
I gave birth to three children at the age of 46, and my mother-in-law rewarded me with 200,000 yuan


Mornings in Cuizhu Village are always so quiet and filled with the warmth of home, and the sunlight shines evenly on the cobblestone paths of different sizes through the layers of bamboo leaves. Li Fanghua grew up in such a familiar place, and every time his footsteps fell, he seemed to be able to see the ancestors of the Wang family. As the eldest granddaughter of the Wang family, her words and deeds are related to the honor and face of the family.

"Fanghua, do you have any thoughts today?" Mom's voice came from the kitchen, and she was busy preparing everyone's breakfast.

"Hmm...," Li Fanghua looked up at the sun that had just risen, and then replied lightly, "I just feel a little unstable in my heart." ”

I gave birth to three children at the age of 46, and my mother-in-law rewarded me with 200,000 yuan

At this time, Zhao Haiyang, who walked in from the yard, gently hugged his wife, "No matter what happens, I will be by your side." His words were full of tenderness and firmness.

At dinner in the morning, the whole family sat around the old wooden table, and the father-in-law Zhao Dashan took a sip of tea and said, "I heard that you two plan to have another child?" It takes a lot of courage. ”

The mother-in-law looked at the two of them with a smile on her face, "Our children have grown up... It's time for another kid to make the house more lively! ”

I gave birth to three children at the age of 46, and my mother-in-law rewarded me with 200,000 yuan

After eating, the house became quiet, except for the birds chirping in the trees. Li Fanghua walked to the window and looked quietly into the distance, "To be honest, I'm really worried..."

"It's okay, dear", Zhao Haiyang gently held her hand and comforted, "I will always be by your side and support you every step of the way." ”

The following days seem to have been quite warm and peaceful, and in the eyes of outsiders, they should have lived a happy life. However, underneath this apparent calm, there is a huge amount of pressure and worry. For an older pregnant woman, it's not just the family's concerns, it's the invisible pressure of the entire community.

I gave birth to three children at the age of 46, and my mother-in-law rewarded me with 200,000 yuan

Every afternoon, Li Fanghua always likes to go out of town with the children at home, and it can help digest food, but in everyone's sneaky chat, Li Fanghua can always feel the embarrassment and pain that is difficult to express in words: "Hey, look at the eldest granddaughter of the Wang family, she has to give birth to a third child at the age of forty-six..."

Sometimes, my sister will also ask her some thought-provoking topics: "Hey, aren't you really afraid that your body won't be able to stand it when the time comes?" It's too late to regret it..."

And every time late at night comes, it may also be the most relaxed moment of Li Fanghua's whole day, because in that distant place, there is always someone who can provide her with a solid support, so that all her anxiety and confusion can be soothed—that tall figure has always been by her side, never changing.

I gave birth to three children at the age of 46, and my mother-in-law rewarded me with 200,000 yuan

As time passed, Li Fanghua's mood gradually changed from the initial nervousness to a firmer belief. The support of her family has become her strongest backing.

That morning, Zhao Haiyang rode a bicycle to take Li Fanghua to the town's hospital. "Don't worry, the doctor is the best we've ever had." He squeezed his wife's hand tightly as he spoke. The white walls of the hospital were a little cold, but his words were full of warmth.

After a series of pre-pregnancy tests, despite some hiccups in the process, it finally passed without a hitch. The doctor told them solemnly: "Fanghua's situation is a bit special, and you must pay more attention to rest during pregnancy." ”

I gave birth to three children at the age of 46, and my mother-in-law rewarded me with 200,000 yuan

Back at home, my mother-in-law was already busy with the baby who was about to be born, "I have prepared the crib and these cute little clothes." ”

In the face of the expectations and care of the elders in the family, Li Fanghua felt both warm and pressured in her heart. At dinner, Zhao Dashan said calmly: "We have to prepare sufficient education funds for this little guy." ”

However, at this time, in their big family, there are people who put forward a different point of view. One of the aunts mentioned: "If we have another child, will it be too financially stressful?" There was a clear concern in her words. This made Fanghua pause and think for a moment, and tried to discuss with the ocean: "What do you think about this?" Are you sure...? ”

I gave birth to three children at the age of 46, and my mother-in-law rewarded me with 200,000 yuan

The ocean hugged her affectionately and comforted, "Don't worry too much. I will be with your parents through this difficult time in your life. With the passage of time, the new hope and the blueprint for the future gradually became clear, and in the busy and peaceful life, the sky in Cuizhu Village also quietly changed.

The mother sighed deeply and told Fanghua worriedly: "Child, do you know? I heard your uncle say the other day that our family actually owed some foreign debts. ”

After hearing this, the father-in-law interjected solemnly: "Fanghua, no matter what happened in the past, now you are the daughter-in-law of the Zhao family." At this moment, the doorbell suddenly rang, breaking the quiet atmosphere in the family. Outside the door stood an old man who had never seen him before, greeting politely: "Hello, I am Uncle Li's old neighbor Lao Zhang." I heard that your family has a happy event recently......"

I gave birth to three children at the age of 46, and my mother-in-law rewarded me with 200,000 yuan

When everyone was confused, the phone rang again, this time from her mother's house.

"Fanghua...... ' 's uncle's voice came from the other end of the phone, "There is an urgent matter that needs to be discussed with you." ”

Looking at Fanghua's confused expression and the awkward atmosphere in the living room, Haiyang proposed, "Don't rush to answer the phone yet. Let's go out for a walk and relax. ”

I gave birth to three children at the age of 46, and my mother-in-law rewarded me with 200,000 yuan

As they strolled along the path filled with the scent of jasmine, Fanghua's mood began to slowly soothe: "O ocean...... Who is that old Zhang? ”

"To be honest, I'm not sure! But you have to know that the person who is called Lao Zhang in this world is not the only one in our family! Zhao Haiyang smiled and joked, hoping to ease the family atmosphere. But the family's situation did not improve, and when they returned home, those old memories began to plague the whole family again. The mother-in-law said with emotion: "Time flies so fast...... Why do you want to do so much? Life is inherently unpredictable, and who can predict the future. ”

In the midst of this chaos and insolvency, the atmosphere of the small family became heavier and heavier. Zhao Yunxin, a child, was mixed up in the arguments of adults, and he also felt a little confused. At this moment, the father-in-law was about to open his mouth to break the deadlock, when the phone rang suddenly, and it turned out to be a call from his mother-in-law: "Fanghua, are you listening?" We'll have to talk about that incident thirteen years ago! ”

I gave birth to three children at the age of 46, and my mother-in-law rewarded me with 200,000 yuan

After hanging up the phone, the emotions of the whole family were confused by this sudden news. An atmosphere of tension and doubt enveloped this small family, which was once full of laughter and laughter.

Li Fanghua stood by the quietly flowing river, and hesitated to say his worries: "What if...... What if I've been saddled with an unexplained debt all these years? ”

Hearing this, the husband took her hand tightly and replied firmly, "There is no such thing as an 'if,' my dear. No matter what difficulties we encounter, we will face them together. ”

I gave birth to three children at the age of 46, and my mother-in-law rewarded me with 200,000 yuan

While the couple was sitting by the river to discuss countermeasures, the surrounding neighbors also began to talk about it, and some ominous rumors about the early years of the Wang family were spread.

Under the double pressure of gossip outside and secrets within the family, Li Fanghua felt that she was about to run out of breath. However, the Zhao family surprised everyone and stood firmly behind her, providing her with the most solid support.

Father-in-law Zhao Dashan said calmly to the whole family: "Our Zhao family has always been united, no matter what the past of the Wang family is, Fanghua is now a member of our Zhao family." ”

I gave birth to three children at the age of 46, and my mother-in-law rewarded me with 200,000 yuan

At this time, the mother-in-law also gently held Li Fanghua's hand, and her eyes were full of love: "I still remember the time when you just married our son, I have really experienced a lot of ups and downs in the past two years, but fortunately I have you by our side." ”

Zhao Haiyang stood next to his wife, held her hand tightly, and comforted: "My dear, don't think so much, we can see everything you have paid for this family clearly." ”

Listening to the words of encouragement and concern from her family, Li Fanghua's mood finally relaxed a little. But when the phone rang again, her heart still couldn't help but tighten.

I gave birth to three children at the age of 46, and my mother-in-law rewarded me with 200,000 yuan

"Hey..."Uncle's voice came from the other end of the phone, "Fanghua... It's time to sort out the old things in our family. ”

After being silent for a while, Li Fanghua replied firmly: "Uncle, don't worry. No matter what difficulties I encounter, I will face them bravely. ”

After hanging up the phone, she took a deep breath, looked at the sunlight pouring in from the window, and said to her husband, "O ocean... No matter what happens in the future, shouldn't we cherish the life in front of us and live it well? ”

I gave birth to three children at the age of 46, and my mother-in-law rewarded me with 200,000 yuan

Zhao Haiyang nodded slightly, "That's right, no matter what, we are all family." ”

As time passed, the things about Mr. Wang in the town were gradually forgotten by the people, like a wave in the long river of time, and finally disappeared into the calm and deep sea.

Zhao Yunxin thrives in a loving family environment and lives happily every day. As he grew older, he began to go to school to learn knowledge, always with a happy smile on his face.

I gave birth to three children at the age of 46, and my mother-in-law rewarded me with 200,000 yuan

Although the days passed uneventfully, there was always a warm light waiting for someone to return home when night fell.

Sometimes, fate will always bring you some unexpected challenges and experiences, but as long as you are strong enough inside and have the company and support of your family, there is nothing you can't get over.

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