
I, 35 years old, an overseas tour guide, have led a group for 15 years, met countless people, and once met a beautiful woman with a tattoo to prevent a junior

author:Calm dreams P


I, 35 years old, an overseas tour guide, have led a group for 15 years, met countless people, and once met a beautiful woman with a tattoo to prevent a junior

This is the 4,226th real story we have told

I'm Qingdao Xiaohan, 35 years old, currently living in Qingdao, I have been working as a tour guide since 2010, and it has been almost 15 years.

Over the years, I have worked as an outbound tour leader, a ground tour guide, and a full-course tour guide, and I am currently mainly an outbound tour leader. I have led a group to more than 50 countries and experienced the beautiful scenery and customs of each place.

Measure the world with your feet and your life with your heart, the world is really more beautiful and broader than you imagined. I will keep this love and continue to go to the next mountain and sea.

I, 35 years old, an overseas tour guide, have led a group for 15 years, met countless people, and once met a beautiful woman with a tattoo to prevent a junior

(I'm in Switzerland)

My hometown is in rural Henan, and I have a younger sister at home.

When I was a child, the living conditions at home were not very good, my father worked in other places, and my mother stayed at home to take care of us. My mother is diligent and thrifty, cheerful, enthusiastic and helpful. My brother and sister were taught by my mother's words and deeds, and our personalities were also very cheerful and optimistic.

After school, we would also work in the fields with my mother and do household chores. Since childhood, he has been able to bear hardships and stand hard work, and has a strong and independent personality.

Our parents don't discipline us much, and it's popular to say "free-range education". When we are sent to school, the learning is completely left to the school and ourselves, and our parents are more to guide us in life.

Although living is tight, we have a good family atmosphere. Our parents are very open-minded, can share anything with them, and respect our ideas, making it a very harmonious family.

I, 35 years old, an overseas tour guide, have led a group for 15 years, met countless people, and once met a beautiful woman with a tattoo to prevent a junior

(I'm in Korea)

I had a mediocre academic record and went to a regular school. When I was in junior high school, my parents sent me to a boarding private school in the county, and the teachers at the school were very good, and my classmates were also well-informed, which greatly broadened my horizons.

I vividly remember that on September 11, 2001, when we were reading in the morning, the head teacher showed us a recording with a tape recorder. The recording was noisy, all of them were spoken in English, and after the playback, we were asked, "Do you understand everything?"

We were dumbfounded, everyone looked at each other, and they didn't understand at all. At that time, we had just started to learn English, so how could we understand it?

The teacher said: This is the live recording of the "9.11 incident" on September 11, US time. Then the teacher talked about the relationship between the United States and other countries, and the war in the Middle East.

From how the six Middle East wars began to how they ended, the teacher explained them clearly, and I was still satisfied with them.

I, 35 years old, an overseas tour guide, have led a group for 15 years, met countless people, and once met a beautiful woman with a tattoo to prevent a junior

(Qingdao stone old man sunrise)

I thought: I must go to these countries when I have the opportunity in the future, take a look, feel the rich history of each country, and appreciate the customs and customs of various places.

In 2010, I graduated from university, but because I majored in foreign languages, I couldn't find a suitable job for a while. The idea of "going and seeing those places" that I had when I was in junior high school still lingered in my mind.

I thought I was more interested in history, geography and so on, so I thought it would be better to get a tour guide certificate and become a tour guide.

After getting my tour guide certificate, I signed a contract with a travel agency. In order to be able to lead the group as soon as possible, I memorized the words of the tour guide and followed the experienced old tour guide to learn from the group, and the progress was rapid.

The first independent group was a tour of Hong Kong and Macao, although it was very well prepared, but on the bus, in the face of dozens of strange tourists, I was still nervous and sweating, and the tour guide was stumbling.

Once born, second cooked, slowly I was able to calmly face tourists.

I, 35 years old, an overseas tour guide, have led a group for 15 years, met countless people, and once met a beautiful woman with a tattoo to prevent a junior

(Atlantic coast of southern Portugal)

In order to let tourists have an in-depth understanding of the customs and customs of the tourist destination, every time I take a group to a new place, I will acquire various knowledge through various materials and networks in advance.

I can understand and explain to tourists the humanities, geography, politics, history, culture, etc. of each scenic spot, so that tourists can "know and gain from travel".

I understand astronomy and geography, and I know trivialities. Our tour guides must not only have a certain knowledge reserve, but also have a certain ability to co-ordinate.

We also have to take care of the diet and daily life of everyone in the group, sometimes there is a traffic jam on the road, there are many people in the scenic spot, and the meal will be delayed until late, so we must be patient to appease the tourists. If I know in advance that there is a traffic jam or something, I will ask visitors to prepare some snacks in advance.

I always put safety first and do my best in everything I do. It is difficult to remember the number of foreign buses, so I put a sign with my name on the bus to prevent tourists from taking the wrong bus.

I, 35 years old, an overseas tour guide, have led a group for 15 years, met countless people, and once met a beautiful woman with a tattoo to prevent a junior

(I'm in Corsica, France)

When there is a conflict in the car due to the scramble for position, I can also deal with it tactfully, try to satisfy everyone, and inspire everyone to help each other. Because civilization is the most beautiful scenery.

I am basically not at home on all holidays (including the Spring Festival), either leading a group or on the way to lead a group.

Every time I lead a group, in order to give tourists a good journey, I always maintain a warm service attitude. He once explained to tourists in sweat under the scorching sun, and also lined up for tourists shivering in the cold winter.

If you are not feeling well, you must grit your teeth and insist on taking care of everyone; The tourist was not feeling well, so I took him to the hospital late at night and accompanied him to the infusion until dawn......

At the same time, I also try to improve my business, sometimes I go back to the hotel early after the trip, lie down on the table and copy the legal text.

Through hard work, I took the intermediate and senior tour guide titles in 2013 and 2016 respectively.

I, 35 years old, an overseas tour guide, have led a group for 15 years, met countless people, and once met a beautiful woman with a tattoo to prevent a junior

(Pigeon Rock, Lebanon)

I have met all kinds of tourists for many years, and almost every group has one or two who love to be late. My way of dealing with it is: standing at the door of the car with a smile on my face, and saying that I don't need to worry, pay attention to the safety of my feet.

After waiting for tourists to get on the bus, those tourists who are in a hurry will be embarrassed to be late, and I will coordinate from it, and take this matter as a warning so that tourists will not be late again.

Once, when gathering, an uncle didn't say hello to anyone, so he ran back to get something, and our whole team waited for him for more than 20 minutes, and the guests were very angry.

I looked for him everywhere, but I didn't answer the phone, and I was also holding back the fire. After finding it, his wife also counted his faults one by one.

Like a child who has made a mistake, the uncle lowered his head and whispered to his wife: "You have a bad leg, you can't do without crutches wherever you go, so I rushed back to get it desperately." I'm sorry for keeping you waiting......"

His wife was silent after hearing this, and my feeling of anger instantly turned into moving, and I had a new understanding of "holding the hand of the son and growing old with the son".

I, 35 years old, an overseas tour guide, have led a group for 15 years, met countless people, and once met a beautiful woman with a tattoo to prevent a junior

(Luang Prabang, Laos)

It has always been my pursuit to measure the world with my feet and record the scenery with my eyes. When I wanted to take more groups and travel to more places, time pressed the stop button.

The sudden epidemic has hit the tourism industry hard, and overseas tourism has been frozen.

During the epidemic, in order to make a living, I worked as a warehouse manager, set up a stall, and even did live broadcasting.

Although the family sat idly and the lights were amiable, they still missed the free days when they could wander the world. I feel more deeply that only when the country is peaceful and the world is peaceful, there will be poetry and distance.

Time will go away, and the image will last forever. I tried to make a video of the beautiful scenery of the tourist destination and post it to my account, but it didn't do well at first, and I didn't have many followers.

So, I kept groping, adjusting step by step, and finally became a travel blogger, "planting" good attractions worth visiting for everyone, and there were more and more fans.

I, 35 years old, an overseas tour guide, have led a group for 15 years, met countless people, and once met a beautiful woman with a tattoo to prevent a junior

(Siguniang Mountain, Sichuan)

After the epidemic, the tourism industry began to recover. Because of my love, I returned to the tour guide industry and became a tour leader. Starting anew makes me cherish it all the more.

I have been in the industry for more than ten years, and I have led a group to more than 50 countries, and I have learned about different countries, different customs, and different terrains. It's a very new perception for me.

The knowledge I have learned in textbooks is really displayed in front of me, and the feeling is particularly shocking. This is probably the meaning of "traveling thousands of miles"!

I've seen the natural wonders of Portugal's cliff beaches and the romance of Cappadocia's hot air balloons in Turkey, which float like colorful paintings. I've admired the sun at sunset in Pamukkale and seen the light turn from gold to pink.

There is a saying: waiting for someone who can't wait is like waiting for a ship at the airport. But you know what? The airport in the Maldives can really wait for a ship, such a miracle, I have witnessed it with my own eyes. The world is so big, it's really amazing.

I, 35 years old, an overseas tour guide, have led a group for 15 years, met countless people, and once met a beautiful woman with a tattoo to prevent a junior

(I'm in Malé, Maldives)


Traveling to me, half is the mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, and half is the fireworks in the world.

When I traveled to Iran, I learned that the customs were conservative and there were many rules. Ladies are required to wear headscarves in public places, and airport security, schools, barber shops, buses, swimming pools, gyms, etc., in Iran, are separated from men and women.

Damascus, the capital of Syria, has no traffic lights, buses hop on and off, and horse-drawn carriages, bicycles, and electric vehicles are mixed freely.

On the border with Myanmar in northern Thailand, there is an ethnic minority, the Long-necked people. They take the length of the neck as the beauty, and the child from the age of 3-6 years old, put a copper ring around the neck, a copper ring a year, to lengthen the neck.

The longest neck there can be up to 70 centimeters. In order to live, they put on "heavy shackles" and showed the world the cruel beauty.

I, 35 years old, an overseas tour guide, have led a group for 15 years, met countless people, and once met a beautiful woman with a tattoo to prevent a junior

(Santorini, Greece)

When I first came into contact with refugees on the streets of Brussels, my heart was sour. Happiness needs to be compared, and for these wanderers who wander in a foreign land because of the war, life is happiness. I am also happy that I grew up in Greater China.

When I am traveling, I remember not only that I am a tour guide, but also that I am a Chinese tour guide. Every word and deed represents the quality of the Chinese people, helping the old and the young, and patiently and meticulously practicing the Chinese virtues.

At the same time, I also pay attention to the quality of service, teaching tourists how to shoot and send videos by hand, and I will also use drones to help them shoot and record.

During the trip, if I meet a tourist on his birthday, I will secretly prepare a small gift to surprise the guest at the last moment.

Overseas, in a strange country, in a meaningful place, the tour guide and a group of tourists accompanied the birthday, and some birthday stars were moved to tears on the spot at the moment when they blew out the birthday candles.

However, my sensibilities have also caused problems for myself.

I, 35 years old, an overseas tour guide, have led a group for 15 years, met countless people, and once met a beautiful woman with a tattoo to prevent a junior

(I'm in the Netherlands)

When traveling in Sri Lanka, there was a tourist who accidentally twisted his foot, and the tourist thought it was no big problem that day, so he didn't deal with it, but then his foot became more and more swollen, so we took him to a private hospital.

I took a film in the hospital, and the doctor said that there was no big problem, but it was broken, and it was okay to apply ice. When the tourists went back to apply the ice, they found that it did not have much effect.

I happened to buy some plasters abroad, and out of kindness, I gave him a sticker. After he posted it, he felt fine, and when he arrived in the Maldives the next day, he asked me for another post.

In fact, there is a provision in the "Tourism Law": tour guides are not allowed to give guests medicine without permission, even if the guests do not have medicine, we cannot give medicine to guests.

After returning to China, he called the company to complain because he was allergic to the plaster, so he asked the company to compensate. As soon as I heard this, my heart was very hot, you don't say in advance that you are allergic, and let me give another post after pasting it, what kind of psychology is this?

I, 35 years old, an overseas tour guide, have led a group for 15 years, met countless people, and once met a beautiful woman with a tattoo to prevent a junior

(Faro, Portugal)

I called the tourist, and he immediately changed his attitude and said, "Xiao Han, I didn't mean that, I didn't want you to lose money, I just wanted to ask if your company could give some spiritual compensation." ”

I said, "What kind of mental compensation is this, you twisted it yourself, and we have all paid you the insurance." If you want to compensate now, I can only compensate you personally. ”

The guest knew that he was at a loss, and then the matter was settled.

During the journey, you will meet many people and things, and you will also meet some interesting souls.

There was an 86-year-old grandfather in the group before, carrying a pink beautiful girl's schoolbag all the time, which was really cute.

There is also a 72-year-old uncle, who taught us all the way chacha, samba and modern dance, and the old ladies of the whole troupe followed suit. Later, I learned that the uncle had represented China and went to Europe to participate in the elderly cha cha dance competition.

Such interesting souls are really too many to count. There was once an old professor who wrote a poem and posted it in the group every time he went to a scenic spot. There is also a post-90s beauty who has a little fox tattooed on her hand, saying that she is an anti-junior. Haha, these people and things are really eye-opening for me.

I, 35 years old, an overseas tour guide, have led a group for 15 years, met countless people, and once met a beautiful woman with a tattoo to prevent a junior

(Cappadocia, Turkey)

I get along well with tourists, and I am often praised by tourists. Every time the group disperses at the airport, the group leaves a thank you message, such as "the team leader has worked hard all the way", "thank you team leader for taking care of me all the way", etc., which makes me feel a sense of achievement.

At one point, I even received several handwritten letters of praise from tourists. This touched me even more and made me love my job even more determined.

Sometimes I don't just explain to tourists, but I also gain a lot of knowledge from tourists.

There was a 12-day trip to Iran, which was the most well-cultivated and high-quality group I have ever received since I led the group. Because they are all veteran professors from China's top universities, they shared the feelings of their trip to Iran during the trip.

From philosophy to poets, from religion to civilization, from history to geography, you don't need to go to top universities to listen to the courses of these doctoral supervisors, do you think I have made a lot of money?

Of course, there are many touches during the trip. Mark Twain described Sri Lanka in "A Journey Around the Equator" that "everyone is like a flame". We walked there and found that the people there were still enthusiastic for a hundred years, and the "Lankan smile" hung on everyone's face.

I, 35 years old, an overseas tour guide, have led a group for 15 years, met countless people, and once met a beautiful woman with a tattoo to prevent a junior

(I'm in Iran)

Once, a flower seller in Sri Lanka chased our bus up and down the mountain barefoot. When we saw that he was so persistent, we stopped the bus and let him get on the bus.

He smiled brightly throughout the whole process, like a beam of sunshine piercing the haze, shining in everyone's hearts. All the tourists gave him a tip and he was also gentlemanly in giving flowers to the lady in the car. Some customers saw that he was working so hard and was reluctant to ask for it, so he let him take it and continue to sell. People who work hard to live are the most worthy of respect.

In this once bankrupt country, poverty is real, but in order to live, they have been running desperately. The persistence and hard work of the flower seller also let us see ourselves working hard in real life.

Iraq's roads are guarded by GIs every few kilometres, and you can't take pictures without permission. At the rest stop, they learned that we were Chinese and took the initiative to take pictures with us.

I, 35 years old, an overseas tour guide, have led a group for 15 years, met countless people, and once met a beautiful woman with a tattoo to prevent a junior

(Came to the Aegean Sea)

I was suddenly very touched, it turned out that when I was away from home, my identity was given by the state, and my confidence was also given by the state. Behind this confidence and respect is our strong motherland. At that moment, the pride of being a Chinese was directly filled.

During our trip to Lebanon and Syria, the local people knew that we were from China and shouted "China, China, I love China".

In fact, they confessed not only China, but also peace. When you are really in the local area and feel the atmosphere of the scene, you will really be moved to tears.

After the official media saw the video I posted, they liked and forwarded it. When I see these videos later, I will still be thrilled and enthusiastic.

Family affection is a vine rose, no matter where I am, always hold my hand tightly. Every time I go home and land, the familiar voice of the flight attendant makes me feel a sense of belonging when I return from a wanderer.

I, 35 years old, an overseas tour guide, have led a group for 15 years, met countless people, and once met a beautiful woman with a tattoo to prevent a junior

(I took a photo with the young lady of Corsica, France)

With a group for a long time, the day and night are reversed, and the time difference is reversed back and forth. I was tired, but when I came home and saw the smiling faces of my family, ate my mother's cooking, heard my father's hearty laughter, and shared with them what I had seen along the way, I quickly came back to life.

When the wind comes, it is better to chase the wind. Nowadays, more and more people are in love with travel, and some of the tourists I have led have been to 80 countries, some have been to 150 countries, and the most have visited 200 countries and regions.

I love and appreciate their way of life, and I hope I can lead more people to more countries.

I believe that every day's efforts will bring the distance closer.

I'm Xiao Han, and I'll continue to set off in the future!

I, 35 years old, an overseas tour guide, have led a group for 15 years, met countless people, and once met a beautiful woman with a tattoo to prevent a junior

(Welcome to follow the protagonist account "Qingdao Xiaohan")

[Dictation: Qingdao Xiaohan]

[Written by: Qingzhu]

[Editor: Drunk Hongyan]

We can't experience different lives, but we can feel different life trajectories here, every photo here is a bit of life, every story is a real life, if you also like it, please click to follow! @真实人物采访

(*This article is based on the oral statements of the parties, and the authenticity is the responsibility of the oral narrator.) Friendly reminder from this account: Please identify the relevant risks by yourself, and do not blindly follow the trend to make impulsive decisions. )

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