness of 6-7, which is relatively large, while basalt andezvous is much smaller than hardness.

Is there life or is it highly poisonous? Bringing Martian soil back to Earth is no joke, and the consequences are unknown

So, the nature of Martian soil is like the volcanic lava of the Earth, which has the advantage of being very hard.

Experts thought that it would be great if "Martian soil" could be used in real objects.

Many people imagine and calculate the consequences of "if we can really bring Martian soil back to Earth".

In the face of all kinds of developments, there is no extreme in human technology!

Previously, the United States had brought several small armor balls and Martian soil back to Earth, and although their astronomers had studied Martian soil, we had not heard of it and learned that it was difficult to mine.

Is there life or is it highly poisonous? Bringing Martian soil back to Earth is no joke, and the consequences are unknown

In the vast universe, human beings have only explored a small part, and who can know what is contained in the soil of Mars?

Therefore, the composition of Martian soil has always been an unknown property to humans.

If it is brought back to the earth, it is very likely that it will touch the boundaries of the earth, lead to large-scale climate anomalies on the earth, and even touch the living environment of human beings, causing some adverse events.

The consequences of Martian soil cannot be predicted.

Unconsciously, humanity thought that bringing Martian soil back to Earth would lead to the development of many never-before-seen innovations.

However, the composition of Martian soil is still unknown.

Is there life or is it highly poisonous? Bringing Martian soil back to Earth is no joke, and the consequences are unknown

It may be that in this unknown environment, there is life on Mars, and bringing life on Mars back to Earth, just like "The Wandering Earth", will not push the Earth to the end after all.

So, we can't predict the consequences of Martian soil.

What we do know, however, is that once the Martian soil is brought back to Earth, such an act is also a dangerous risk.

Experts strongly oppose this dangerous behavior, and no one knows about it just because Martian soil is brought back to Earth every year.

Every year on Earth, tens of thousands of meteorites land from space.

Is there life or is it highly poisonous? Bringing Martian soil back to Earth is no joke, and the consequences are unknown

Some of these meteorites came from Mars and some from the Moon.

They may carry some special minerals, but they can also carry some dead bacteria.

In 2011, a doctor accidentally contracted bacteria while examining the life on Mars brought back by a meteorite, and finally died of SARS.

This only shows that it is very dangerous to bring Martian soil back to Earth.


Whether there is life on Mars and how life is born has always been an inherent exploration of science.

However, human beings should not endanger the survival of the earth because of this, because the existence of life requires a process and a law.

Is there life or is it highly poisonous? Bringing Martian soil back to Earth is no joke, and the consequences are unknown

Human beings are only on the road of scientific exploration, constantly advancing, but we cannot go deep into the essence of life, so human beings cannot endanger the existence of life on the earth now.