
The old man was seriously ill and hospitalized, and the bank asked him to withdraw the money, and the family carried the old man to the scene and died on the spot

author:Excerpts from golden sentences

"You have to come in person to get the money!" In 2013, the man took his father's passbook to withdraw money, but the bank refused it. In a fit of rage, he pulled his seriously ill father to the scene, not wanting his father to die on the spot.

In 2013, more than 20 people surrounded the door of a bank in Guangzhou, holding various equipment in their hands, and even holding gas canisters, blocking the door of the bank, demanding compensation from the bank.

It turned out that an old man had difficulty moving, and his family could only carry him to the bank, and he suffered a stroke and died suddenly in the process of withdrawing money.

The old man's name was Deng Jinfang, who was 70 years old at the time, and when he was washing dishes at home, his eyes were darkened, and his limbs began to be uncontrollable.

It turned out that the old man had a sudden stroke, but fortunately he found that he was sent to the hospital in time to pick up a life, but he was already unable to move and could not take care of himself.

The old man was seriously ill and hospitalized, and the bank asked him to withdraw the money, and the family carried the old man to the scene and died on the spot

I can only rely on medicine every day to barely support it, and soon the family's economy is almost unsupportable. But the son still stuck to his side, gave up his job and took care of the elderly wholeheartedly.

One day, when the old man's condition improved slightly, he called his son Deng Hanlin to his side and told him that he still had some savings in his passbook, which he had accumulated in the past few years.

It's not much, but it can also help ease the family's financial situation. As he spoke, he handed over the passbook to Deng Hanlin.

Deng Hanlin was overjoyed when he heard this, he had spent all his family's savings during this time, and his relatives who could borrow money had also borrowed it, and the hospital had just notified him that if he could not make up the hospitalization fee, he could only remove the old man from the ward.

Deng Hanlin didn't want his father to work hard all his life until he was old, and when he was sick, he could only live in a messy aisle. When he was worried about what to do, his father's money made him very happy.

So the next day, Deng Hanlin went to the bank to prepare to withdraw the money to make up for his father's hospitalization expenses. But who knew that things were not all smooth sailing, and after arriving at the bank, I was told by the staff.

His father's two ID cards had different information, and he needed to issue some proof before he could withdraw the money. It turned out that Deng Jinfang was originally called Deng Jinfang, and later changed his name to Deng Jinfang.

The old man was seriously ill and hospitalized, and the bank asked him to withdraw the money, and the family carried the old man to the scene and died on the spot

Helpless, Deng Hanlin could only hurriedly return to the village to open a certificate. When Deng Hanlin opened the certificate, he rushed back to the bank in a hurry again.

However, the bank staff also said that it is not enough to have a certificate, and it is also necessary to go to the police station where the household registration is located to issue a certificate to prove the authenticity of the certificate in the village.

Deng Hanlin, in line with the bank's rules and regulations, went to the police station again to issue a certificate. When Deng Hanlin returned to the bank after opening the certificate, the staff told him that he needed to be present in person to withdraw the money.

This can make Deng Hanlin die urgently, and after today, the hospital will drive his father out, they can't afford to pay the medical bills, and the hospital can't waste medical resources for them in vain.

At the moment, he could only suppress his anger and say that his father was seriously ill and in the hospital, and there was really no way to come to the bank, can he be accommodating, he was in a hurry to get the money to save his life.

At this time, the bank called the person in charge, and the person in charge said that according to the regulations, the bank must be present to take pictures before withdrawing money.

The responsible person asked the staff to check how much money was in the passbook, and when he found that it was only 30,000, there was a trace of disdain on his face, and asked Deng Hanlin what disease his father had.

When he learned that Deng Hanlin's father had just had a stroke and couldn't move his feet, he said very easily, then just pull out the needle first and carry it to the bank.

At this time, Deng Hanlin couldn't suppress his anger, but thinking that his father still needed this money to save his life, he could only swallow his anger.

Later, after returning home, after discussing it, he urgently needed the money, so he could only carry his father from the hospital to the bank first.

In this way, there was the beginning of the scene, due to a sudden stroke in the bank, which led to the unfortunate death of the old man. Deng Hanlin's anger suddenly couldn't be suppressed, and he quarreled with the bank staff.

In fact, when the old man was sick, a bank staff saw that the old man's state was wrong and spoke out, but no one paid attention to him.

I had no choice but to dial 120 by myself, and when 120 was on the spot, Deng Hanlin's family stopped the medical staff from touching the elderly.

A doctor moved swiftly around Deng Hanlin and the others, and was about to reach the old man's side when he was suddenly stopped by a relative.

Relatives were not allowed to get close to the old man, and the doctors could not get close to the old man in the chaos, so several doctors could only watch the old man's life dissipate little by little.

The old man was seriously ill and hospitalized, and the bank asked him to withdraw the money, and the family carried the old man to the scene and died on the spot

After this incident was reported, it sparked heated discussions, some people said that the bank staff just looked down on people and did not know how to be accommodating, which finally led to an accident for the elderly, and some people said that there was no problem with the bank's approach, if it was not strict, what should I do if the money was stolen in the future.

Afterwards, the bank compensated Deng Hanlin 130,000 yuan, and the matter was stopped, but due to too much pressure from public opinion, the bank also fired the responsible person and relevant personnel who had a bad attitude at that time, and the impact of this incident slowly dissipated.

In fact, the bank has a door-to-door business, but it is extremely rare, maybe the staff who handled the business for Deng Hanlin at that time were not familiar, but the person in charge did not know that there were some problems.

The emergency handling of these emergencies should be known to every staff member.

The rules are set by people, in order to maintain social security, when encountering special situations, it is verified that the green channel should be given, rather than sticking to the rules.

Source: Official media/online news

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