
Who is the master of the Bull Demon King? It is estimated that like Sun Wukong, he is also a Bodhi Patriarch!

author:Shinko today

In "Journey to the West", the relationship between the Bull Demon King and his mentorship has always been a mystery, but from all aspects of analysis, it is likely that he is the same as Sun Wukong, who also learned art in Lingtai Fangcun Mountain and apprenticed to Bodhi Patriarch!

Who is the master of the Bull Demon King? It is estimated that like Sun Wukong, he is also a Bodhi Patriarch!

First of all, from the geographical point of view, the mountain of the Bull Demon King is located in Xiniu Hezhou, and the location is the domain of Buddhism. If the Bull Demon King wants to learn a supernatural power, unless he is attached to the Buddhist boss, the only exception can only be the Bodhi Patriarch!

Who is the master of the Bull Demon King? It is estimated that like Sun Wukong, he is also a Bodhi Patriarch!

Before the Bodhi Patriarch accepted Sun Wukong, he also accepted twenty or thirty apprentices, but these people left after completing their studies, and the Bull Demon King was most likely among them.

Secondly, take a look at the main skills of the Bull Demon King, he will also be able to change the law of heaven and earth, and the seventy-two changes of the earth, the martial art of attack is the stick method, and the weapon used is the muddy iron rod. It's exactly the same as Sun Wukong's skills, obviously taught by a master!

So, why can't the Bull Demon King and Sun Wukong recognize each other? The reason is that the two have been separated by several sessions! Moreover, Patriarch Bodhi told them, "No matter how you cause trouble, you are not allowed to say that you are my disciple." If you say half a word, I will know it, peel your skin and file your bones, reduce your soul to the nine dark places, and teach you not to turn over! ”

Who is the master of the Bull Demon King? It is estimated that like Sun Wukong, he is also a Bodhi Patriarch!

Therefore, although the Bull Demon King and Sun Wukong are brothers, they never dare to recognize each other, because neither of them dares to mention their mentorship.

The Bull Demon King calls himself the "Natural Powerful Bull Demon King", and Sun Wukong calls himself the "Natural Sage Sun Wukong", and they don't dare to say where they learned their skills, so they can only say as Sun Wukong said when he said goodbye to Bodhi Patriarch: "I never dare to mention the word Master, just say that it is my own family." ”