
Xiao Li Lin: chased the teacher, married 6 years younger Jingchao, and after marriage, her husband didn't have to work to support herself

author:Finish C chatting about the world

In an ordinary family in Wuhan, Hubei Province, Xiao Li Lin's childhood passed quietly with her parents' love for local opera. Under the influence of her ears and eyes, her interest in opera is increasing day by day, as if she was born with an indissoluble bond with the stage.

Whenever she sings opera in her crisp voice, her eyes always flash with love and longing for performance. At the age of 11, with a passion for performing arts, Xiao Li Lin stepped into the door of Wuhan Art School.

Here, she began to systematically study opera, laying a solid foundation for her future artistic path. With her tall figure and outstanding appearance, Xiao Li Lin quickly won the favor of the teachers.

Xiao Li Lin: chased the teacher, married 6 years younger Jingchao, and after marriage, her husband didn't have to work to support herself

Her talent and diligence make people look forward to her becoming an excellent opera actress in the future. However, fate always likes to joke. Just when Xiao Li Lin was focusing on the study of opera, an unexpected opportunity changed the trajectory of her life.

The TV series "The Ancestor of Yanhuang" was launched, and the director took a fancy to Xiao Li Lin at a glance and invited her to play a cameo role in the play. Although there are not many scenes, this short on-screen experience made Xiao Li Lin completely fall in love with the profession of actor.

From that moment on, a seed was planted in Xiao Li Lin's heart to pursue the dream of a film and television actor. Her eyes flashed with a vision of the future, as if she saw a wider stage beckoning to her.

Xiao Li Lin: chased the teacher, married 6 years younger Jingchao, and after marriage, her husband didn't have to work to support herself

With the yearning for the career of an actor, Xiao Li Lin made a bold decision - regardless of the teacher's retention, she resolutely filled in the Shanghai Theater Academy. In this way, an opera girl full of aura embarked on the road of chasing her screen dream and started her wonderful acting life.

After graduating from college, Xiao Li Lin ushered in an important turning point in her acting career. By chance, she co-starred with Huang Yi, Nie Yuan and others in the TV series "Marrying the Right Man in the Wrong Sedan Chair", playing the role of the gentle and sweet Du Bingyan.

This role seems to be tailor-made for her, and Xiao Li Lin's performance made Du Bingyan vividly enter the hearts of the audience. The broadcast of "Marrying the Right Man in the Wrong Sedan Chair" caused a huge response and became a hot topic among the audience for a while.

Xiao Li Lin: chased the teacher, married 6 years younger Jingchao, and after marriage, her husband didn't have to work to support herself

Xiao Li Lin quickly won the love of the public with her natural and sincere acting skills and sweet and lovely image. In order to distinguish herself from another actor of the same name in the circle, the audience affectionately called her "Xiao Li Lin".

This name soon became her exclusive label, and also made her the "goddess of childhood" in the hearts of a generation. With the popularity of the series, Xiao Li Lin's popularity has been rising.

Her career is booming, and the future seems bright. However, at this critical moment, fate prepared an unexpected turn for her. At the most brilliant time of her career, Xiao Li Lin's heart was turbulent.

Xiao Li Lin: chased the teacher, married 6 years younger Jingchao, and after marriage, her husband didn't have to work to support herself

She met her true genius, Li Xuetao, a teacher in college. Although the age difference between the two is 8 years old, and their identities are also sensitive teacher-student relationships, these have not stopped the pace of love.

Xiao Li Lin fell in love, her eyes flashed with happiness, as if the whole world had become beautiful because of love. However, reality is not as simple as fairy tales.

"Teacher-student love" was not favored in the social environment at that time, not to mention that Xiao Li Lin was at the peak of her career. Many people believe that giving up their careers for love is a choice that outweighs the losses.

Xiao Li Lin: chased the teacher, married 6 years younger Jingchao, and after marriage, her husband didn't have to work to support herself

However, when love comes, reason is often washed away. Xiao Li Lin chose love without hesitation, and despite the opposition of her parents, she resolutely came together with Li Xuetao.

In this way, Xiao Li Lin came out of "Marrying the Right Man in the Wrong Sedan Chair" and began her own realistic version of "Marrying the Right Lang" journey. However, whether the road to this relationship is sweet or bumpy, only time will tell.

Soon after marriage, Xiao Li Lin became pregnant and gave birth to a lovely daughter. The family of three is happy and seems to be happy. Xiao Li Lin's face was filled with the joy of being a mother, and her eyes were full of anticipation for a new life.

Xiao Li Lin: chased the teacher, married 6 years younger Jingchao, and after marriage, her husband didn't have to work to support herself

However, as time passed, Xiao Li Lin began to feel the boredom of life. That heart that longs to perform never stops, but for the sake of her family, she chose to put her acting career on hold for the time being.

In order to pass the time and realize her own value, Xiao Li Lin decided to start a business. Her eyes sparkled with a challenge and a vision for the future. She took out her savings from many years of filming and opened a restaurant.

With her ingenuity and business acumen, the restaurant's business is thriving. A spark of hope was rekindled in Xiao Lilin's eyes, and she believed that she could make a big difference in the business field.

Xiao Li Lin: chased the teacher, married 6 years younger Jingchao, and after marriage, her husband didn't have to work to support herself

However, fate played a joke on her again. The advent of the economic crisis was like a heavy blow, which wiped out Xiao Li Lin's years of hard work. Not only did she lose her restaurant, but she also owed a huge amount of debt.

Xiao Li Lin's eyes were full of confusion and pain, and she didn't understand why she worked hard to get such a result. Just when she needed support the most, her husband Li Xuetao filed for divorce.

This decision made many people feel that Li Xuetao was not righteous enough, but in fact, since they got married, the relationship between the two has quietly changed. The romance and enthusiasm of the past are gone, replaced by blandness and alienation.

Xiao Li Lin: chased the teacher, married 6 years younger Jingchao, and after marriage, her husband didn't have to work to support herself

Apparent happiness cannot hide the fact that marriage has existed in name only. Xiao Li Lin actually had a premonition that this marriage would not last long, but for the sake of her daughter, she has been trying to maintain it.

Her eyes were full of helplessness and exhaustion, but she had to pretend to be strong. However, as her daughter grew up, this relationship eventually came to an end. When she was most helpless, Li Xuetao chose to leave, leaving her alone to face huge debts and the problem of raising her daughter.

The once glamorous "childhood goddess" has now fallen into a low point in her life. Xiao Li Lin's eyes were full of confusion and pain, but she knew that for the sake of her daughter, she had to live strongly.

Xiao Li Lin: chased the teacher, married 6 years younger Jingchao, and after marriage, her husband didn't have to work to support herself

So, she decided to return to the screen, hoping to make a comeback. However, the showbiz is changing, and it is difficult for her to return to her former glory. Xiao Li Lin felt the cruel reality, and her eyes revealed a deep sense of powerlessness.

Former audiences seem to have forgotten about her, and a new generation of stars is on the rise. She had to face a cruel truth: time waits for no one, and even more so in the entertainment industry.

Faced with the double blow of career and relationship, Xiao Li Lin's heart was full of frustration. She is often alone, recalling the glorious moments of the past, and her eyes can't help but show a look of loneliness.

Xiao Li Lin: chased the teacher, married 6 years younger Jingchao, and after marriage, her husband didn't have to work to support herself

However, as a mother, she knew she couldn't give up. For the sake of her daughter, for her own sake, she must move on. Just when Xiao Li Lin thought that she would be trapped in this trough forever, the god of fate seemed to finally smile at her.

An unexpected opportunity will bring a new turn in her life. Just when Xiao Li Lin's career and relationship were at a low point, the god of fate seemed to finally smile at her.

In the crew of "Beautiful Housewives", she met Jing Chao, who was 6 years younger than herself. This encounter became another turning point in Xiao Li Lin's life. Jing Chao is not only handsome, but also a loyal fan of Xiao Li Lin.

Xiao Li Lin: chased the teacher, married 6 years younger Jingchao, and after marriage, her husband didn't have to work to support herself

When he excitedly mentioned the role of "Du Bingyan", Xiao Li Lin's heart was filled with a trace of bitterness. A hint of loneliness flashed in her eyes, as if she saw her once glorious self.

Seeing the loneliness in the eyes of the former goddess, Jing Chao realized that he had touched her scar. In order to make up for his mistakes, Jing Chao incarnated as a "little fan brother", not only took the initiative to ask for a group photo, but also warmly invited Xiao Li Lin to dinner.

During the filming, in order to please the goddess, Jing Chao, who has never been able to cook, also deliberately learned cooking skills. These careful actions warmed Xiao Li Lin's heart again. There was a hint of emotion in her eyes, and the corners of her mouth unconsciously smiled.

Xiao Li Lin: chased the teacher, married 6 years younger Jingchao, and after marriage, her husband didn't have to work to support herself

Looking at the sunny and cheerful young man in front of her, Xiao Li Lin felt the long-lost heartbeat. However, after experiencing a failed marriage, she has always been unable to let go of her love for Jingchao.

Her eyes were full of hesitation and hesitation, as if she was weighing whether it was time to embark on the journey of love again. Even after the filming of this drama is over, the two will only meet in Pingshui.

The change in Li's mother's attitude gave Xiao Li Lin great encouragement. A spark of hope reignited in her eyes, and she was full of anticipation for her future life. With her mother's support, Xiao Li Lin finally let go of her guard and accepted Jingchao's love.

Xiao Li Lin: chased the teacher, married 6 years younger Jingchao, and after marriage, her husband didn't have to work to support herself

The two soon came together and started a new chapter in their lives. Xiao Li Lin's face bloomed with a happy smile again, and her eyes were full of longing for the future.

Although she has experienced twists and turns, she has finally found someone who truly knows how to cherish her. This relationship made Xiao Li Lin regain her confidence in love, and also let her see new hope in life.

However, life after marriage is not all smooth sailing. Both of their acting careers are at a standstill, and their families are in financial trouble. Xiao Li Lin's eyes showed deep worry, but she never gave up hope.

Xiao Li Lin: chased the teacher, married 6 years younger Jingchao, and after marriage, her husband didn't have to work to support herself

In order to survive the most difficult times, Xiao Li Lin had to sell jewelry and furniture. In the end, the couple had to live in front of an empty house every day. In the face of the predicament, Jingchao did not sit still.

There was a determined glint in his eyes, and he was determined to find a way out for his family. He set his sights on the production industry. With his professional background and many years of shooting experience, Jingchao quickly made a name for himself in the production company.

His efforts were not in vain, and his ability to work was recognized by the company. At the same time, Xiao Li Lin was not idle. She took the initiative to serve as her husband's agent, and the husband and wife worked together together.

Xiao Li Lin: chased the teacher, married 6 years younger Jingchao, and after marriage, her husband didn't have to work to support herself

Xiao Li Lin's eyes were full of perseverance, and she believed that as long as the two of them worked together, they would definitely be able to tide over the difficulties. Their efforts were not in vain. Soon after, Jingchao returned to the stage of actors, and successively starred in many well-known works such as "White Hair", "Forensic Qin Ming", "The Legend of Ruyi".

Every time she sees Jing Chao's performance on the screen, Xiao Li Lin's eyes will shine with pride. Seeing that her husband's career had improved, Xiao Li Lin did not stop.

She was keenly aware of the business opportunities of live streaming and decided to try this emerging industry. With her sweet looks and popularity accumulated over the years, Xiao Li Lin quickly became the mainstay of the live broadcast industry.

Xiao Li Lin: chased the teacher, married 6 years younger Jingchao, and after marriage, her husband didn't have to work to support herself

At the end of each live broadcast, her face was filled with a smile brought by a sense of accomplishment. In this way, after hard struggle, Xiao Li Lin and Jing Chao finally walked out of the trough of their lives hand in hand.

A spark of hope reignited in their eyes, and they were full of anticipation for the future. This experience of working together not only made their careers set sail again, but also deepened their feelings.

Today's Xiao Li Lin has ushered in the 39th year of her life. The years have left subtle marks on her face, but her eyes are still bright and her smile is still sweet.

Xiao Li Lin: chased the teacher, married 6 years younger Jingchao, and after marriage, her husband didn't have to work to support herself

At this age, she ushered in a double harvest of career and love. After succeeding in the field of live streaming, Xiao Li Lin took the initiative to take on the important task of making money to support her family. Every time she broadcasts, she is full of passion and has a confident glint in her eyes.

And Jingchao willingly became a "family cook" and devoted more energy to family life. Their roles switch naturally, and there is a lot of understanding and support for each other.

From entering art school at the age of 11 to today, at the age of 39, Xiao Li Lin has experienced too many ups and downs. She first chased after the university teacher, and then married Jingchao, who was 6 years younger. Now, she has not only achieved success in her career, but also gained a sweet marriage.

Xiao Li Lin: chased the teacher, married 6 years younger Jingchao, and after marriage, her husband didn't have to work to support herself

Whenever she looks back on the past, Xiao Li Lin's eyes will reveal emotion and satisfaction. This may be the most unique charm of Xiao Li Lin - no matter what difficulties she encounters, she always maintains her love for life and hope for the future.

At the age of 39, Xiao Li Lin found her own happiness and composed a moving movement for her life.

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