
Transgender Ha Ri-so: Abandoned by her husband, the sequelae are obvious, and her body is not as good as that of an old lady

author:Fried chicken says gossip

First, in an ordinary family in Seoul, South Korea, a baby boy fell to the ground. The parents wept with joy and named this only son Li Jingye, hoping that he would be able to pass on the lineage.

However, fate seems to have arranged a different life path for this child. As Li Jingye grows up, his behavior gradually becomes significantly different from that of other boys.

He doesn't like to play with boys, but prefers to be with girls. This unusual performance did not alarm his parents when he was young, they just thought that their children were quieter.

However, as he grew older, Li Jingye began to secretly put on his mother's skirt and high heels. When the parents found out about all this, they were furious, believing that they had raised a freak who was "neither male nor female".

Transgender Ha Ri-so: Abandoned by her husband, the sequelae are obvious, and her body is not as good as that of an old lady

Facing the scolding of his parents, Li Jingye felt both aggrieved and helpless. He couldn't control his yearning for femininity, as if he had a female soul living in his body.

At the age of 16, Lee Kyung-ye started a romance with another boy as a man. This relationship made him feel extremely happy, as if he had finally found his belonging. However, the good times did not last long, and the boyfriend soon proposed to break up.

When Li Jingye pleaded with a low voice to get back together, her boyfriend said indifferently: "You are not a real girl, why should I be with you?" This sentence was like a sharp blade, which deeply pierced Li Jingye's heart.

Second, he was broken and helpless, but deep down he had a firm thought: he was going to become a woman completely. This decision is not only for love, but also for finding your true self.

Transgender Ha Ri-so: Abandoned by her husband, the sequelae are obvious, and her body is not as good as that of an old lady

At the age of 18, Li Jingye made up his mind to undergo sex reassignment surgery. Faced with this astonishing decision, his parents were so angry and sad that they even told him to get out of the house. But Li Jingye did not back down, he chose to run away from home and go to Japan to work alone.

In this way, with a longing for a new life and a fear of the unknown, Li Jingye embarked on a difficult and long road of transformation. This decision completely changed the trajectory of his life, and also laid the groundwork for various challenges in the future.

After leaving his hometown, 18-year-old Li Jingye came to a strange Japan. In order to realize his dream of being transgender, he began a hard working life. In a foreign country, Li Jingye experienced various jobs: he sold alcohol, worked as a hairdresser, and poured his heart and soul into every job.

Save money and became, all the hard work is to save enough for that life-changing surgery. Four years passed in a hurry, during which Li Jingye never wavered in his determination.

Transgender Ha Ri-so: Abandoned by her husband, the sequelae are obvious, and her body is not as good as that of an old lady

Finally, at the age of 22, he saved up enough money for sex reassignment surgery. With the anticipation of a new life and the fear of the unknown, he lay firmly on the operating table. The operation lasted more than a dozen hours, and the process was painful and long.

When Li Jingye woke up from anesthesia, he found that the masculine features on his body had disappeared. He finally became the female figure of his dreams. At this moment, he felt extremely happy, as if he had been reborn.

However, life after surgery was not as rosy as he imagined. Although Lee Kyung-yeol – now Ha Ri-so – has a pretty face and a standout figure, she soon discovers that this is not enough for her to gain true love and acceptance.

Three, because she can't have children, in the eyes of many people, she is still not considered a "real woman". Losing the support of her family and failing to get love as she wished, Ha Ri-so fell into confusion and despair for a while.

Transgender Ha Ri-so: Abandoned by her husband, the sequelae are obvious, and her body is not as good as that of an old lady

She began to wonder if she had made the right decision and whether it was worth the price. Just when Ha Ri-so fell into a trough, fate brought her an unexpected turnaround.

An entertainment company approached her and asked if she would like to become an entertainer. This proposal is like a ray of light, illuminating Ha Ri-so's confused future. With the mentality of giving it a try, Ha Li-so agreed to the invitation.

She hopes to find her own value and meaning in her new life. She didn't know what the future would hold, but she decided to brave this new challenge. In this way, Ha Ri so embarked on the road of an artist and opened a new chapter in her life.

She didn't know where this path would take her, but she knew that no matter what difficulties she encountered, she would persevere, because it was the life she had chosen. Ha Ri-so's career as an entertainer started more smoothly than expected.

Transgender Ha Ri-so: Abandoned by her husband, the sequelae are obvious, and her body is not as good as that of an old lady

Her excellent appearance and unique transgender identity have become a powerful boost to her rapid rise in the entertainment industry. People were both curious and sought after about her, and she soon became the first transgender artist in South Korea and was hailed as a "transgender diva".

Under the spotlight, Ha Li Xiu shines brightly. Each of her appearances has caused a sensation, the media has rushed to cover her story, and fans have gone crazy for her. Her entertainment company has also made a lot of money because of this cash cow.

Fourth, Ha Lixiu's fame and popularity are rising rapidly, and her career development can be said to be very good. However, under the bright exterior, Ha Ri-so's heart still longs for sincere love.

She hopes to find someone who truly accepts her and loves her, not just because of her fame and special status. This desire has become a vacancy that she has been unable to fill in her heart.

Transgender Ha Ri-so: Abandoned by her husband, the sequelae are obvious, and her body is not as good as that of an old lady

At this moment, a famous Korean singer named Jung Young-jin appeared in Ha Ri-so's life. Jung Young-jin, who is 6 years younger than Ha Ri-so, was deeply attracted by her radiant appearance on stage.

Young and vigorous, he launched a passionate pursuit desperately. In the face of Jung Young-jin's sincerity, Ha Ri-so's heart was moved. But she still solemnly told Jung Young-jin that she was a transgender person and could not have children.

Touching her, Jung Young-jin replied, "I know it all, it's okay, are you willing to be with me?" This sincere affection touched Ha Ri-so. After much thought, she decided to give herself a chance and accepted Jung Young-jin's love.

Fifth, the two walked together bravely despite the eyes of the outside world, as if they had found their destined soul mate. In 2007, Ha Ri-so and Jung Young-jin held a grand wedding.

Transgender Ha Ri-so: Abandoned by her husband, the sequelae are obvious, and her body is not as good as that of an old lady

This pair of newcomers, who have attracted much attention, made a promise in their oath to grow old together. Their union is not only the union of two people, but also a fairytale love story that brings hope to all.

Ha Ri-so and Jung Young-jin's marriage faced great challenges from the very beginning. For this relationship, Jung Young-jin paid a heart-wrenching price. His parents strongly opposed the marriage, forcing him to run away from home and force them to compromise in his own way.

Not only that, but his company is also opposed to the relationship, believing that it will seriously affect his career development. But Jung Young-jin insisted on his choice, and would rather ruin his future than be with his beloved.

In the first few years of marriage, the life of the two was sweet and happy. Ha Ri so continues to work hard in the entertainment industry, and her fame is increasing day by day. Jung Young-jin chose to stay at home and take care of the daily life of the two.

Transgender Ha Ri-so: Abandoned by her husband, the sequelae are obvious, and her body is not as good as that of an old lady

This kind of role reversal was undoubtedly very rare in Korean society at that time. However, over time, some issues gradually surfaced. Jung Young-jin's parents began urging them to have a baby.

Six, but Ha Ri-so is unable to have children as a transsexual, which has become an insurmountable gap between the two. Although Ha Ri-so offered to adopt, the old people insisted on their own grandchildren.

Jung Young-jin is caught in the middle and also begins to feel lost in life without children. At the same time, as she grew older, Ha Ri-so's appearance began to change. In order to maintain feminine characteristics, she had to take hormones for a long time, which caused no small burden on her body.

Her face is aging faster than her peers, and her skin has lost its former radiance. Jung Young-jin began to waver about the marriage. He gradually realized that he was actually married to a "man".

Transgender Ha Ri-so: Abandoned by her husband, the sequelae are obvious, and her body is not as good as that of an old lady

Seventh, the former alliance has become fragile under the test of reality. Time is like flowing water, love is fading, and Jung Young-jin has long forgotten the self who once swore to him.

In June 2017, after ten years of marriage, Ha Ri-so and Jung Young-jin got a divorce certificate. The fairy tales of the past are still invincible to the cruelty of reality in the end. Looking back, Ha Ri-so also expressed her guilt for failing to give Jung Young-jin a child.

The end of this marriage not only marks the shattering of Ha Ri-so's dream of love, but also makes her have to face the dilemma of being a transgender person in society. She was once again lonely and confused, not knowing how to go forward.

After the divorce, Ha Ri-so's life didn't get any better. As she grew older, the sequelae of sex reassignment surgery began to appear, and in her 40s, her physical condition deteriorated dramatically, which was shocking.

Transgender Ha Ri-so: Abandoned by her husband, the sequelae are obvious, and her body is not as good as that of an old lady

In a TV show, viewers were surprised to find that the former beautiful "transgender diva" has been judged as two. In the face of everyone's questions, Ha Lixiu calmly answered the changes that have taken place in her body over the years.

Eighth, her honesty makes people feel distressed and admired. Due to the hormonal imbalance caused by long-term hormone use, Ha Ri-so entered menopause early. This not only affected her appearance, but also put a serious burden on her body.

Her skin has lost its former radiance, and the wrinkles on her face are more noticeable than those of her peers. Even more worryingly, she also suffered from severe osteoporosis. After a doctor's examination, Ha Lixiu's bone density was not as good as that of an 80-year-old man.

This means that she is at risk of fractures at any time, and the slightest carelessness can cause serious injuries. These health problems not only affected Ha Ri-so's daily life, but also brought a huge blow to her career.

Transgender Ha Ri-so: Abandoned by her husband, the sequelae are obvious, and her body is not as good as that of an old lady

Once glamorous, she must now carefully protect her fragile body. She had to reduce her opportunities for public appearances, and even simple daily activities became difficult.

Faced with these predicaments, Ha Ri-so had to reflect on her decision back then. Sex reassignment surgery gave her the female identity she dreamed of, but it also brought lifelong health risks.

Nine, she doesn't know if she regrets it, but she must bear all the consequences of this choice. Despite this, Ha Ri so still faces life bravely. She speaks openly about her health in the hope of drawing attention to the long-term health of the transgender community.

Her experience has become a mirror of the little-known cost of sex reassignment surgery. The story of Ha Ri so allows us to see the hardships and costs behind the pursuit of self-identity.

Transgender Ha Ri-so: Abandoned by her husband, the sequelae are obvious, and her body is not as good as that of an old lady

It reminds us that everyone's choices deserve respect, but at the same time, they also require us to be thoughtful and weigh the pros and cons. Ha Ri-so's courage and honesty have undoubtedly given an important voice to this group.

Despite the many challenges, Ha Ri-so did not give up her right to pursue happiness. After divorcing Jung Young-jin, she plucked up the courage and started a new love life again. She openly declares that she has a new relationship, and the other party is a reliable businessman.

This relationship gave her new hope and strength, and rekindled her longing for love. At the same time, Ha Ri-so's ex-husband Jung Young-jin also opened a new chapter in his life.

Ten, two years after the divorce, he entered the palace of marriage with a girlfriend who was two years younger than him, and soon welcomed his own children. For Jung Young-jin's parents, their son is finally on the "right track" in their minds.

Transgender Ha Ri-so: Abandoned by her husband, the sequelae are obvious, and her body is not as good as that of an old lady

Faced with her ex-husband's new life, Ha Ri so chose to bless. She understands that everyone has the right to pursue happiness, including herself and her ex-husband. This tolerance and understanding shows her inner maturity and open-mindedness.

However, Ha Ri-so still has to face the prejudices of society. After the domestic violence incident, many people thought that she was still a "man" in her bones. But she chooses to face these doubts with a calm mind and prove her worth with her actions.

In the process, Ha Ri-so constantly reflects on her life choices. She understands that every decision has its price, and that she must take responsibility for her choices. Her experience tells us that there are so many ways to live in life, and she chose just one of them.

Today's Ha Lixiu, although she is not in good health, still maintains a positive and optimistic attitude. She hopes that by sharing her story, more people will understand and accept groups like her.

Transgender Ha Ri-so: Abandoned by her husband, the sequelae are obvious, and her body is not as good as that of an old lady

Her experience has also sparked reflection and discussion about the long-term impact of sex reassignment surgery. Ha Ri So's story is a complex narrative of self-identity, love, social acceptance, and the cost of life.

It reminds us that everyone's life choices deserve respect, but they also require us to be thoughtful and responsible. No matter how difficult life is, Ha Ri-so always tries to find her own balance, and this perseverance and courage deserve the admiration of all of us.

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