
A female college student brought 1 million to marry an illiterate, slept in a pigsty with her husband all day long, and finally earned hundreds of millions of dollars by raising pigs

author:Lobster says entertainment

On the campus of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, Mao Rong is a shining star. This talented female college student not only excels in her studies, but also shows amazing business acumen.

During her studies, she opened her own personalized mobile phone store, with an annual income of more than 200,000 yuan, and became the envy of her classmates. Mao Rong has been the pearl of the family since she was a child, and her parents have high hopes for her.

They believe that with their daughter's intelligence and excellent grades, the future will be bright. However, fate played a joke on Mao Rong at this time. By chance, Mao Rong met Wang Tianfu, an unpretentious rural youth.

Although Wang Tianfu is not highly educated and can even be said to be illiterate, his diligence and simplicity and sincerity and kindness deeply moved Mao Rong. The two quickly fell in love and soon had the idea of getting married.

A female college student brought 1 million to marry an illiterate, slept in a pigsty with her husband all day long, and finally earned hundreds of millions of dollars by raising pigs

This decision was like a bombshell, causing an uproar in Mao Rong's family. Parents and relatives could not accept this vastly different choice and tried to discourage it. They could not understand why a promising college student would choose to marry an illiterate person.

The opposition of her family made Mao Rong feel pressured, but her heart was unwavering. In the face of his family's doubts and opposition, Mao Rong's eyes were filled with tears, but they revealed a firm light.

She knew it could be the most important decision of her life. Mao Rong deeply believes that sincere feelings are more important than academic qualifications, and she is willing to give up a good life for love.

In the end, with 1 million savings and full of enthusiasm, Mao Rong resolutely chose love. She broke with her family and married Wang Tianfu without hesitation. When embarking on a new journey in life, Mao Rong's eyes have both anxiety about the unknown future and a firm belief in love.

A female college student brought 1 million to marry an illiterate, slept in a pigsty with her husband all day long, and finally earned hundreds of millions of dollars by raising pigs

At this moment, she seemed to see a rugged but hopeful life path stretching in front of her. Life after marriage is like a basin of cold water, waking up Mao Rong's romantic fantasy.

She and Wang Tianfu lived in a simple pigsty house, surrounded by graves, in a deep and quiet environment. In the dead of night, Mao Rong often wakes up in the dim candlelight, looking at the dilapidated roof, full of thoughts.

Despite the hardships of reality, she couldn't help but redden, but she never regretted her choice. In order to make a living, the couple decided to start raising pigs. However, for this industry, they are all laymen.

In the early days, they were often in a hurry and made a lot of mistakes. Mao Rong's hands, which used to hold paintbrushes, are now stained with dirt and pig dung. But she gritted her teeth and secretly vowed to persevere and live up to her choice.

A female college student brought 1 million to marry an illiterate, slept in a pigsty with her husband all day long, and finally earned hundreds of millions of dollars by raising pigs

However, the sky is unpredictable. A sudden snowstorm ruthlessly destroyed their pig barn, and their hard-earned possessions were wiped out overnight. Faced with such a blow, Mao Rong squatted in front of the ruins, tears raining down.

Wang Tianfu silently hugged his wife's shoulders, and his rough hands gently caressed her back, silently giving comfort and strength. After hard work, they finally rebuilt the barn.

However, fate always seems to work against them. Just when they thought they could catch their breath, the market fell into a trough. The price of pork plummeted, and the couple's hearts sank to the bottom.

The pigs they worked so hard to raise were sold but it was difficult to make ends meet. It was at this moment that an unexpected turn of events occurred. A film crew on an agricultural channel stumbled upon their story and was struck by the young couple's resilience.

A female college student brought 1 million to marry an illiterate, slept in a pigsty with her husband all day long, and finally earned hundreds of millions of dollars by raising pigs

They decided to shoot a documentary for Mao Rong and Wang Tianfu to document their entrepreneurial journey. After the documentary aired, although the impact was limited, it brought them some customers.

More importantly, it gave Mao Rong hope. A spark of hope reignited in her eyes, and she realized that this might be an opportunity given by fate. Mao Rong secretly made up her mind that she must firmly grasp this opportunity and work hard to change the fate of herself and her husband.

Although life is still difficult, Mao Rong and Wang Tianfu did not give up. They believe that as long as they persevere, they will eventually wait for their spring. Every day, they are striving for their dreams and looking forward to creating their own business in the future.

Fate is always full of drama. One day, Mao Rong's parents accidentally turned on the TV at home and saw a documentary on the agricultural channel. In the picture, their once glamorous pearls in their palms are now haggard, toiling in a simple pigsty.

A female college student brought 1 million to marry an illiterate, slept in a pigsty with her husband all day long, and finally earned hundreds of millions of dollars by raising pigs

This scene deeply pierced the hearts of the parents, and their eyes couldn't help but welled up with tears of distress. Although they broke up unhappily because of their daughter's marriage, and even broke up for a time, the family affection that blood is thicker than water has always been difficult to give up.

Watching the hard life of their daughter on TV, the parents' hearts are full of guilt and self-blame. They realize that no matter what, their daughter is the person they cherish the most. The parents glanced at each other, and their eyes showed firm determination.

They are determined to help their daughter and make up for all these years. The second elder packed his bags, took the precious savings he had worked hard to accumulate, and resolutely moved to his daughter's side.

When Mao Rong saw her long-lost parents standing at the door, she was so shocked that she couldn't speak. For a while, all kinds of emotions surged in her heart: surprise, emotion, guilt, joy.

A female college student brought 1 million to marry an illiterate, slept in a pigsty with her husband all day long, and finally earned hundreds of millions of dollars by raising pigs

She couldn't control her emotions anymore and threw herself into her parents' arms, tears wetting her father's clothes. The grievances, hardships and longings of the years are all released at this moment.

The arrival of his parents not only brought financial support, but also gave Mao Rong great spiritual strength. Not only did they bring savings, but more importantly, they brought unconditional love and support.

The reunion of the family made Mao Rong feel the warmth that she had not felt for a long time, and also gave her more courage to face the challenges of the future. Looking at the loving eyes of her parents, Mao Rong secretly vowed in her heart that she must make her parents proud of her.

She wants to prove that her choice is right, and she wants to repay her parents' trust and dedication with her own efforts and achievements. This hard-won family reunion has become a solid backing for Mao Rong and Wang Tianfu's careers to take off.

A female college student brought 1 million to marry an illiterate, slept in a pigsty with her husband all day long, and finally earned hundreds of millions of dollars by raising pigs

It not only dissolves the estrangement of families, but also injects new impetus into them. Mao Rong deeply felt how precious and important the support of his family was on the road of life.

The gears of fate turned again, bringing an unexpected turn for Mao Rong and Wang Tianfu. A pig tycoon named Hou Jianfang was deeply moved by the story of the young couple after watching their documentary.

He saw the indomitable spirit in them and decided to lend a hand. With a huge investment of 500 million yuan, Hou Jianfang came to this remote village. When he proposed the idea of investment, Mao Rong and Wang Tianfu were speechless in shock.

They clasped each other's hands, tears of excitement glistening in their eyes. This investment is like a timely rain, injecting a strong impetus into their business. With financial support, Mao Rong and his wife immediately set out to establish a modern breeding base.

A female college student brought 1 million to marry an illiterate, slept in a pigsty with her husband all day long, and finally earned hundreds of millions of dollars by raising pigs

They introduced advanced equipment, expanded the scale of breeding, and at the same time began to set foot in the field of pork deep processing. Soon, their product line expanded to multiple categories such as dried meat and ham.

Every step of expansion is a condensation of their hard work and sweat. However, Mao Rong knows that funding alone is not enough. She began to search far and wide, bringing in wild boars with pure bloodlines to improve the breed.

In order to improve her breeding skills, she often stays up late to study and work hard to study industry knowledge. Mao Rong firmly believes that only by continuously improving product quality can we stand out in the fierce market competition.

In the process, Mao Rong got to know many experienced farmers and buyers who were in high demand. Her horizons have broadened and her business acumen has matured.

A female college student brought 1 million to marry an illiterate, slept in a pigsty with her husband all day long, and finally earned hundreds of millions of dollars by raising pigs

From a peasant woman who was personally involved in the breeding work, Mao Rong gradually transformed into a professional who is active in the business field. Hard work pays off. With the continuous improvement of product quality, their sales have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

When the sales exceeded 100 million yuan that year, Mao Rong was so excited that he burst into tears. She hugged her husband tightly, her heart full of longing for the future. At this moment, Mao Rong recalled his choice.

From a top student of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, to being willing to marry an illiterate, to today's billions of net worth, her life has experienced ups and downs. This experience not only proved the correctness of her choice, but also shattered people's preconceived notions of the relationship between academic qualifications and success.

Mao Rong deeply feels that behind the success is the perfect combination of opportunity and struggle. Hou Jianfang's investment opened a door for them, and they used their own efforts and wisdom to push this door even wider.

A female college student brought 1 million to marry an illiterate, slept in a pigsty with her husband all day long, and finally earned hundreds of millions of dollars by raising pigs

This story teaches us that opportunity always favors those who are prepared, and perseverance is the key to achieving dreams. The success of the career is inseparable from the cooperation of Mao Rong and Wang Tianfu.

They trust each other and support each other, forming a perfect team. With his keen business acumen, Mao Rong is responsible for expanding business and negotiating with customers. Her restless heart is always looking for new business opportunities and striving to make the company bigger and stronger.

At the same time, Wang Tianfu silently sticks to the farm to ensure that the quality of each pig is consistent. Although he was not highly educated, he quickly mastered the skills of pig raising with his diligence and carefulness.

Wang Tianfu's dedication to work and insistence on quality have laid a solid foundation for the development of the enterprise. Even at the critical moment when Mao Rong was pregnant again, she still insisted on working, while Wang Tianfu did his best to support his wife.

A female college student brought 1 million to marry an illiterate, slept in a pigsty with her husband all day long, and finally earned hundreds of millions of dollars by raising pigs

Seeing his wife running around in business situations with a big belly, Wang Tianfu was distressed, but he was also proud of her strength. He always stood silently behind Mao Rong and gave silent support.

Mao Rong often lamented that although her husband's education level is not high, his diligence and simplicity and wholehearted dedication are her greatest reliance. Whenever she encounters difficulties and setbacks, Wang Tianfu can always give her the most timely comfort and encouragement.

This deep affection has become a source of strength for them to overcome all difficulties. With their joint efforts, the scale of the enterprise continues to expand and its influence is increasing. From the initial small pig farm, to today's modern breeding base and deep processing enterprises, Mao Rong and Wang Tianfu have interpreted what it is to truly be in the same boat with practical actions.

Their story has also become a local story. It is often said that the success of Mao Rong and Wang Tianfu is not only a business legend, but also a touching story about love and struggle.

A female college student brought 1 million to marry an illiterate, slept in a pigsty with her husband all day long, and finally earned hundreds of millions of dollars by raising pigs

It tells us that as long as two people work together, there is no mountain that cannot be climbed, and there is no hurdle that cannot be crossed. Looking back on the past, Mao Rong was full of emotion. From a top student of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, to being willing to marry an illiterate, to today's billions of net worth, her life has experienced ups and downs.

This extraordinary experience is not only a business legend, but also breaks people's inherent perception of the relationship between academic qualifications and success. Mao Rong proved with practical actions that success does not only depend on academic qualifications.

Her story teaches us that with strong faith and unremitting efforts, everyone can create miracles. From living in a simple pigsty, to working day and night in the breeding life, to the rush of market expansion, Mao Rong and Wang Tianfu watered their careers with sweat.

However, behind the success is hard work. Mao Rong knows that there is no shortcut, and only down-to-earth efforts can be exchanged for real success. She and Wang Tianfu have experienced countless difficulties and setbacks, but they have always adhered to their original intentions and believed in their choices.

A female college student brought 1 million to marry an illiterate, slept in a pigsty with her husband all day long, and finally earned hundreds of millions of dollars by raising pigs

Today, standing at the pinnacle of his career, Mao Rong still maintains his original simplicity and tenacity. She often tells those around her that sincere feelings and perseverance are the real secrets of success.

Her story has inspired countless people and made people understand that as long as there is a dream in the heart and strength under the feet, there is no mountain that cannot be climbed or hurdled that cannot be crossed. The experience of Mao Rong and Wang Tianfu is not only a story about the accumulation of wealth, but also a touching story about love, family affection and struggle.

It tells us that the value of life does not lie in the starting point, but in the persistence and dedication in the process. Their stories will forever inspire those who are struggling and make people believe that if they work hard, they can achieve their dreams.