
The female college student said: I want to vomit when I hear the national anthem, official: Get out of China immediately

author:Excerpts from golden sentences

"It's really a shame for China", Zhang Qianying, a female college student from Hong Kong, China, actually said in public that "I want to vomit when I hear the national anthem", who gave her leopard guts? What happened to her?

The female college student said: I want to vomit when I hear the national anthem, official: Get out of China immediately

In May 2018, Hong Kong's Legislative Council held a solemn hearing on the national anthem, which was attended by officials at all executive levels and representatives of social groups.

Zhang Qianying, a female college student, also got a place to attend. As the secretary-general of the Hong Kong Federation of Students, she is able to represent the group image of local university students on certain occasions.

College students are also a part of society, and they also have the right to know and express themselves, which is why she was invited by the organizers. The staff who sent him the invitation letter also did not expect that it was this woman who almost ruined the entire hearing.

In addition, Fan Guowei, an old man who met her, also hopes that she can participate in more social activities. And the teacher promised her that he would give her plenty of time to speak at the hearing.

The female college student said: I want to vomit when I hear the national anthem, official: Get out of China immediately

Fan Kwok-wai is not an ordinary teacher, he is a Hong Kong parliamentarian with a certain amount of public power. The organizers allotted an expression session for each councilor, and now he has transferred that power to Cheung Sin Ying.

Don't think he's giving his students the opportunity to grow, and don't think it's a reflection of their teacher-student friendship. In fact, behind his actions, there is an unknown conspiracy.

On the day of the hearing, the conspiracy was a blow to everyone present.

The first half of the event went very well, with everyone making the most of their personal speaking time to speak freely, and many of them were able to find emotional resonance in their colleagues, so everyone was very happy.

But when it was Fan Guowei's turn, he only said two words, and then gestured to the audience, wanting Zhang Qianying to take over for him to speak. It stands to reason that student representatives are only qualified to sit in and not to speak.

Liao Changjiang, the person in charge of the organizer, did not allow anyone to trespass the rules, so he hurriedly called a stop, and the order on the scene was slightly chaotic. Taking advantage of this chaotic opportunity, Zhang Qianying ran up to the stage, snatched the microphone, and began her self-righteous speech.

At the originally harmonious hearing, her voice seemed so abrupt. She told everyone that she could not understand the so-called "one country, two systems" policy, let alone all the systems that China has implemented in Hong Kong.

In addition, she was also very resistant to the national anthem, which was mainly discussed in today's hearing, and even said the astonishing remark that "when I hear the national anthem, I want to vomit like crazy".

The female college student said: I want to vomit when I hear the national anthem, official: Get out of China immediately

Even on such principled issues as national reunification and Hong Kong's return to the motherland, she dared to express her disdain. Her thinking is indeed at odds with most of the members who support the country's policies.

Liao Changjiang realized that Fan Guowei and Zhang Qianying had long conspired to sabotage the hearing that attracted attention from all walks of life. Moreover, Fan Guowei, who put on an innocent posture, may be the real mastermind behind the scenes.

Hearing Zhang Qianying's very wrong remarks, many patriots at the scene couldn't sit still. She was told that Hong Kong's return to China was inevitable because this land has belonged to China since ancient times.

The ownership of what has been taken away by robbers will not change. After being dealt with, the robbers returned the items to their original owners, which was also a natural thing.

Whether in the mainland or in Hong Kong, there is no reason for anyone to object to a master taking back what is rightfully his.

Some people also warned her that the seriousness and importance of the national anthem cannot be ignored, let alone challenged. Respecting the national anthem is the obligation of every Chinese citizen stipulated in the National Anthem Law, and it is also a rule that everyone must consciously abide by.

If she continues to be so open-mouthed and reckless, I am afraid that China's laws will not let her go. Hong Kong's Executive Councillor, Ms. Yao Jiening, frowned tightly after hearing Zhang Qianying's first words.

Looking at Fan Guowei, who stumbled on Liao Changjiang's footsteps, her heart was extremely disgusted. Like the former, she also saw the mastermind of the conspiracy.

The students on stage were obviously used as tools for political speech by some ill-intentioned people, and she herself was unaware of it.

The female college student said: I want to vomit when I hear the national anthem, official: Get out of China immediately

I am afraid that it is not this group of students who are still in the ivory tower, but Fan Guowei who has repeatedly created difficulties for them in their work.

He didn't have the courage to come out, but he asked a student to be a pawn, Yao Jiening was extremely disdainful of him.

It was precisely because she saw through the essence of the matter that Yao Jiening did not immediately attack Zhang Qianying, but persuaded her to stop all her actions with kind words.

An experienced official is, of course, not easily deceived. A senior who has survived the storm always wants to give his juniors another chance. It's a pity that the stupid students don't appreciate it, and their emotions are getting more and more intense.

She still repeats her determination to resist national policies, repeats her disgust with the national anthem and flag, and uses words that are more unacceptable than before.

The female college student said: I want to vomit when I hear the national anthem, official: Get out of China immediately

Yao Jiening couldn't bear it anymore, and she couldn't help but be angry at this time. She slapped the table, pointed at the clown on the stage, and said angrily: "Since you don't accept the status quo in Hong Kong and hate us China so much, then you should get out of Hong Kong and get out of China immediately!" ”

Her voice really calmed the audience, and there was a moment of silence around her. Zhang Qianying, who has been jumping, was also so frightened that she forgot the lines behind.

Liao Changjiang also got rid of Fan Guowei's entanglement at this time, and hurriedly called other staff members, as well as the security of the venue, to expel the man and woman together.

He looked at the scene and was either indignant or silent, and his heart was a little disappointed.

This hearing was completely ruined by rat droppings. And he believes that among the other people present, there must be people who have the same thoughts as Fan Guowei.

The actions of those two have violated the law and must be severely punished. And the main responsibility for this incident should be Fan Guowei, a shameless person.

Why did she become a tool for being used? What are the reasons for this generation's weak sense of homeland?

The Hong Kong Students' Federation is a very amazing organization. There is a group of college students who seem to be sober, but in fact they are quite easy to penetrate.

They have already developed a certain understanding of the world, but the three views are not yet fully mature, so they are very easy to be shaken by others.

They are often overconfident in their personal vision, always willing to accept biased or one-sided facts, and have a blind admiration for political celebrities with a certain amount of power.

Zhang Qianying chose to join this organization in order to prove that she is different from the college student community, similar to a kind of conceit that everyone is drunk and sober.

In group life, she is a figure who is keen to do everything in her power to enhance her own presence. As a result, she made extensive contacts, presided over many activities, and finally successfully ran for the post of Secretary-General.

Fan Guowei also took a fancy to her seemingly arrogant, but actually stupid, and vain character, so he regarded her as a time bomb buried in the national anthem hearing.

The female college student said: I want to vomit when I hear the national anthem, official: Get out of China immediately

In fact, in the entire federation, in addition to Zhang Qianying, the secretary general, there are many students who are biased in their ideological cognition and position.

In the eyes of the older generation of Hong Kong compatriots, this generation of young people seems to have a very weak sense of family and country. And the reasons for this are really many.

First of all, in family education, few people can accept the correct ideological indoctrination, and few parents can set the right example for their children.

Their parents are either busy earning money or pursuing material prosperity in the turbulent era of economic change, neglecting the spiritual education of their children and the shaping of the three views.

Reverence for the national flag and the national anthem, respect for all state policies, and consciously safeguard the dignity and image of the country should be part of political education.

The people of Hong Kong are also people who have been sheltered by China. Only under the strong protection of the state can they live and work in peace and contentment.

Therefore, no matter what age, status, or level of education, people should maintain basic sensitivity on major issues concerning the country.

The female college student said: I want to vomit when I hear the national anthem, official: Get out of China immediately

Source: Official media/online news

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