
A classic reproduction! Tang Weilin Qingxia is in the same frame, who is the NO.1 in your heart?

author:Star Detective

Two generations of Chinese goddesses in the same frame! Tang Wei and Lin Qingxia shine in the "Influence of the World Chinese Festival"

A classic reproduction! Tang Weilin Qingxia is in the same frame, who is the NO.1 in your heart?
A classic reproduction! Tang Weilin Qingxia is in the same frame, who is the NO.1 in your heart?

On that star-studded night recently, a grand ceremony - "Influencing the World Chinese Festival" was held as scheduled. This grand ceremony not only brought together outstanding Chinese representatives from all walks of life, but also allowed the two legendary goddesses of the Chinese film industry, Tang Wei and Lin Qingxia, to achieve a rare meeting and the same frame. When these two goddesses, who represent different eras of Chinese films, appeared in black and pink dresses, the whole scene seemed to be lit up, and people's eyes were focused on them.

A classic reproduction! Tang Weilin Qingxia is in the same frame, who is the NO.1 in your heart?
A classic reproduction! Tang Weilin Qingxia is in the same frame, who is the NO.1 in your heart?
A classic reproduction! Tang Weilin Qingxia is in the same frame, who is the NO.1 in your heart?

Let's talk about Tang Wei first, this powerful actress who has emerged in the Chinese film industry in recent years has won the love of the audience and the recognition of the industry with many excellent works. At the "Influencing the World Chinese Festival", she won the Influencing the World Chinese Award, which is undoubtedly the best affirmation of her unremitting efforts over the years. That night, Tang only appeared in a black dress, simple and elegant, like a brilliant black diamond, shining on the red carpet. Her appearance not only let people see her maturity and charm as an actor, but also made people feel her perseverance and courageous spirit.

A classic reproduction! Tang Weilin Qingxia is in the same frame, who is the NO.1 in your heart?
A classic reproduction! Tang Weilin Qingxia is in the same frame, who is the NO.1 in your heart?
A classic reproduction! Tang Weilin Qingxia is in the same frame, who is the NO.1 in your heart?

and another goddess, Lin Qingxia, is a legendary figure in the history of Chinese films. With her excellent acting skills and unique temperament, she has created one classic role after another and has become an idol in the minds of countless people. At the "Influencing the World Chinese Festival", Lin Qingxia won the Special Tribute Award for Influencing the World Chinese, which is the highest tribute to her decades-long acting career. That night, she appeared in a pink dress, which contrasted sharply with Tang Wei's black dress. Pink symbolizes enthusiasm and vitality, and Lin Qingxia wears it on her body to look even more charming and charming. The combination of the two goddesses, one black and one pink, not only makes people shine, but also makes people feel the wonderful tacit understanding and mutual appreciation between them.

A classic reproduction! Tang Weilin Qingxia is in the same frame, who is the NO.1 in your heart?
A classic reproduction! Tang Weilin Qingxia is in the same frame, who is the NO.1 in your heart?
A classic reproduction! Tang Weilin Qingxia is in the same frame, who is the NO.1 in your heart?

When Tang Wei and Lin Qingxia met on stage, the whole scene was boiling. The two goddesses smiled and shook hands and embraced, as if at this moment, time was frozen. Their appearance not only reminds people of those classic movie clips and characters, but also makes people feel the inheritance and relay between two generations of Chinese goddesses.

A classic reproduction! Tang Weilin Qingxia is in the same frame, who is the NO.1 in your heart?
A classic reproduction! Tang Weilin Qingxia is in the same frame, who is the NO.1 in your heart?
A classic reproduction! Tang Weilin Qingxia is in the same frame, who is the NO.1 in your heart?

However, at this grand ceremony, people are most concerned about the communication and interaction between the two goddesses. After all, they are two goddess-level characters rarely seen in the history of Chinese films, and every interaction between them is full of topics and highlights. However, in the interview, both goddesses were very low-key and humble. They said that they were very honored and happy to receive such an honor, but they also knew that they still had a lot of shortcomings and things to learn. They also revealed that although they are usually busy with work and rarely have the opportunity to meet, they have always paid attention to each other's works and dynamics, and are full of respect and appreciation for each other.

A classic reproduction! Tang Weilin Qingxia is in the same frame, who is the NO.1 in your heart?
A classic reproduction! Tang Weilin Qingxia is in the same frame, who is the NO.1 in your heart?
A classic reproduction! Tang Weilin Qingxia is in the same frame, who is the NO.1 in your heart?

However, just when people thought that this same frame was just a simple greeting and greeting, an unexpected reversal occurred. In the interview, Lin Qingxia suddenly sent an invitation to Tang Wei: "If there is a chance, can we collaborate on a movie?" This sudden invitation made Tang Wei feel a little surprised and surprised, but she soon said that she was very much looking forward to and honored to cooperate with Lin Qingxia. The interaction between the two goddesses not only allows people to see the tacit understanding and friendship between them, but also makes people look forward to more opportunities for them to cooperate in the future.

A classic reproduction! Tang Weilin Qingxia is in the same frame, who is the NO.1 in your heart?
A classic reproduction! Tang Weilin Qingxia is in the same frame, who is the NO.1 in your heart?
A classic reproduction! Tang Weilin Qingxia is in the same frame, who is the NO.1 in your heart?

As the interview deepened, it was discovered that the two goddesses not only differed in their external appearances, but also had different stories in their personalities and experiences. Tang Wei, as an actor in the new era, pays more attention to self-expression and personality display; Lin Qingxia, on the other hand, pays more attention to the transmission of tradition and connotation. But no matter what era the goddesses are, they have influenced and inspired countless people in their own way.

A classic reproduction! Tang Weilin Qingxia is in the same frame, who is the NO.1 in your heart?

Finally, let's review the wonderful moments of this "Influential World Chinese Festival"! The matching of the two goddesses' black and pink dresses, mutual appreciation, and the expectation of future cooperation have become topics of conversation. And this same frame not only makes people feel the inheritance and relay between the two generations of Chinese goddesses, but also makes people look forward to more excellent works and actors emerging in Chinese films in the future.

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