
Asia's first beautiful man, Lin Qingxia stayed awake all night to see him, 73 years old unmarried and childless with dogs

author:Mr. Wen's Reading Club
Asia's first beautiful man, Lin Qingxia stayed awake all night to see him, 73 years old unmarried and childless with dogs
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Asia's first beautiful man, Lin Qingxia stayed awake all night to see him, 73 years old unmarried and childless with dogs

In 1992, a sudden phone call completely changed Lin Qingxia's plan. She was originally upset because of the filming of "Undefeated in the East", but when she heard that Zunlong was present, she did not hesitate to leave her work the next day and rushed to the mahjong game overnight.

This scene vividly shows how irresistible the charm of the dragon is. Not only Lin Qingxia, but even Wang Zuxian, who is known as "Asia's No. 1 Beauty", has fallen in love with him, and even did not hesitate to put down his body and take the initiative to pursue it, but he still did not succeed.

However, it is such a "Asia's most beautiful man" who has fallen in love with many actresses, but he quietly retired after 2007, as if he had evaporated from the world. Today, 73-year-old Zunlong lives alone in Canada, living with a dog.

What made the former Hollywood superstar choose to live in seclusion? What is the story behind his legendary life? Let's unravel this puzzle together.

Asia's first beautiful man, Lin Qingxia stayed awake all night to see him, 73 years old unmarried and childless with dogs

In 1952, the cry of a baby rang out in a narrow alley in Hong Kong. This abandoned child is Zunlong, and his life has been full of ups and downs from the beginning.

A middle-aged woman was attracted by the crying and took him home. However, the disabled woman, who was once "Miss Shanghai", adopted him not out of kindness, but to receive a government subsidy.

In this impoverished and violent family, young Zunlong is abused. He was often punched and kicked with no dignity. Life is a nightmare with no end in sight for this child.

However, fate seems to favor him.

Asia's first beautiful man, Lin Qingxia stayed awake all night to see him, 73 years old unmarried and childless with dogs

At the age of 8, because of his handsome appearance, Zunlong was sent to the Hong Kong Spring and Autumn Society to learn Peking Opera. Although he escaped domestic violence, more rigorous training awaited him.

Here, Zunlong received a full range of artistic training, including singing, classical Chinese theatre techniques, dance, and athletic arts. Despite the arduous training, it was in this environment that he developed a strong interest in acting, which laid the foundation for his future acting career.

At the age of 18, Zunlong was faced with an important life decision. He resolutely gave up an offer from a Brussels dance company and a ten-year kung fu film production contract, and chose to accept a sponsorship from an American couple to study in the United States.

This decision completely changed the course of his life.

Asia's first beautiful man, Lin Qingxia stayed awake all night to see him, 73 years old unmarried and childless with dogs

In the United States, Zunlong is hungry for learning. He continues to hone his skills and improve his choreography in New York and Los Angeles. At the same time, he also studied evening English classes at Santa Ana Community College to prepare for better performance.

Eventually, he entered the American Academy of Dramatic Arts and graduated in 1978.

This difficult growth experience has shaped Zunlong's tenacious character. From an abandoned baby to an outstanding graduate of the School of Drama, Zunlong has proved with his own efforts that even from humble backgrounds, he can change his destiny through unremitting struggle.

His experience seems to be an inspirational story from despair to hope, inspiring countless people with dreams. This experience also laid a solid foundation for his future success in acting, allowing him to never give up in the face of challenges.

Asia's first beautiful man, Lin Qingxia stayed awake all night to see him, 73 years old unmarried and childless with dogs

In the United States in the 70s, Asian-American actors struggled to find a place in Hollywood. However, with his indomitable spirit and extraordinary talent, Zunlong gradually made his mark on this highly competitive stage.

Zunlong's acting career began on the drama stage. In director Nobu Iwamatsu's work "The New Immigrant", he succeeded in portraying an immigrant struggling to adapt to his new environment.

Zunlong's performance is nuanced and vividly shows the struggles and hopes of the characters, winning praise from audiences and critics alike. This success gave Zunlong great confidence and stimulated his desire to create.

Subsequently, Zunlong made a bold attempt and directed and acted in another drama "Dance and Railway". In this work, he skillfully incorporated the elements of Peking Opera that he had learned, and perfectly combined Eastern and Western arts.

Asia's first beautiful man, Lin Qingxia stayed awake all night to see him, 73 years old unmarried and childless with dogs

This innovative approach to expression caused a sensation at the time and earned him more praise.

With these two works, Zunlong won the crown of the Best Performance Award at the American Obi Awards. This award, known as the "Oscar" of the theater industry, is not only an affirmation of Zunlong's personal talent, but also a major breakthrough for Asian-American actors in the American theater industry.

Zunlong's talent soon caught the attention of Hollywood. He began to appear frequently in various TV shows and movies, and every appearance showed his amazing acting talent.

However, what really made Zunlong famous was his outstanding performance in "The Last Emperor". The film not only earned him two Golden Globe nominations, but also won several Golden Globe awards for Best Feature Film and an Oscar for Best Picture.

Asia's first beautiful man, Lin Qingxia stayed awake all night to see him, 73 years old unmarried and childless with dogs

It is worth mentioning that among the Chinese actors, only Zunlong and Zhang Ziyi can be nominated for the Golden Globe Award, and Zunlong has been shortlisted twice. Such an achievement is a testament to Zunlong's extraordinary prowess, and it also makes him more careful when choosing his scripts, choosing only those works that inspire his creation.

Zunlong's success was not only a personal victory, but also opened the way for Asian-American actors to develop in Hollywood. With his talent and hard work, he proved to the world the potential and strength of Asian actors.

Under his influence, more and more Asian-American actors began to make their mark in Hollywood, gradually changing the stereotype of Asian-American actors in Hollywood.

Zunlong's acting career is like a gorgeous solo, from obscurity to attention, from the stage to the screen, he interprets what a real actor is in his own way.

Asia's first beautiful man, Lin Qingxia stayed awake all night to see him, 73 years old unmarried and childless with dogs

His success is not only due to the awards and accolades he has received, but also because he has set an example for Asian-American actors to follow, proving that with talent and perseverance, anyone can achieve their dreams in the dream factory of Hollywood.

In the late '90s, just as his Hollywood career was in full swing, he made a surprising decision: to turn his attention to the Asian film and television market.

This move has puzzled many, after all, in Hollywood, he has already achieved impressive results.

However, an incident that occurred in 1991 may explain this shift. That year, Zunlong was about to star in "Farewell My Concubine" directed by Chen Kaige, playing the role of Cheng Dieyi.

Asia's first beautiful man, Lin Qingxia stayed awake all night to see him, 73 years old unmarried and childless with dogs

For this role, Zunlong is full of expectations, and is even willing to reduce his salary. To this end, he also politely turned down film offers from the United States and France, as well as a stage play.

But just a month later, Zunlong suddenly announced his withdrawal from the film.

Immediately afterward, a rumor began to circulate that was unfavorable to Zunlong. Some people called him a "big name", demanded too much from his salary, and drew up complicated contracts, which eventually led to the crew having to change actors.

In the face of these accusations, Zunlong chose to remain silent and did not respond publicly.

Asia's first beautiful man, Lin Qingxia stayed awake all night to see him, 73 years old unmarried and childless with dogs

This incident dealt a huge blow to Zunlong. Not only did it damage his global popularity, but it also seriously affected his reputation in China. Previously, Zunlong had expressed his ardent expectation for returning to China for development in interviews many times, but the label of "playing a big name" made him lose many valuable opportunities.

Zunlong is introverted, reluctant to explain too much, and firmly believes that "those who are pure are self-purifying". However, his silence instead contributed to the spread of rumors, which brought many obstacles to his acting career.

Eventually, in 2007, Zunlong gradually faded out of the public eye. Regarding the reason for his retirement, there are different opinions on the Internet. Some people think that he has an arrogant personality and regards fame and fortune like floating clouds; Some people also speculated that the domestic audience misunderstood him, causing him to miss the opportunity to return to China for development; There are also people who think that he has achieved fame and no longer needs to struggle in the entertainment industry.

Regardless of the truth, Zunlong's sudden retirement undoubtedly cast a veil of mystery over his brilliant acting career. The former "Asia's No. 1 beautiful man" quietly withdrew from the public eye, leaving many unsolved mysteries.

Asia's first beautiful man, Lin Qingxia stayed awake all night to see him, 73 years old unmarried and childless with dogs

His story, like an unfinished film, is full of curiosity and inspires endless reverie. Zunlong's retirement is not only the result of personal choice, but also reflects the complexity and cruelty of the entertainment industry.

Despite his brilliance on screen, Zunlong's personal emotional life has always been shrouded in a veil of mystery. In his life, only one brief marriage experience was made public.

While attending Santa Ana College, Zunlong befriended a woman named Nina Savino. Nina has a gentle and kind personality, optimistic and upbeat, and her appearance is like a ray of sunshine, illuminating Zunlong's long-term gloomy inner world.

In Nina, Zunlong seems to have found the warmth that he had been missing in his childhood.

Asia's first beautiful man, Lin Qingxia stayed awake all night to see him, 73 years old unmarried and childless with dogs

In 1972, with a vision for a better future, Zunlong and Nina Savino entered the palace of marriage. However, this seemingly happy marriage only lasted 7 years before it came to an abrupt end.

The exact reason for the divorce is unknown, but it may be inextricably linked to Zunlong's childhood trauma. Those psychological wounds that cannot be healed may have become an invisible obstacle to his long-term intimacy.

After the divorce, Zunlong has always maintained a noble character and has never had negative news or scandals with any actress. He is almost strict about protecting his privacy, and rarely talks about his love life in public.

Now 73 years old, Zunlong lives alone in Canada, has no children under his knees, and only has a dog as his companion. This "Asia's first beautiful man", who once made countless women fall in love with him, finally chose a lonely lifestyle.

Asia's first beautiful man, Lin Qingxia stayed awake all night to see him, 73 years old unmarried and childless with dogs

Zunlong's emotional experience seems to confirm the lonely and melancholy roles he often plays in movies. His life, like a silent silent film, is full of embarrassing emotions.

Outside the spotlight, Zunlong always seems to be looking for a sense of inner peace, even if it means staying away from the hustle and bustle and facing the ups and downs of life alone.

Time flies, and Zunlong, who was once the "first beautiful man in Asia", has now entered the age of antiquity. The years have left obvious marks on him: the abdomen is slightly raised, and the wrinkles on his face are clearly visible.

Perhaps the most striking change, however, was his lifestyle.

Asia's first beautiful man, Lin Qingxia stayed awake all night to see him, 73 years old unmarried and childless with dogs

Zunlong chose to settle in Canada, away from the once familiar hustle and bustle of showbiz. This decision has left many people wondering, why not choose to return to China or Hong Kong, where he was born and raised, to spend his old age? The answer may lie in Zunlong's desire for privacy.

Tired from years of public life, he now just wants to have a peaceful place and no longer expose his life to the public eye.

In addition, some unpleasant experiences in the past may have influenced his choice as well. Some Hong Kong media once secretly filmed and maliciously attacked him during his meal, which made Zunlong even more determined to stay away from the hustle and bustle.

Looking back on Zunlong's life, it can be called a magnificent legendary epic. From an unknown orphan to a world-renowned movie star, his experience confirms the wise saying that "where there's a will, there's a way".

Asia's first beautiful man, Lin Qingxia stayed awake all night to see him, 73 years old unmarried and childless with dogs

However, at the peak of his career, he opted to fade out, a decision that was both surprising and thought-provoking.

Perhaps, for Zunlong, a peaceful life away from the hustle and bustle and accompanied by dogs is the state of life he really pursues. The "No. 1 beautiful man in Asia", who once kept Lin Qingxia awake at night and Wang Zuxian's heart, has now chosen a completely different lifestyle from the past.

This may be the ultimate interpretation of Zunlong's self - no longer chasing fame and fortune, but looking for inner peace and harmony.

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