
Brothers work together to attract gold! "The strongest relation" Yang Zhigang returned to the male No. 1, and his brother was too arrogant

author:Finish C chatting about the world

In Chengde City, Hebei Province, a boy named Yang Zhigang was born. However, his arrival was not something to celebrate. At that time, during the implementation of the family planning policy, Yang Zhigang, as the fourth child in the family, was destined to face a different fate.

In order to avoid violating the policy, Yang Zhigang's biological parents made a difficult decision: to send him to his uncle's house to raise him. Since then, the little Yang Zhigang has been burdened with the label of "superfluous" and began his childhood life.

Despite being adopted, Yang Zhigang established a deep relationship with his aunt's elder brother Guo Jingyu. The two boys were inseparable, running and playing everywhere. However, happy times are always short-lived.

Brothers work together to attract gold! "The strongest relation" Yang Zhigang returned to the male No. 1, and his brother was too arrogant

One day, the children in the village overheard the adults talking about Yang Zhigang's background. Since then, whenever they see Yang Zhigang, they will call him "Guo Xiaosi". This nickname is like a sharp knife, constantly reminding Yang Zhigang of his unique identity.

Although he tried to reduce the number of visits to his aunt's house, the title "Guo Xiaosi" still lingered in his childhood memories and lingered. Fate always seems to like to play tricks on people.

In an accident, the young Yang Zhigang learned the truth that he was not born to his parents. This cruel fact dealt a huge blow to him, and he fell into a state of self-abandonment for a while.

Brothers work together to attract gold! "The strongest relation" Yang Zhigang returned to the male No. 1, and his brother was too arrogant

Just when Yang Zhigang was most helpless, Guo Jingyu reached out to help. Although the two are not brothers, Guo Jingyu's love and support have become a ray of light in Yang Zhigang's darkness.

With the encouragement of his brother, Yang Zhigang slowly walked out of the haze and regained his strength. This difficult childhood experience not only deepened the relationship between Yang Zhigang and Guo Jingyu, but also laid the groundwork for Guo Jingyu's support for Yang Zhigang's career in the future.

Since then, the fate of the brothers has been closely linked, laying the foundation for their future "concerted efforts" in the entertainment industry. After graduating from junior high school, Yang Zhigang stood at the crossroads of his life and was full of confusion about the future.

Brothers work together to attract gold! "The strongest relation" Yang Zhigang returned to the male No. 1, and his brother was too arrogant

In stark contrast is Guo Jingyu, the elder brother who has begun to plan a blueprint for his life. Looking at his lost brother, Guo Jingyu decided to lend a hand and show Yang Zhigang the way.

Under the guidance of Guo Jingyu, Yang Zhigang stepped into the palace of art and began to learn dance in an art school. This decision opened a new door for Yang Zhigang and made him feel the charm of art for the first time.

However, reality soon gave Yang Zhigang a blow in the face. In the general environment at that time, as a male dancer, Yang Zhigang's development prospects were not optimistic. Guo Jingyu is keenly aware of this.

Brothers work together to attract gold! "The strongest relation" Yang Zhigang returned to the male No. 1, and his brother was too arrogant

He knew that his younger brother needed a broader stage, so he shot again and planned a transformation path for Yang Zhigang. With his brother's advice and encouragement, Yang Zhigang set his sights on the School of Drama.

However, the road to being an actor has not been easy. Yang Zhigang failed to be admitted to his favorite school at one time, but experienced many failures and attempts. Every defeat hit him hard, but Guo Jingyu always supported him behind him and gave him the courage to keep going.

Finally, with unremitting efforts, Yang Zhigang was successfully admitted to the Academy of Drama and took the first step to become an actor. During this period, Guo Jingyu's directorial career has improved slightly, and he has gradually gained a certain reputation in the circle.

Brothers work together to attract gold! "The strongest relation" Yang Zhigang returned to the male No. 1, and his brother was too arrogant

With the help of his brother's relationship, Yang Zhigang was fortunate to participate in many film and television works and accumulated valuable experience. However, the harsh reality of the entertainment industry soon became apparent. After graduating, Yang Zhigang encountered the most common dilemma of actors - no scenes to film.

Faced with the trough of his career, Yang Zhigang once had the idea of changing careers. At the critical moment when he was about to give up his acting career, Guo Jingyu once again lent a helping hand. He invited his younger brother to participate in the works directed by himself, which injected new vitality into Yang Zhigang's acting career.

Since then, Yang Zhigang's acting career has begun to get on the right track. With the support of Guo Jingyu, he gradually gained a firm foothold in the film and television industry. This experience not only reflects Guo Jingyu's deep affection for his younger brother, but also lays the foundation for the close cooperation between the brothers in the entertainment industry in the future.

Brothers work together to attract gold! "The strongest relation" Yang Zhigang returned to the male No. 1, and his brother was too arrogant

Yang Zhigang's transformation road confirms that behind the "strongest relational household" is a growth story full of hardships and perseverance. With the full support of Guo Jingyu, Yang Zhigang's acting career finally began to get on the right track.

In 2005, when the opportunity came, the TV series "Perfect Summer" directed by Guo Jingyu opened the door for Yang Zhigang. Surprisingly, Yang Zhigang not only got the opportunity to participate, but was also directly entrusted with the important role of one of the leading actors.

This experience not only gave Yang Zhigang the opportunity to play on the same stage with popular actors, but also greatly improved his acting skills and popularity. However, Yang Zhigang did not stop there.

Brothers work together to attract gold! "The strongest relation" Yang Zhigang returned to the male No. 1, and his brother was too arrogant

In another masterpiece directed by Guo Jingyu "Blade 1937", he challenged the villain "Fourteen" with a complex personality. Although this role is not the male lead, it has a heavy role, which provides Yang Zhigang with an excellent opportunity to show the versatility of his acting skills.

His performance was not only recognized by the audience, but also allowed industry insiders to see his potential. As time went on, Yang Zhigang's role in director Guo Jingyu's work became more and more important.

From "Brave Heart" to "Da Yangge", and then to "The Most Beautiful Retrograde", Yang Zhigang has almost become the resident actor in Guo Jingyu's works. This close partnership not only allowed Yang Zhigang's acting career to flourish, but also brought a stable cast to Guo Jingyu's works.

Brothers work together to attract gold! "The strongest relation" Yang Zhigang returned to the male No. 1, and his brother was too arrogant

The brothers have worked together to create one hit drama after another, which has left a deep impression on the hearts of the audience. Yang Zhigang's acting skills continue to improve in this process, and Guo Jingyu's directing style has become more and more mature.

Their collaboration is a tacit fit, and they can collide with surprising sparks every time. However, this close partnership has inevitably raised questions from the outside world.

Some people began to discuss whether Yang Zhigang could obtain these roles only by virtue of his status as a "relational household". These voices are like a layer of haze, shrouded in Yang Zhigang's acting career.

Brothers work together to attract gold! "The strongest relation" Yang Zhigang returned to the male No. 1, and his brother was too arrogant

Still, the brothers didn't back down because of that. On the contrary, they put more effort into each work, trying to respond to the doubts of the outside world with strength. Yang Zhigang devotes himself to every role and strives to break through himself; Guo Jingyu constantly challenges himself and tries different genres to create more opportunities for his younger brother to show his talents.

This experience not only shows the mutual support of Yang Zhigang and Guo Jingyu in their careers, but also shows their tenacity and unity in the face of doubt. The label of "the strongest relation" may be difficult to take off, but the spirit of brothers working together and making progress together has become their greatest confidence in the entertainment industry.

In 2008, Yang Zhigang ushered in a major challenge in his acting career. At the filming site of the TV series "Secret Drawings" directed by Guo Jingyu, a thrilling accident caught everyone off guard.

Brothers work together to attract gold! "The strongest relation" Yang Zhigang returned to the male No. 1, and his brother was too arrogant

There are a lot of action scenes and blasting scenes in this drama, and the danger factor is extremely high. In order to pursue the best performance effect, Yang Zhigang insisted on completing these difficult shots in person and refused to use stand-ins.

His decision made Guo Jingyu both moved and worried. Although Guo Jingyu tried his best to dissuade him, seeing his younger brother's firm eyes, he finally agreed to Yang Zhigang's request.

However, fate always likes to play jokes with people. Just when filming a blasting scene, there was a sudden problem with the props used by the crew. A huge explosion sounded, and the scene instantly plunged into chaos.

Brothers work together to attract gold! "The strongest relation" Yang Zhigang returned to the male No. 1, and his brother was too arrogant

When the smoke cleared, people were horrified to find that Yang Zhigang had fallen to the ground, his life in danger. Guo Jingyu, who witnessed this scene, was like a knife. He didn't care about the identity of the director, and shouted hoarsely for the crew to help.

Under the leadership of Guo Jingyu, everyone quickly sent Yang Zhigang to the hospital for rescue. The doctor's diagnosis made everyone gasp: Yang Zhigang suffered nearly 31 percent burns all over his body, and his vital signs were weak.

Guo Jingyu's heart was full of self-blame and regret, and he kept blaming himself for why he agreed to his brother's request. Fortunately, through the efforts of the doctors, Yang Zhigang miraculously passed the dangerous period.

Brothers work together to attract gold! "The strongest relation" Yang Zhigang returned to the male No. 1, and his brother was too arrogant

However, the accident left a serious psychological shadow on him. During his recovery, Yang Zhigang fell into deep self-doubt. This life-and-death experience not only reflects Yang Zhigang's dedication to his acting career, but also shows Guo Jingyu's deep brotherly love for his younger brother.

The accident became an important turning point in their acting careers, and brought the brothers closer together. At the same time, it also made Yang Zhigang cherish life more and be more cautious and mature on the road of acting in the future.

Yang Zhigang's life turning point is not only reflected in his career, but also in his emotional life. While studying at the Beijing Film Academy, he met the beautiful and moving Zhang Jing.

Brothers work together to attract gold! "The strongest relation" Yang Zhigang returned to the male No. 1, and his brother was too arrogant

Zhang Jing is outstanding in appearance and has many suitors, but in contrast, Yang Zhigang feels that he is mediocre in appearance and does not dare to show his heart at all. Yang Zhigang's roommate Ma He couldn't stand it, and began to frequently create opportunities for the two to get along.

However, Yang Zhigang's inferiority complex has become the biggest obstacle to emotional development. In this way, their relationship has remained at the level of ordinary classmates. In 2003, fate gave the couple a chance.

The SARS epidemic broke out across the country, and Beijing became the hardest hit area. The school was closed, the students left the school one after another, and only Zhang Jing had nowhere to go. At this time, Yang Zhigang plucked up the courage and invited Zhang Jing to stay in Beijing.

Brothers work together to attract gold! "The strongest relation" Yang Zhigang returned to the male No. 1, and his brother was too arrogant

And their residence is the house that Guo Jingyu needs to buy in Beijing because of his work. In this extraordinary cohabitation life, Yang Zhigang and Zhang Jing got along day and night, and gradually developed ambiguous feelings for each other.

In the end, they picked out their hearts and officially came together. This love, which began with the epidemic, has added a warm color to Yang Zhigang's life. However, fate played a joke on Yang Zhigang again.

After suffering severe burns, Yang Zhigang fell into deep self-doubt. He was worried that his injuries would ruin his appearance and that he would become a burden to Zhang Jing. Out of love for his wife, he made a difficult decision - to file for divorce.

Brothers work together to attract gold! "The strongest relation" Yang Zhigang returned to the male No. 1, and his brother was too arrogant

In the face of her husband's decision, Zhang Jing showed amazing courage and firm love. She did not hesitate to reject the proposal for divorce and insisted on accompanying Yang Zhigang through the difficulties.

In the days that followed, Zhang Jing took care of Yang Zhigang wholeheartedly, trying everything to help him treat the burns on his face. Zhang Jing's unconditional support deeply touched Yang Zhigang and made him regain his confidence in life.

This experience not only strengthened their relationship, but also made Yang Zhigang realize the power of sincere love. In this process, Guo Jingyu stood behind his younger brother as always, silently supporting the couple.

Brothers work together to attract gold! "The strongest relation" Yang Zhigang returned to the male No. 1, and his brother was too arrogant

His care and help escorted the relationship between Yang Zhigang and Zhang Jing, so that this hard-won love could continue to bloom. Although Yang Zhigang's acting career has always had the support of his brother Guo Jingyu, the label of "relational household" has always followed.

In order to prove his strength and get rid of this label, Yang Zhigang decided to participate in the variety show "Actors Please Be in Place", hoping to show his true level through this platform.

At first, with his rich acting experience, Yang Zhigang was rated as an S-level actor, which seems to confirm his efforts over the years. However, the good times were short-lived. When cooperating with his partner Guo Xiaoting to perform "Beneficiary", Yang Zhigang's performance was unsatisfactory, and he suffered a waterloom and was demoted two levels by the judges.

Brothers work together to attract gold! "The strongest relation" Yang Zhigang returned to the male No. 1, and his brother was too arrogant

In the face of the point-blank criticism from his mentors, Yang's reaction sparked controversy. When Guo Xiaoting humbly said that it was because of each other's lack of rehearsals that led to poor performance, Yang Zhigang insisted on his own point of view, believing that the tragedy should not be rehearsed too much, otherwise it would affect the emotional expression of the actors.

He explained: "This kind of tragic scene can't be rehearsed more, because in the end it will become numb, which is my experience for so many years of filming." Far from quelling doubts, the remarks sparked more controversy.

Many believe that Yang Zhigang ignores the fact that every actor has different acting habits, and his approach does not seem to take into account the feelings of his partner. This experience made Yang Zhigang realize that relying on his brother's resources and his own experience is far from enough.

Brothers work together to attract gold! "The strongest relation" Yang Zhigang returned to the male No. 1, and his brother was too arrogant

To gain a firm foothold in the highly competitive entertainment industry, you also need to keep learning and improving and keep an open mind. This has also become a new starting point for Yang Zhigang's future development, inspiring him to continue to work the road of acting and truly prove his value with his strength.

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