
Laughter! Dong Mingzhu: I became an Internet celebrity because Gree's products are good, and the executive Wang Ziru commented on the fall

author:Drift to the withered tree

The name Wang Ziru may have long been equated with technology evaluation in the memory of many people.

One day in 2023, he suddenly made headlines as the leader of Gree Electric's channel reform, leaving many people scratching their heads: Why did this bigwig in the evaluation industry get involved with Gree Electric?

Laughter! Dong Mingzhu: I became an Internet celebrity because Gree's products are good, and the executive Wang Ziru commented on the fall

Speaking of 2016, Wang Ziru was still the familiar figure that frequently appeared in major technology evaluation videos.

By chance, he established contact with Dong Mingzhu, the chairman of Gree Electric Appliances.

The two took a group photo and wore a "hairball" decoration together, which seems to be quite a good relationship.

In 2017, Wang Ziru posted a post praising Dong Mingzhu on social platforms, revealing the deep relationship between the two.

Laughter! Dong Mingzhu: I became an Internet celebrity because Gree's products are good, and the executive Wang Ziru commented on the fall

As time went on, the relationship seemed to be quietly giving birth to new intentions for cooperation.

It wasn't until 2021 that Wang Ziru officially joined Gree Electric, unexpectedly transformed into a corporate executive, and was appointed as the head of the channel reform project in 2023.

Laughter! Dong Mingzhu: I became an Internet celebrity because Gree's products are good, and the executive Wang Ziru commented on the fall

After joining Gree, Wang Ziru's public image has changed dramatically.

He went from being a behind-the-scenes expert to a public representative of Gree's reform.

In May 2023, he participated in a high-profile interview with Dong Mingzhu to officially announce his new role and show his loyalty and support for Gree.

In the interview, he said that he didn't even pay attention to his salary slip, and only hoped to work next to Dong Mingzhu and report the progress of his work at any time.

Laughter! Dong Mingzhu: I became an Internet celebrity because Gree's products are good, and the executive Wang Ziru commented on the fall

This remark and his transformation made him and Dong Mingzhu become Internet "Internet celebrities" overnight, and they frequently became the subject of hot searches.

However, at the shareholders' meeting, when Dong Mingzhu assured shareholders that they would not be disappointed, Wang Ziru was unusually absent, making people wonder that there may be more undisclosed stories among them.

Laughter! Dong Mingzhu: I became an Internet celebrity because Gree's products are good, and the executive Wang Ziru commented on the fall

Although Wang Ziru almost stopped updating all his personal social accounts after joining Gree, he did not completely disappear from public view. He occasionally replies to netizens' messages in the comment area, showing that he still pays attention to the voices of the outside world.

On November 8, 2023, he replied to a netizen's question on his Weibo about whether to check the pay slip, a rare interaction that once again attracted widespread attention.

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