
Copa America prediction tomorrow, June 29: Brazil PK Paraguay in the second match to try for the first win

author:Heartbreak little watermelon

The second round of Group D of the Copa America is about to begin, with Brazil, Paraguay, Costa Rica and Colombia battling it out. In the first round, Colombia beat Paraguay 2-1 and got off to a good start; Brazil, the favourite, was unexpectedly held to a draw by Costa Rica, with a 0-0 scoreline. This game not only put a heavy burden on the Brazilian team, but also cast a veil of mystery over the upcoming games. Is the Brazilian team really exhausted, or is the strength of other teams improving by leaps and bounds? Let's savor the story behind this football extravaganza.

Pain points, problem description, and analysis

Copa America prediction tomorrow, June 29: Brazil PK Paraguay in the second match to try for the first win

Brazil used to be the hegemon, but now it is a dumb fire

Brazil, the once dominant football giant, played a jaw-dropping squib in their first game! 19 shots on goal, stunned not a single goal scored, this operation is even more difficult than buying a lottery ticket to win the jackpot! You know, this is the Samba Army with a top star like Neymar Vinicius! Could it be that the goal has been enchanted and turned into an impregnable wall? Or was it the Brazilian players who collectively fell under a curse and their shooting skills were zeroed?

On closer inspection, Brazil's problems are not simply unlucky. , the team's overall offensive routine is single and lacks variation. In the face of Costa Rica's "iron bucket formation", the Brazilian team's attack was like hitting a stone with an egg, in vain. , the players' individual abilities are abnormal, especially Vinicius, whose performance in the national team and the club are simply like two people, as if they have been replaced. , the team's psychological quality is not good, the more they play, the more impatient they become, and they fall into a strange circle of "the more they want to score, the more they can't score".

This match was a wake-up call for Brazil. If you can't adjust your tactics and mentality in time, I'm afraid it will be a problem to even qualify from the group! The Samba Army will need to rediscover their rhythm and passion or this Copa America trip could turn into a nightmare.

Is the rise of Colombia's dark horse or a flash in the pan?

Talking about Colombia, this team can be described as stunning in the first round of matches. defeated Paraguay 2-1, and Ronaldo even staged an assist double, which simply kicked the opponent to the north! The victory not only gave Colombia a valuable three points, but also boosted their morale. You know, Colombia has been unbeaten for 28 consecutive months, winning 9 in a row, which is even more exaggerated than my mother's mahjong winning streak!

Don't rejoice too soon! As the saying goes, the arrogant army will be defeated. Although the Colombian team got off to a good start, it also exposed a lot of problems. The team's offensive firepower is focused on Ronaldo alone, and if Ronaldo is not in good form or is targeted by the opponent, the offense will be in trouble. Although Luis Dias has completed the milestone of his 50th appearance for the national team, his form is average, which is also a hidden danger to the overall strength of the team.

Copa America prediction tomorrow, June 29: Brazil PK Paraguay in the second match to try for the first win

Facing the upcoming battle for Costa Rica, the Colombian team cannot afford to take it lightly. Although Costa Rica is only ranked 52nd in the world, they have just drawn the Brazilian team! If Colombia still plays the same way they did against Paraguay, I am afraid that they will run into a bloody head. They will need to develop an effective tactic to break down the opponent's bucket formation, otherwise they may be repeating the mistakes of Brazil.

Copa America Nightmare or Underdog Paradise?

Looking at the entire America's Cup, it is not difficult to find an interesting phenomenon: strong teams frequently overturn, while weak teams repeatedly create miracles. What the hell is going on? Could it be that God is joking?

In fact, it is the unique style and culture of the America's Cup that is reflected behind this. Unlike the elegance and sophistication of European football, the style of the Copa America is one word! The confrontation is fierce and aggressive, it is simply a football version of "life and death fighting"! In particular, some lower-ranked teams will do whatever it takes to defend against strong teams, even at the cost of fouling, completely disrupting the rhythm of the game.

It's a nightmare for stars who are used to European football. Their well-designed tactical routines simply don't work here, and it's easy to fall into the rhythm of their opponents. And those teams that were considered weaker have instead thrived in this environment and played surprisingly.

, this style also comes with some negative effects. The game became less fluid, the goals became scarce, and the spectacle was greatly reduced. For fans, watching a fight is like watching a boxing match, the excitement is exciting, but it always feels like something is missing.

The biggest variable in refereeing the Copa America?

Copa America prediction tomorrow, June 29: Brazil PK Paraguay in the second match to try for the first win

Speaking of the characteristics of the Copa America, we have to mention a role referee that is often overlooked. In this arena, the referee's decision is often a key factor in the direction of the game.

The refereeing standards of the Copa America have always been known for being "lax", which is one of the reasons for the fierce confrontation of the game. A lot of the actions that would be punished harshly in Europe could be just an ordinary foul here. This penalty standard has allowed some teams to take advantage of the loophole, and they can interrupt the opposition's attacking rhythm with frequent small movements without fear of receiving a yellow or red card.

This standard of punishment has also brought some controversy. Sometimes, a single decision from the referee can change the course of the game. A controversial penalty, for example, or a red card at a crucial moment, can turn the tide of the game in an instant. This not only adds to the uncertainty of the game, but also puts additional pressure on the team.

For strong teams, they not only have to deal with the opponent's iron bucket formation, but also always beware of the referee's "magic stroke". This undoubtedly increases the difficulty of the game, and is one of the reasons why some strong teams frequently overturn in the America's Cup.

Are fans expecting surprises or disappointments?

As fans, we can say that we are both looking forward to this Copa America and afraid of being hurt. On the one hand, we want to see good games and we want the teams we support to do well. But on the other hand, we are worried about seeing some disappointing performances.

Brazil's first draw undoubtedly poured cold water on many fans. Everyone was expecting to see the Samba Army in action, only to see a dull draw without any suspense. This not only disappointed the Brazilian fans, but also bore other neutral fans.

Copa America prediction tomorrow, June 29: Brazil PK Paraguay in the second match to try for the first win

The charm of the America's Cup lies precisely in its uncertainty. Who knows if there will be a surprise performance in the next game? Maybe Brazil will shine in the next game, and maybe there will be a new dark horse to fight it out. This unknown possibility is what attracts us to continue to pay attention.

As fans, we need to keep an open mind and enjoy the game as well as accept the disappointments that may arise. The charm of football lies not only in the victories, but also in the unpredictable moments.

I would like to ask how each team can adapt to the style of the game while maintaining its own characteristics in the face of the "football meat grinder" of the America's Cup? And how can the audience enjoy this unique competition? What do you think about this?

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