
The female tour guide was deducted 20,000 "deposit" by the travel agency for forced shopping without taking guests! Travel agency routines

The female tour guide was deducted 20,000 "deposit" by the travel agency for forced shopping without taking guests! Travel agency routines

I heard that those who follow me have made a fortune! Want to experience lying down and winning life? Move your little hands to make a fortune, pay attention to it, like it, and go to the peak of life together!

The industry chaos caused by the seizure of the deposit by the travel agency for the tour guide not meeting the consumption target

In recent years, with the vigorous development of tourism, more and more people choose to arrange itineraries through travel agencies, enjoy a relaxed and convenient travel experience, some travel agencies in order to maximize profits, do not hesitate to damage the rights and interests of consumers and tour guides, set up a variety of consumption traps, force tour guides to guide consumption, and even transfer the responsibility of uncompleted consumption indicators to the tour guides, a tour guide because of the unfinished consumption indicators by the travel agency deducted the deposit news, once again pushed the industry chaos to the forefront, It has aroused widespread attention and heated discussions in the society

The female tour guide was deducted 20,000 "deposit" by the travel agency for forced shopping without taking guests! Travel agency routines

The protagonist of this incident, Wang Li, is an experienced European tour guide, she signed a cooperation agreement with a travel agency, but there is a mystery hidden in the agreement, the agreement stipulates that Wang Li must lead the tour group to complete a certain amount of consumption in the designated store, otherwise it will face the risk of being deducted from the deposit, forced by the pressure of livelihood, Wang Li reluctantly accepted this unreasonable clause, in the process of leading a group, because some tourists are not much interested in shopping, the final consumption amount did not reach the expected goal of the travel agency, On this ground, the travel agency deducted Wang Li's deposit of 20,000 yuan

The legal game behind unequal agreements

In the course of the first instance, the court ruled that the act of the travel agency was legal according to the content of the agreement signed by the two parties, and rejected Wang Li's litigation claim, Wang Li was not discouraged and insisted on appealing to the court of second instance, the court of second instance held that there was a de facto labor employment relationship between the travel agency and Wang Li, and the travel agency required the tour guide to pay a deposit and set consumption indicators, which violated the Tourism Law of the People's Republic of China The stipulation that no fees shall be charged to the tour guide is an unreasonable charge, and the final judgment was made that the travel agency should refund all of Wang Li's deposit

The female tour guide was deducted 20,000 "deposit" by the travel agency for forced shopping without taking guests! Travel agency routines

The trial result of this case not only safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of tour guides, but also provides a legal basis for regulating the order of the tourism market

Reveal the consumption traps and interest chains of travel agencies

Behind this incident, it reflects the chaos of the travel agency industry such as "low-cost group" and "shopping group", some travel agencies in order to attract tourists to sign up, often use extremely low prices as a publicity gimmick, but there are hidden mysteries in the itinerary, by compressing the time of scenic spots, arranging a large number of shopping links, etc., to make up for the loss of profits brought by low-cost groups, and tour guides as a key link connecting travel agencies and tourists, it has become a tool for travel agencies to maximize benefits

The female tour guide was deducted 20,000 "deposit" by the travel agency for forced shopping without taking guests! Travel agency routines

In order to force the tour guide to cooperate with the completion of the consumption task, some travel agencies and shopping stores have formed an alliance of interests, by setting up high rebates, rebates, etc., to stimulate the tour guide to guide tourists to consume, in this case, the tour guide often faces a dilemma: if they refuse to cooperate, they may be excluded or even fired by the travel agency; If you choose to compromise in order to save your job, it will harm the interests of tourists, and eventually lead to complaints from tourists, which will affect your career development

Call on the regulatory authorities to strengthen the rectification of the industry

In the face of chaos in the travel agency industry, the regulatory authorities have an unshirkable responsibility to increase the supervision of travel agencies and tour guides, severely crack down on illegal acts such as "black tour guides" and "forced shopping", maintain the order of the tourism market, protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers and practitioners, and also strengthen the publicity and education of tourists, guide tourists to consume rationally, choose regular travel agencies, and avoid falling into the consumption trap of low-cost groups

The female tour guide was deducted 20,000 "deposit" by the travel agency for forced shopping without taking guests! Travel agency routines

Use legal weapons to protect their own rights and interests

For the majority of tourists, when choosing travel agencies and tourism products, it is necessary to compare many parties, read the terms of the contract carefully, avoid being tempted by "low prices" and ignore the protection of their own rights and interests, during the journey, if you encounter forced consumption by tour guides, inflated prices of goods at shopping points, etc., you should keep the relevant evidence, complain and report to the tourism authorities in a timely manner, and bravely take up legal weapons to protect your legitimate rights and interests

The female tour guide was deducted 20,000 "deposit" by the travel agency for forced shopping without taking guests! Travel agency routines

Jointly build a healthy and civilized tourism ecology

Tourism as an important part of the modern service industry, to promote economic development, enrich people's lives is of great significance, only adhere to the law management, integrity service, in order to promote the sustainable and healthy development of the tourism industry, let us join hands, jointly resist the bad atmosphere of the tourism industry, build a healthy and civilized tourism ecological environment, so that tourism truly become a kind of enjoyment, a kind of relaxation, a kind of baptism of the soul

The female tour guide was deducted 20,000 "deposit" by the travel agency for forced shopping without taking guests! Travel agency routines

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The purpose of this article is to convey positive values without any bad guiding intentions. If there is any infringement, please contact us to deal with it in a timely manner.

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