
The son of a star escorted Peking University to cause controversy! Can a 0-point player be the champion? Netizens are hotly discussed

author:The post-90s sound Yue Tai

Recently, the news that Wang Hongqin (nicknamed Qiuqiu), the son of "Qinggege" Wang Yan, was escorted to Peking University as a sports student caused an uproar on the Internet.

Wang Hongqin's name appeared on the list of qualified athletes released by the Peking University men's basketball team, which should have been a cause for celebration. However, netizens' doubts are endless. Some attentive netizens dug up Wang Hongqin's previous game records and found that his performance did not seem to be incommensurate with the title of "specialty student": the average points per game hovered in single digits, and there was even a "feat" of 0 points in the whole game. What's even more surprising is that he seems to sit on the bench in the team all year round, and rarely gets the chance to play.

The son of a star escorted Peking University to cause controversy! Can a 0-point player be the champion? Netizens are hotly discussed

The discovery immediately caused an uproar on the web. Doubts come and go: Why can a substitute player be favored by top universities? Did its identity as the "second generation of stars" play a decisive role?

However, things may not be as simple as they seem. According to the "Basketball Player Technical Grading Standards", as long as the school team wins the ranking in the national competition, even the substitute team has the opportunity to win the title of national first-class athlete. This means that Wang Hongqin's qualification to be escorted is based on the system.

The son of a star escorted Peking University to cause controversy! Can a 0-point player be the champion? Netizens are hotly discussed

But this begs another question: Are such standards too lenient? Is it a true reflection of the athlete's individual abilities? After all, can a player who barely scores in a game take on the responsibility of a college basketball team?

The son of a star escorted Peking University to cause controversy! Can a 0-point player be the champion? Netizens are hotly discussed

At the same time, many netizens spoke up for Wang Hongqin. They believe that as the son of "Qinggege" Wang Yan, Wang Hongqin has received a good education since he was a child, and his quality should be excellent in all aspects. As a top university in China, Peking University cannot lower its admission standards simply because of family background. These supporters believe that Wang Hongqin must have something special about being escorted, but he may not have been discovered by the public.

The son of a star escorted Peking University to cause controversy! Can a 0-point player be the champion? Netizens are hotly discussed

This controversy has also triggered people's in-depth thinking about the enrollment system for college sports students. The purpose of the sports policy is to nurture well-rounded talents and encourage students to keep fit in addition to studying. But if this policy is abused, will it affect educational equity? How to find a balance between the cultivation of specialties and fair competition has become a topic worthy of in-depth discussion.

The son of a star escorted Peking University to cause controversy! Can a 0-point player be the champion? Netizens are hotly discussed

It is worth noting that so far, neither Wang Yan herself nor Peking University has made a positive response to this matter. This silence has fueled public speculation and skepticism.

Historically, similar controversies have not been uncommon. As early as 2010, the daughter of a famous actor was admitted to Peking University as an artistic student, which caused heated discussions. At that time, there were also many people who questioned whether it really had the corresponding artistic level. These cases are a reminder that the fairness and transparency of the college admissions system need to be further improved.

The son of a star escorted Peking University to cause controversy! Can a 0-point player be the champion? Netizens are hotly discussed

From a broader perspective, this incident reflects our society's thinking about the definition of "success" and the allocation of educational resources. In an increasingly competitive society, everyone is looking for the best development opportunities for themselves or the next generation. However, how to find a balance between personal efforts and family background, and how to ensure the fairness of educational opportunities, are all issues that we need to face seriously.

The son of a star escorted Peking University to cause controversy! Can a 0-point player be the champion? Netizens are hotly discussed

In any case, we hope that Wang Hongqin will be able to prove his strength in his future university life, and we also hope that this incident will promote the relevant departments to reflect on and improve the admissions system. After all, the essence of education is to cultivate talent, not to create controversy.

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