
Thumbelina was born 25 centimeters, and the doctor asserted that she would not live for more than a year, but then she grew up?

author:Excerpts from golden sentences

She is "Thumbelina", she was born 25 centimeters, weighs 280 grams, doctors assert that she will not live more than a year, and then she grows up?

The fairy tale "Thumbelina" walked out of the picture book, was born only 25 centimeters, and the doctor asserted that she would not live for more than a year, and now she has become a slim and beautiful girl.

"In the middle of the flower, on top of the green pistil, sat a petite girl, who looked so white and lovely, and who was not half the length of her thumb, so they called her Thumbelina."

This is exactly what the fairy tale writer Hans Christian Andersen portrayed as "Thumbelina". This beautiful girl, who is only half the length of her thumb, was originally a fictional character in a fairy tale, but what people didn't expect was that she actually stepped out of the picture book and came into this world.

Thumbelina was born 25 centimeters, and the doctor asserted that she would not live for more than a year, but then she grew up?

On October 26, 2006, a hospital in Miami, USA, welcomed the world's smallest baby girl. Her name is Amelia, she was only 25 centimeters tall and weighed only 280 grams at birth, and everyone thought that such a baby would survive healthy, and the doctor even told her parents that Amelia might not live for even a year. But Amelia's parents didn't think so, after being discharged from the hospital, they took care of this "little life" meticulously, maybe it was God's mercy, Amelia survived tenaciously, and became more and more slim. At this point, it is inevitable to wonder, why is Amelia so short? What did she go through to survive? It turned out that Amelia was a premature baby, and people said that she was pregnant for ten months, but she was only in the womb for more than five months before she was forced to come into this world. Amelia's parents are ordinary workers, her husband Eddie is a courier, and his wife Sonia is a cashier in a department store. Although life is not rich, after the wife is pregnant, the family is also very much looking forward to the arrival of a new life.

Thumbelina was born 25 centimeters, and the doctor asserted that she would not live for more than a year, but then she grew up?

For the sake of safety, Eddie asked his wife to quit her job when she was three months pregnant and raised the baby at home with peace of mind, while she started working part-time and ran around for life. Suddenly one day Sonia almost fainted at home, and her husband quickly took Sonia to the hospital for an examination after learning about it. The doctor's words hit the parents-to-be like a bolt from the blue. It turned out that Sonia was diagnosed with arteritis, which is insignificant to ordinary people, and it can be cured quickly after taking some medicine to recuperate. However, as a pregnant woman, she cannot take any medication, otherwise it will seriously affect the health of the fetus. In order to protect the health of Sonia and the child, the husband followed the doctor's advice and chose to have a caesarean section at the child's 25th week. However, the world was unpredictable, the wife's condition deteriorated rapidly, and if no treatment was carried out, the lives of the mother and daughter would be endangered, so in desperation, the child had to undergo a caesarean section when the child was only 22 weeks. This "Thumbelina" came into the world as a premature baby. Amelia's birth was not favorable, and even doctors once asserted that the child would not live for more than a year. But the doctor is benevolent, dare to ask which doctor does not want to save a life in his own hands? A "war" to save "Thumbelina" has begun!

Thumbelina was born 25 centimeters, and the doctor asserted that she would not live for more than a year, but then she grew up?

Because she was born too prematurely, Amelia's organs were not fully developed, and it was difficult for her to even breathe on her own, so the doctors immediately called for a ventilator. And because they were too small to feed normally, the doctors found a dropper to use as a feeding bottle. After four months of hard work, Amelia's vital signs gradually stabilized and she was finally able to breathe on her own. Although the body size is still short compared to other infants, the organ signs and other aspects have converged to the standard of normal infants. In this way, with her own efforts and the unremitting persistence of the doctors, Amelia successfully survived! Eddie's parents, who had only seen their daughter for five months, burst into tears, and it was only at the moment when they held Amelia in their arms that they felt the preciousness and warmth of life. There's nothing better than living together as a family. At first, the hospital was worried that Amelia would have another accident after being discharged, so they told Eddie and his wife to bring their children for regular check-ups. But as time passed, Amelia no longer had any discomfort and thrived like this. By the time Amelia was two years old, she was not only able to have simple conversations, but also learned to walk, and there was no abnormality except that her physique was slightly weaker than that of a normal baby. At the age of seven, Amelia can even clean up her room and help her parents clean up, and her appearance is becoming more and more cute.

Thumbelina was born 25 centimeters, and the doctor asserted that she would not live for more than a year, but then she grew up?

Who would have thought that seven years ago, she was still a "thumbelina" of only 25 centimeters? By the age of sixteen, Amelia had become a big girl in the interview footage, not only with a cheerful personality, but also with excellent academic performance. She knew that without the careful care of doctors and nurses, she would not be able to survive, and she also wanted to become an "angel in white" who saved lives. The ups and downs of her childhood did not leave any scars on her, and for Amelia, who was in the middle of her flowering season, her life had just begun.

Everyone will encounter unexpected setbacks from birth to growth, and in the face of difficulties and obstacles, they will face difficulties head-on, and all things that cannot defeat themselves will make themselves stronger.

Thumbelina was born 25 centimeters, and the doctor asserted that she would not live for more than a year, but then she grew up?