
Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!

author:Iron City
Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!
Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!
Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!

The special exhibition of "Red Flames of Fujian and Jiangxi Province - Historical Exhibition of Fujian and Jiangxi Province in the Central Soviet Region" tells in detail the heroic deeds of Fujian and Jiangxi Province and the history of Shaowu's revolutionary struggle, presenting a magnificent history.

Exhibition area: The original spark of the revolution ignited

Before the fourth anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaign, there were three revolutionary base areas in northern Fujian, Xin (Jiang), Fu (He), Jian(Ning), Li (Sichuan), and Tai (Ning) in Fujian and Jiangxi. By May 1933, before the establishment of Fujian and Jiangxi provinces, the red political power in the counties, districts and townships under the Fujian and Jiangxi regions had been generally established, and the revolutionary spark was ignited in the Fujian and Jiangxi regions.

Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!
Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!

Exhibition area: Strategic gateway to the East

Minjiang Province is the eastern gate of the Central Soviet District. The victory of the fourth anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaign in the Central Soviet Region enabled the revolutionary base areas of Jianlitai, Xinfu, and northern Fujian to be connected and connected. In order to consolidate the eastern gateway of the Central Soviet Region, on February 5, 1933, the Central Bureau of the Soviet District decided to establish the Fujian-Jiangxi Border Province (later known as Fujian-Jiangxi Province) to establish the northeast defense line area of the Central Soviet Region with Lichuan as the center, and Fujian and Jiangxi Province became an important link and passage connecting the Central Soviet Region and the Northeast Jiangxi Soviet Region.

Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!
Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!

Exhibit: Defend the Soviets to the death

Build up a strong workers' and peasants' armed forces and consolidate the revolutionary base areas. After the establishment of the Fujian-Jiangxi Provincial Military Region, under the leadership of the party, the local armed forces of Fujian and Jiangxi Province developed local armed forces, carried out guerrilla activities, cracked down on the Kuomintang troops and local reactionary forces, and fought closely with the main force of the Red Army.

Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!
Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!

Exhibition area: Minshan Gan washed azure

After the founding of Fujian and Jiangxi provinces, party building was strengthened, red political power at all levels was established and improved, the agrarian revolution achieved fruitful results, agricultural harvests were harvested, the economy of the Soviet areas was greatly developed, and various social undertakings were launched.

Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!
Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!

Exhibition area: Revitalize and start again

After the Long March of the Red Army, the main force of the central government, the vast numbers of soldiers and civilians in the revolutionary base areas of Fujian and Jiangxi, under the leadership of the party, persisted in the struggle and covered the transfer of the Red Army, the main force of the central government. In May 1935, the Fujian-Jiangxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Fujian-Jiangxi Provincial Soviet Government, the Fujian-Jiangxi Military Region and its armed forces completely disappeared. The history of Fujian and Jiangxi Province ended here. In April 1936, northern Fujian and eastern Fujian joined forces to establish a new Fujian and Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Military District, leading the Fujian and Jiangxi military and civilians to persist in carrying out guerrilla warfare.

Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!
Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!


During the trial opening period, only group reservations are accepted (more than 10 people)

Address: Shaowu City Xincheng Avenue No. 3 Central Soviet District Fujian Jiangxi Provincial History Exhibition Hall (Shaowu Sports Center)

Appointment telephone: 0599-6330312

Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!
Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!

Baoyan Temple is an ancient temple that has been more than 1,000 years old, and was built in the first year of Tang Dashun (890 AD). The overall scale is large, there have been three reconstructions, several repairs, has been an important local temple in Shaowu, after thousands of years, the incense is prosperous, until the late Qing Dynasty gradually did not use as a temple.

Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!
Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!

Baoyan Temple was used as a fabric factory for the production of towel and thread cloth, the office of the Shaoguang County Revolutionary Committee, the office of the provincial Kuomintang county party headquarters, the temporary station of the Red Cross Senior Medical Brigade, the Shaowu County Cultural Relics Exhibition Hall, and the Shaowu City Museum.

Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!
Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!

The main hall of Baoyan Temple is a rare existing Ming Dynasty large-style building in Fujian Province, which retains the local architectural characteristics of the Ming Dynasty in northern Fujian, and has the architectural heritage of the Song and Yuan dynasties. The extensive use of exquisite buckets and rich color paintings are also its core features.

It has important reference value for the study of traditional architectural skills, Buddhist culture and painting art of the Ming Dynasty in Fujian and even in the whole country. It is not only a national cultural relics building, but also a revolutionary cultural relic, and it makes Baoyan Temple famous, and it is a rare treasure in Fujian.

Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!
Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!
Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!

The Shao Wu Memorial Hall of the Central Soviet District will take you to understand Shao Wu during the Central Soviet District. In the magnificent history of the Central Soviet Region in Shaowu, there are not only Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, Peng Dehuai and other revolutionary predecessors, but also many revolutionary aspirants, who come from all over the world and gather in Shaowu for China's great revolutionary cause.

Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!
Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!
Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!
Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!

The monument at the former site of the Fujian Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China writes the glorious history of the revolutionary pioneers establishing the Northern Fujian Underground Communication Line and the Shaowu Chengguan Provincial Party Committee Liaison Station in Shaowu, and carrying out the united front work and the anti-spy struggle in depth!

Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!
Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!
Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!
Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!
Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!

In June 1931, the Third Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army was stationed in Jinkeng for the first time from Lichuan, Jiangxi, and the commander-in-chief Peng Dehuai and political commissar Teng Daiyuan led troops to carry out activities to establish district and township Soviet power in Jinkeng, which was interrupted by the second "encirclement and suppression" of the Kuomintang.

In December 1931, the Red Army re-entered Jinkeng from Lichuan, Jiangxi, mobilized the masses, and re-established the Soviet power at the Jinkeng district and township levels.

In October 1932, Li Hesen, Li Daohui, and Xu Zirong, the heads of the Northeast Jiangxi Independent Regiment, led a company of people to Jinkeng again to form district and township soviets and guerrilla units.

In March 1933, the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army and guerrillas in Lichuan re-entered Jinkeng and attacked Yanshan and Gushan. Defeat the golden pit and the big sword along the mountain.

In April 1933, after the establishment of Minjiang Province in the Central Soviet Region, Shaowu was placed under the jurisdiction of Minjiang Province. Five township Soviet governments were established in Jinkeng, Pass, Huxi, Shanjiao, Chongxia and other places. After the establishment of the district and township Soviet governments, land reform experiments were carried out at the Loess Pass and Hengkeng in Jinkeng.

Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!
Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!

△ Wen Chang Yu

Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!

△ Red Army Bridge

Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!

△ The former site of the Soviet Government of Dongfang County, Fujian and Jiangxi Province

Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!

△ Bullet hole wall

Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!
Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!

△ Loess Guan real CS

The real-life CS battle of Loess Pass restores the real scene of the "Battle of Loess Pass in 1933", and you can feel the bloody battles and hard struggles of the ancestors in person.

Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!

△ Murasaki

Jinkeng is a traditional ancient village hidden in the green mountains and green waters, and it is also a winding path, quiet and peaceful. The quaint historical style makes people feel as if they have entered a long time~

Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!
Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!

△ Murasaki

In 2021, it was jointly rated as "100 Boutique Red Tourism Routes for the Centenary of the Founding of the Party" by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and other four ministries and commissions.

Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!
Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!

In October 1932, the Red Second Army occupied Shaowu, and the two major Soviet areas of Jianlitai and northern Fujian were connected.

In December 1932, Chiang Kai-shek sent heavy troops to capture Shaowu City.

On December 12, 1932, the Red Army again besieged Shaowu, and the temporary headquarters was stationed here for three days. Commander-in-Chief Zhu De and General Political Commissar Zhou Enlai commanded more than 30,000 Red Army troops stationed in Qintian, Helinping, Taishang, Wangting and other places. The headquarters of the Red Army was set up in Gushan Village, and Mao Zedong also came here with his troops, and the front-line command post was set up in Qishan near Shaowu City.

Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!
Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!

△ The former site of the Gushan Headquarters of the Red Army

In 2008, the site was listed as a patriotic education base in Shaowu City.

Gushan Village, an ancient village of more than 900 years. A winding old street in the village, family temples, old houses, and ancient temples are scattered in the middle, gray ancient bricks are covered with heavy vicissitudes, and the relics of ancient style and ancient charm flow everywhere, quietly telling the blood and fragrance of those years.

Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!

△ Murasaki

Welcome July 1st: Inherit the red gene and check in the red base!