
From promotion to home in 2 minutes! 1-0 became 1-2, the biggest dark horse in Europe collapsed, and the captain cried

author:Barkley's mouth

On July 1, Beijing time, the most magical and ups and downs of the European Cup ended, England Miracle 2-1, from elimination to promotion, it took only 76 seconds, and Slovakia also took only 76 seconds from promotion to elimination.

From promotion to home in 2 minutes! 1-0 became 1-2, the biggest dark horse in Europe collapsed, and the captain cried

Just after the game, there was a scene that was also very, very moving, and there was a big extreme contrast between the two sides. The whole England team is frantically celebrating their escape from death, and it is not easy to go home as a 1.5 billion battleship without a knockout round of disgrace.

From promotion to home in 2 minutes! 1-0 became 1-2, the biggest dark horse in Europe collapsed, and the captain cried

Everyone had a smile on their faces, Southgate specially found Belin to shake hands to celebrate, Kane pulled several teammates around him to his side, and everyone hugged each other, Rice and others, who were not replaced at the last moment, also looked very, very happy when they were laughing, and some people were even clenching their fists and shouting.

But on the other hand, the Slovak team was different, and many Slovakians cried bitterly at the last moment. At that time, the camera first shot the victor England team, and then gave it to the loser, and you can see the players of the Slovak team covering their faces and crying.

From promotion to home in 2 minutes! 1-0 became 1-2, the biggest dark horse in Europe collapsed, and the captain cried

Their captains were lying on the ground holding their heads and crying, including the Slovak team's core No. 9 Bozenik, who fell to his knees and wept bitterly, and he was still crying after getting up. There are also players of the Slovak team, who sat on the ground and cried on the spot, and the 11 members of the Slovak team collapsed to the ground en masse, and no one was still standing.

From promotion to home in 2 minutes! 1-0 became 1-2, the biggest dark horse in Europe collapsed, and the captain cried

For the first time after the game, everyone in the team collapsed to the ground, and this shot really made people feel a little mixed, and they also fought to the last moment, scaring the super giants of England into a cold sweat, but they still lost. What do you say is wrong with what they are doing, are they wrong? They've done their best and put everything they can into play.

In fact, the Slovak team is not ashamed at all, their hard work is very likable, very moving, in the face of a value gap of nearly 10 times is tenacious enough, everyone in Slovakia can stand and leave, because everyone was optimistic before the game that England could win, and they didn't think Slovakia could win.

From promotion to home in 2 minutes! 1-0 became 1-2, the biggest dark horse in Europe collapsed, and the captain cried

It can only be said that at the last moment, the appearance of this scene really made people feel very moved, and people couldn't help but applaud the Slovakia team returning home. They're already a big fan and they're already defeated, and if they could hold on a little longer in the final 26 seconds of the game, or a little more than 50 seconds before extra time, then maybe everything would have been different. But in any case, everyone in the Slovak team can leave the stadium with their heads held high after fighting the last bullet, and this elimination is indeed not good enough, but it is not a shame.