
The woman deposited 10 million in the bank, and only 6 cents 2 was left to withdraw the money after April, where did the money go, the bank: I don't know

author:Excerpts from golden sentences

Hunan-Changsha! Ms. Wang's 10 million savings were deposited in the bank, and she only had more than 0.62 left when she came back from abroad, and Miss Wang asked the bank: Where did my money go? The bank actually said that it did not know, did not know, and was not responsible, so angry that Ms. Wang filed a complaint and took the bank to court. Where did Ms. Wang's money go? Why are banks so arrogant?

The woman deposited 10 million in the bank, and only 6 cents 2 was left to withdraw the money after April, where did the money go, the bank: I don't know

Ms. Wang is the president of the company, because she needs to go abroad to deal with some things in April, she wants to sort out the assets under her name, and the total amount is 10.64 million. So Ms. Wang found a bank closest to her home and deposited 10 million yuan, and then embarked on a flight to a foreign country with peace of mind.

Four months later, Ms. Wang angrily stepped off the plane back to China and boarded a taxi and headed straight for the deposit bank. It turned out that Ms. Wang was talking about business abroad, and after several months of negotiation and exchange, the business was finally negotiated, but when Ms. Wang was transferring the deposit to the other party, she found that she had a bank card of 10 million yuan that could not even transfer 1 million, and tried many times to fail, which also led to the failure of Ms. Wang's business.

This not only caused Ms. Wang to lose a lot of money, but also wasted four months of time abroad, how could such a result make Ms. Wang not angry and blame the deposit bank for all the faults. But Ms. Wang never dreamed that something that surprised him even more was yet to come.

After Ms. Wang arrived at the bank, she said to the bank staff that she would take out all the 10 million in it, and the bank staff was very surprised at first, but she still passed the bank card through the machine according to the customer's requirements, but when the bank employee saw the balance in the card, her attitude instantly reversed 180 degrees, and immediately asked Ms. Wang loudly, where is there any 10 million, isn't it just six cents and two?

Hearing the words of the bank employee, Ms. Wang felt incredulous, and repeatedly argued with the bank employee, I just deposited 10 million with you, where did you get my money? The bank insisted that there was no such thing, and the person in charge shook his hand and walked away on his own, as if you were making trouble, and I just didn't care.

The woman deposited 10 million in the bank, and only 6 cents 2 was left to withdraw the money after April, where did the money go, the bank: I don't know

Angry, Ms. Wang called the police in a fit of rage. With the intervention of the police in the investigation, the truth soon surfaced, and after obtaining the bank's transfer records, it was found that Ms. Wang had indeed deposited 10 million yuan in this bank four months ago, but before Ms. Wang was happy, the police's words almost made Ms. Wang's jaw drop.

On the second day after Ms. Wang finished depositing money, 10 million deposits began to be transferred out, and all the deposits were transferred in less than two days, and 81 transfers were made in one day at the craziest time, and Ms. Wang couldn't believe her ears when she was surprised. After the surprise, the police began to take notes on Ms. Wang.

In the reasoning and recovery of the case, a person slowly came into the police's sight, that is, Wei, the account manager who arranged the deposit for Ms. Wang. Sure enough, after the suspect was identified, the case quickly progressed, and according to Wei's confession, it was indeed himself and I who stole Ms. Wang's deposit from the same trust company.

The trust company was responsible for forging Ms. Wang's relevant documents, and with the convenience of her position in the bank, she easily withdrew all of Ms. Wang's money, which had been transferred abroad and could not be recovered. With the in-depth investigation of the case, what the police did not expect was that Wei had used the same means to illegally obtain 250 million yuan in cash in two years.

When the police discrepancies such a large amount and why no one reported the case, Wei said with some pride that he had a way to shut up those depositors, and even some people didn't know that their money was gone. Although the matter has been clear at this point, there is still a question that has not been solved, who will pay for Ms. Wang's money?

The woman deposited 10 million in the bank, and only 6 cents 2 was left to withdraw the money after April, where did the money go, the bank: I don't know

The bank responsible for the security of the deposits was naturally responsible, so Ms. Wang took the bank to court. What is unimaginable to Ms. Wang is that the bank that went to court also slyly argued, saying that Ms. Wang had leaked her personal information and that the matter had nothing to do with the bank. What Ms. Wang could not imagine was that the court even adopted the argument of the bank involved and tried the bank not to be responsible in the first instance.

Hearing such a verdict, Ms. Wang claimed that she had never heard such a ridiculous thing, and said in court that she would continue to appeal. The case quickly attracted attention from all walks of life, and many netizens said that they had refreshed their three views. As a result, the second trial was launched under the attention of many media outlets.

The court ruled that the bank concerned should compensate Ms. Wang 4.5 million yuan, with four months of interest on the deposit. Although Ms. Wang received some compensation compared with the first instance, it was obviously not satisfactory to Ms. Wang, after all, Ms. Wang had deposited 10 million yuan in the bank at that time.

Ms. Wang said that she would continue to use legal means to protect her rights and interests. Do you think such a trial is fair? Should the bank compensate for the entire loss?

Source: Official media/online news

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